Rajasthan Agriculture

Rajasthan agricultureRajasthan Agriculture

Agriculture and allied sector continues to be the backbone of the State’s economy and endures to be the large contributor of the GSDP. 75 per cent Population of the State resides in the rural areas and about 62 per cent depend on agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. Agriculture and allied sector activities primarily refers to Crops, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries and Forestry. There are a large number of Agro Based Industries which can provide vast EMPLOYMENT opportunities to people who would thus be in a position to produce wealth and contribute to the development of the State.


  • A significant portion of the economy of Rajasthan is agrarian. The agricultural sector of the state accounts for 22.5 per cent. The arid state which receives not more than an annual income of 25 cm thrives on agriculture that is done with Irrigation systems and painstaking efforts of the poor farmers of Rajasthan. As a major portion of the state is parched and infertile, agriculture becomes very difficult.


  • Rajasthan is the largest producer of barley, mustard, pearl millet, coriander, fenugreek and guar in India.Ramganj Mandi in Kota district is the Asia’s largest mandi or market of coriander. Rajasthan produces over 72% of guar of the world and 60% of India’s barley. Rajasthan is major producer of aloe vera, amla, oranges leading producer of maize, groundnut. Rajasthan is 2nd in production of cumin, gram and 3rd in seed spices. Rajasthan government had initiated olive cultivation with technical support from Israel.The current production of olives in the state is around 100-110 tonnes annually. Rajasthan is India’s second largest producer of milk. Rajasthan has 13800 Dairy co-operative societies.


  • The total cultivated area of the state encompasses about 20 million hectares and out of this only 20% of the land is irrigated. Ground water level is available only at a depth of 30 to 61m. Rajasthan farmers have to depend on different sources of irrigation that include tube wells, wells and tanks. The Punjab Rivers in the north, the Narmada River in the south and the Agra Canals from Haryana and Uttar Pradesh provide water to the dry land of Rajasthan. Northwestern Rajasthan is irrigated by the Indira Gandhi Canal.


  • Rajasthan has two principal crop seasons-
  1. Rabi
  2. Kharif


  • The Rabi Crops are winter crops and are sown in the months of October and November and are harvested in the months of March and April. The principal Rabi crops are Barley, Wheat, Gram, Pulses and Oil Seeds. The major oil seeds are Rape and Mustard.
  • The Kharif Crops are the crops that are grown in the summer season and are seeded in the months of June and July. These crops are harvested in the months of September and October and include Bajra, Pulses, Jowar, Maize and Ground Nuts.
  • The regions that are highly irrigated or receive abundant water supply are utilized for the cultivation of improved high-yielding varieties of rice.
  • Some places of Rajasthan that has black Soil nurture the Growth of major Cash Crops like Cotton. In some regions Tobacco is also grown.
  • Apart from this crops an assortment of fruits and vegetables are also grown in Rajasthan in the local gardens and some fertile regions. These fruits include Oranges, Guavas, Lemon, Pomegranates and Mangoes.
  • Rajasthan soil is also suited for the growth of some spice Plants, especially red, hot chilies. These chilies give Rajasthan its distinct flavor. Other spices are cumin seeds and methi.






Productivity (kg\ha) of Agricultural crops


Crops      1991-92      1997-98         2002-03         2007-08               2015-16 (Final)                                      to 2001-02      to 2006-07     to 2011-12

(Average)        (Average)       (Average)


Cereals       835            1189             1294                   1617                     1791

Pulses         324           472              407                   481                     515

Food grains 707           991              1058                1291                   1411

Oilseeds      762           866              1086                1144                   1140

Sugarcane 43871         46184          51707              61432                86511

Cotton         303            337             286                   428                    461

Gaurseed    131            221             277                   409                    464


Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet (GRAM)


Global Rajasthan Agritech Meet was successfully organized from 9th to11 November, 2016 at Jaipur Exhibition and Convention Centre (JECC), Sitapura, Jaipur. During the event, 38 MOUs worth `4,400 crore have been signed for an Investment in agriculture and allied sectors. Representatives of Netherlands, Iran, Kazakistan, Papuaanugini, Nigeria, Japan and other countries participated in the event besides the Israel participated as the partner country. Approximately 58,000 farmers participated in the event. During the event 5 conferences/ seminars were organized and 4 sessions at three places of Jajam Chaupal under the chairmanship and cochairmanship of central government/ State Government ministers and renowned persons of sector concerned were also organized. All the participants including farmers, businessmen, academicians, scientists, students, educationists, researchers, etc accepted the usefulness of the techniques shown in the exhibition about agriculture,smart farm, ANIMAL HUSBANDRY AND DAIRY sectors.




