Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA): Building on the Foundations of Universal Elementary Education

Launched in 2009, the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) was a nationwide initiative focused on the universalization of secondary education in India. It aimed to build upon the success of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in elementary education, recognizing the crucial role of secondary schooling for skill development and empowerment of India’s growing youth population.

Objectives of RMSA

  • Expanding Access: Enhancing access to secondary education (Class 9-10) by ensuring a secondary school within 5 km and a higher secondary school within 7-8 km of every habitation.
  • Quality and Equity Focus: Improving the quality of secondary education, bridging gender and socioeconomic gaps, and ensuring inclusive education.
  • Skill Development: Integrating vocational training elements into secondary education to enhance employability.
  • Infrastructure Upgrade: Strengthening physical infrastructure in schools, including classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and ICT facilities.
  • Teacher Support: Emphasis on enhancing teacher competencies through continuous professional development and training initiatives.

Key Interventions Under RMSA

  • New Schools: Establishing new secondary and higher secondary schools, particularly in underserved areas.
  • Improving Existing Schools: Upgrading existing upper-primary schools into secondary schools.
  • Curriculum Reforms: Developing innovative and relevant curricula to address student needs and aspirations.
  • ICT Integration: Promoting the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in teaching and learning processes.
  • Special Programs for Girls and Marginalized Groups: Targeted interventions to support girls’ education, children with special needs, and other marginalized sections.

Achievements and Impact of RMSA

  • Increased Enrollment: RMSA led to a significant increase in Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in secondary education, reflecting greater access.
  • Enhanced Infrastructure: Schools across India benefitted from better classrooms, labs, libraries, and overall facilities with RMSA support.
  • Teacher Training Initiatives: RMSA contributed to continuous professional development opportunities for secondary school teachers.
  • Growing Vocationalization: Integration of skill-based learning into secondary education gained momentum under RMSA.

Challenges and Looking Ahead

  • Equity and Quality: Disparities in access and learning outcomes persist, especially for specific social groups and across different regions of India.
  • Sustained Focus on Teachers: Continuous professional development of teachers remains crucial to ensure quality education delivery.
  • Adapting to Changing Skill Needs: Aligning vocational education with fast-evolving labor market demands and emerging industries is a challenge.


  • How was RMSA funded? RMSA was a centrally sponsored scheme, with costs shared between the central and state governments.
  • When was RMSA integrated into Samagra Shiksha? RMSA, along with SSA, was merged into the integrated Samagra Shiksha Scheme in 2018.


The primary target group for RMSA was students in:

a) Pre-primary classes

b) Class 1-5

c) Class 6-8

d) Class 9-12

A key focus area of RMSA was:

a) Higher education expansion

b) Teacher training

c) Eradication of illiteracy

d) Construction of hostels