Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa (1836-1886) was an Indian mystic and religious leader who is considered one of the most important figures in the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. He was born in Kamarpukur, Bengal, into a poor family of Brahmin priests. From a young age, he was drawn to religious practice and often spent hours in meditation and prayer.

In his early twenties, Ramakrishna met a wandering monk named Totapuri, who initiated him into the Tantric tradition. Under Totapuri’s guidance, Ramakrishna developed his spiritual powers and became a renowned teacher and preacher. He attracted a large following of disciples, both Hindus and Muslims, who came to him for spiritual guidance.

Ramakrishna’s teachings were based on the principle of universal love and acceptance. He believed that all religions were paths to the same goal, and that the goal of all religion was to realize God. He also emphasized the importance of devotion and service to God.

Ramakrishna’s teachings had a profound impact on the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. He helped to popularize the idea of universal love and acceptance, and his emphasis on devotion and service to God inspired many people to live more spiritual lives.

Early Life

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was born on February 18, 1836, in Kamarpukur, a small village in Bengal, India. His parents were Khudiram Chattopadhyay and Chandramani Devi. Ramakrishna was the youngest of six children.

Ramakrishna’s father was a priest at the Kali temple in Kamarpukur. From a young age, Ramakrishna was drawn to the temple and to the worship of Kali. He would often spend hours in the temple, meditating and praying.

When Ramakrishna was six years old, his father died. This event had a profound impact on Ramakrishna. He became withdrawn and introspective. He began to question the meaning of life and the nature of God.

Spiritual Awakening

When Ramakrishna was 15 years old, he had a vision of the goddess Kali. In the vision, Kali told Ramakrishna that she was his mother and that she would guide him on his spiritual path.

This vision marked the beginning of Ramakrishna’s spiritual awakening. He began to devote himself to the worship of Kali and to the study of Hindu scriptures. He also began to practice meditation and yoga.

Tantric Initiation

In 1859, Ramakrishna met a wandering monk named Totapuri. Totapuri was a Tantric master, and he initiated Ramakrishna into the Tantric tradition. Under Totapuri’s guidance, Ramakrishna developed his spiritual powers and became a renowned teacher and preacher.


Ramakrishna’s teachings were based on the principle of universal love and acceptance. He believed that all religions were paths to the same goal, and that the goal of all religion was to realize God. He also emphasized the importance of devotion and service to God.

Ramakrishna’s teachings had a profound impact on the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. He helped to popularize the idea of universal love and acceptance, and his emphasis on devotion and service to God inspired many people to live more spiritual lives.


Ramakrishna died on August 16, 1886, at the age of 50. He was buried in the garden of his home in Dakshineswar.


Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is considered one of the most important figures in the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. His teachings have had a profound impact on Hinduism and on the lives of millions of people around the world.


Who was Ramakrishna Paramahamsa?

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was an Indian mystic and religious leader who is considered one of the most important figures in the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. He was born in Kamarpukur, Bengal, into a poor family of Brahmin priests. From a young age, he was drawn to religious practice and often spent hours in meditation and prayer.

What were Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s teachings?

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s teachings were based on the principle of universal love and acceptance. He believed that all religions were paths to the same goal, and that the goal of all religion was to realize God. He also emphasized the importance of devotion and service to God.

What was the impact of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s teachings?

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’s teachings had a profound impact on the Hindu revival movement of the 19th century. He helped to popularize the idea of universal love and acceptance, and his emphasis on devotion and service to God inspired many people to live more spiritual lives.

Who was a prominent spiritual figure in 19th-century India known for his teachings on Vedanta and spirituality?

Swami Vivekananda

Which Indian monk introduced Vedanta philosophy to the Western world at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1893?

Swami Vivekananda

What is the name of the organization founded by Swami Vivekananda to propagate Vedanta and the teachings of his guru?

Ramakrishna Mission

Where is the headquarters of the Ramakrishna Mission located?

Belur Math, West Bengal, India

Which book contains the teachings and philosophy of Swami Vivekananda?

“Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda”

What is the significance of the orange-colored attire worn by monks of the Ramakrishna Mission?

It symbolizes renunciation and the spirit of service.

What are the main principles of the Ramakrishna Mission?

Service to humanity as service to God, harmony of religions, and spiritual development through selfless work.

Who was the guru of Swami Vivekananda?

Sri Ramakrishna

What is the central message of Swami Vivekananda’s teachings?

The divinity of the soul and the importance of selfless service to humanity.

What is the significance of the lotus and the swan in Vedanta philosophy?

The lotus symbolizes spiritual unfoldment, and the swan symbolizes discrimination between the real and the unreal.


Who is known as the “Messenger of Indian Wisdom to the West”?

  • A) Swami Vivekananda
  • B) Swami Sivananda
  • C) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
  • D) Swami Chinmayananda

Correct Answer: A) Swami Vivekananda

Where did Swami Vivekananda deliver his famous speech at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1893?

  • A) New York
  • B) London
  • C) Chicago
  • D) Paris

Correct Answer: C) Chicago

Which organization did Swami Vivekananda establish to propagate Vedanta philosophy and the teachings of his guru?

  • A) Sivananda Ashram
  • B) Ramana Maharshi Foundation
  • C) Chinmaya Mission
  • D) Ramakrishna Mission

Correct Answer: D) Ramakrishna Mission

What is the color of the attire commonly worn by monks of the organization founded by Swami Vivekananda?

  • A) White
  • B) Yellow
  • C) Orange
  • D) Red

Correct Answer: C) Orange

Where is the headquarters of the organization founded by Swami Vivekananda located?

  • A) Varanasi
  • B) Rishikesh
  • C) Belur Math
  • D) Haridwar

Correct Answer: C) Belur Math

What is the primary focus of the teachings of Swami Vivekananda?

  • A) Material wealth
  • B) Political power
  • C) Spiritual realization
  • D) Academic excellence

Correct Answer: C) Spiritual realization

Which of the following principles is not emphasized by Swami Vivekananda’s teachings?

  • A) Selfless service
  • B) Harmony of religions
  • C) Renunciation of the world
  • D) Pursuit of material pleasures

Correct Answer: D) Pursuit of material pleasures