In order to provide better marketing facilities and adequate returns on farmers produce, the Directorate of Agriculture Marketing is functioning in the State to implement ‘Mandi Regulation and Management’ effectively.


Under ”Rajeev Gandhi Krishak Sathi Yojana” financial assistance for farmers /agricultural labourer and hamals have been increased from `1 lakh to `2 lakh in case of work side accidental death. `26.22 crore have been distributed to 1,938 farmers during the year 2016-17 upto December, 2016. “KisanKaleva Yojana” has been introduced for farmers to provide them quality food on subsidized rates in ‘Super’, ‘A’ and ‘B’ class krishi upaj mandi samities of the State. 19.16 lakh farmers and labourers have taken food in the market yards at subsidized rate from April to December, 2016. Oil testing labs have also been functioning in 21 selected krishi upaj mandi samities. During the year 2016-17, expenditure of `310.13 crore has been incurred on construction of mandi yards and roads etc., out of which `185.69 crore have been spent on construction of mandi yards, `124.44 crore on roads and its repairing upto December, 2016. Eight Agmark labs are being operated by the

Agriculture Marketing Department.,

Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, and Rajasthan is one of the most important agricultural states in the country. The state is home to a wide variety of crops, including wheat, rice, cotton, and sugarcane. Rajasthan is also a major producer of Livestock, including cattle, buffalo, and sheep.

Agriculture in Rajasthan is a challenging endeavor, due to the state’s arid Climate and poor soil quality. However, farmers in Rajasthan have developed a number of ingenious methods to overcome these challenges. For example, they have developed a system of underground water channels called “johads” to collect rainwater. They have also developed a system of Crop Rotation to prevent soil erosion.

The agriculture sector in Rajasthan is facing a number of challenges, including Climate Change, water scarcity, and pests and diseases. However, the state government is taking steps to address these challenges. For example, the government is providing subsidies to farmers to adopt new technologies and practices. The government is also working to improve the irrigation system and to develop new markets for agricultural products.

Despite the challenges, agriculture remains a vital part of the Rajasthan economy. The sector employs over 50% of the state’s workforce and contributes over 20% to the state’s GDP. Agriculture is also a major source of food for the state’s population.

The following are some of the most important crops grown in Rajasthan:

  • Wheat: Wheat is the most important cereal crop in Rajasthan. It is grown in the northern and eastern parts of the state. The average annual production of wheat in Rajasthan is about 10 million tonnes.
  • Rice: Rice is the second most important cereal crop in Rajasthan. It is grown in the southern and eastern parts of the state. The average annual production of rice in Rajasthan is about 6 million tonnes.
  • Cotton: Cotton is the most important cash crop in Rajasthan. It is grown in the northwestern parts of the state. The average annual production of cotton in Rajasthan is about 3 million tonnes.
  • Sugarcane: Sugarcane is an important cash crop in Rajasthan. It is grown in the northwestern parts of the state. The average annual production of sugarcane in Rajasthan is about 2 million tonnes.

The following are some of the most important livestock raised in Rajasthan:

  • Cattle: Cattle are the most important livestock raised in Rajasthan. They are used for milk, meat, and draught power. The average annual number of cattle in Rajasthan is about 20 million.
  • Buffalo: Buffalo are the second most important livestock raised in Rajasthan. They are used for milk, meat, and draught power. The average annual number of buffalo in Rajasthan is about 10 million.
  • Sheep: Sheep are an important livestock raised in Rajasthan. They are used for wool, meat, and milk. The average annual number of sheep in Rajasthan is about 10 million.
  • Goats: Goats are an important livestock raised in Rajasthan. They are used for meat, milk, and hides. The average annual number of goats in Rajasthan is about 5 million.

The following are some of the most important challenges facing agriculture in Rajasthan:

  • Climate change: Climate change is a major threat to agriculture in Rajasthan. The state is already experiencing more frequent and severe droughts. Climate change is also expected to lead to an increase in the frequency and severity of floods.
  • Water scarcity: Water scarcity is another major challenge facing agriculture in Rajasthan. The state has a very low per capita water availability. This is due to the state’s arid climate and poor soil quality.
  • Pests and diseases: Pests and diseases are a major threat to crops in Rajasthan. The state is home to a number of pests and diseases that can devastate crops.

The following are some of the steps that the Rajasthan government is taking to address the challenges facing agriculture in the state:

  • Providing subsidies to farmers to adopt new technologies and practices: The Rajasthan government is providing subsidies to farmers to adopt new technologies and practices. This includes subsidies for the use of Drip Irrigation, solar pumps, and high-yielding varieties of seeds.
  • Improving the irrigation system: The Rajasthan government is working to improve the irrigation system in the state. This includes the construction of new Dams and canals.
  • Developing new markets for agricultural products: The Rajasthan government is working to develop new markets for agricultural products. This includes promoting exports and developing value-added products.

What is agriculture?

Agriculture is the practice of cultivating plants and livestock. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities. The history of agriculture began thousands of years ago. After gathering wild grains beginning at least 105,000 years ago, nascent farmers began to plant them around 11,500 years ago. Pigs, sheep and cattle were domesticated over 10,000 years ago. Plants were independently cultivated in at least 11 regions of the world.

What are the different types of agriculture?

There are many different types of agriculture, but some of the most common include:

  • Subsistence agriculture: This type of agriculture is used to produce enough food to feed the farmer and their family. It is often practiced in developing countries where there is little access to markets or other sources of food.
  • Commercial agriculture: This type of agriculture is used to produce crops or livestock for sale. It is often practiced in developed countries where there is a large market for agricultural products.
  • Organic agriculture: This type of agriculture uses natural methods to grow crops and raise livestock. It does not use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or Fertilizers.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: This type of agriculture is designed to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It uses practices that protect the Environment and conserve Resources.

What are the benefits of agriculture?

Agriculture provides many benefits, including:

  • Food: Agriculture is the primary source of food for humans and animals.
  • Fiber: Agriculture provides fibers for clothing, paper, and other products.
  • Fuel: Agriculture provides biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel.
  • Jobs: Agriculture employs millions of people around the world.
  • Economic Development: Agriculture is a major driver of economic development in many countries.
  • Environmental protection: Agriculture can be used to protect the environment by restoring degraded land and conserving water.

What are the challenges of agriculture?

Agriculture faces many challenges, including:

  • Climate change: Climate change is causing extreme weather events, such as droughts and floods, which can damage crops and livestock.
  • Pests and diseases: Pests and diseases can damage crops and livestock, reducing yields and increasing costs.
  • Water scarcity: Water scarcity is a major challenge for agriculture in many parts of the world.
  • Soil degradation: Soil degradation is a major problem in many parts of the world, reducing crop yields.
  • Overpopulation: Overpopulation is putting a strain on the world’s food supply.
  • POVERTY: Poverty is a major challenge for agriculture in many parts of the world, making it difficult for farmers to invest in new technologies and practices.

What are the future trends in agriculture?

The future of agriculture is uncertain, but some of the trends that are likely to shape it include:

  • Climate change: Climate change is already having a significant impact on agriculture, and its effects are likely to become more severe in the future. Farmers will need to adapt to these changes by adopting new technologies and practices.
  • Population Growth: The world’s population is expected to grow to over 9 billion by 2050, putting a strain on the world’s food supply. Farmers will need to produce more food using less land and water.
  • Technology: New technologies, such as precision agriculture and vertical farming, are likely to revolutionize agriculture in the future. These technologies will help farmers to produce more food with less resources.
  • Consumer demand: Consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable and ethical food. Farmers will need to meet these demands by adopting sustainable practices and ensuring that their products are traceable.
  1. Which of the following is not a major crop grown in Rajasthan?
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Cotton
    (D) Tea

  2. The main source of irrigation in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Canals
    (B) Wells
    (C) Tanks
    (D) Tube wells

  3. The main livestock reared in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Sheep
    (B) Goats
    (C) Cattle
    (D) Buffaloes

  4. The main mineral found in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Coal
    (B) Iron Ore
    (C) Manganese
    (D) Gypsum

  5. The main language spoken in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Rajasthani
    (C) Punjabi
    (D) Gujarati

  6. The capital of Rajasthan is:
    (A) Jaipur
    (B) Jodhpur
    (C) Udaipur
    (D) Bikaner

  7. The highest mountain in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Mount Abu
    (B) Sirohi
    (C) Aravalli
    (D) Nagaur

  8. The largest lake in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Sambhar Lake
    (B) Pichola Lake
    (C) Fateh Sagar Lake
    (D) Jaisamand Lake

  9. The main river in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Chambal
    (B) Banas
    (C) Luni
    (D) Sutlej

  10. The main festival in Rajasthan is:
    (A) Teej
    (B) Holi
    (C) Diwali
    (D) Raksha Bandhan