Question Hour

Question Hour is a daily session in the Indian Parliament where members of the Lok Sabha (the lower house) can ask questions to the ministers of the government. It is an opportunity for members to hold the government accountable and to get information about the government’s policies and programs.

Question Hour is held every day except Fridays and during recesses. It starts at 11:00 am and lasts for about two hours. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over Question Hour.

Members of the Lok Sabha can ask questions on any subject related to the government’s work. Questions can be asked on policy matters, on the implementation of government programs, or on the conduct of ministers.

Questions are asked in writing and are submitted to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The Speaker then allots the questions to ministers for reply. Ministers have to reply to the questions within a specified time period.

Members of the Lok Sabha can also ask supplementary questions to the ministers’ replies. Supplementary questions are questions that seek further clarification on the minister’s reply.

Question Hour is an important part of the parliamentary process. It is an opportunity for members of the Lok Sabha to hold the government accountable and to get information about the government’s policies and programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Question Hour?
    Question Hour is a daily session in the Indian Parliament where members of the Lok Sabha (the lower house) can ask questions to the ministers of the government. It is an opportunity for members to hold the government accountable and to get information about the government’s policies and programs.

  2. When is Question Hour held?
    Question Hour is held every day except Fridays and during recesses. It starts at 11:00 am and lasts for about two hours. The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over Question Hour.

  3. Who can ask questions in Question Hour?
    Members of the Lok Sabha can ask questions on any subject related to the government’s work. Questions can be asked on policy matters, on the implementation of government programs, or on the conduct of ministers.

  4. How are questions asked in Question Hour?
    Questions are asked in writing and are submitted to the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The Speaker then allots the questions to ministers for reply. Ministers have to reply to the questions within a specified time period.

  5. Can members of the Lok Sabha ask supplementary questions?
    Yes, members of the Lok Sabha can ask supplementary questions to the ministers’ replies. Supplementary questions are questions that seek further clarification on the minister’s reply.


  1. Question Hour is held in which house of the Indian Parliament?
    (a) The Lok Sabha
    (b) The Rajya Sabha
    (c) Both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha
    (d) None of the above

  2. When is Question Hour held?
    (a) Every day except Fridays and during recesses
    (b) Every day except Saturdays and during recesses
    (c) Every day except Sundays and during recesses
    (d) Every day except Mondays and during recesses

  3. Who can ask questions in Question Hour?
    (a) Members of the Lok Sabha
    (b) Members of the Rajya Sabha
    (c) Members of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha
    (d) None of the above

  4. How are questions asked in Question Hour?
    (a) In writing
    (b) Verbally
    (c) Either in writing or verbally
    (d) None of the above

  5. Can members of the Lok Sabha ask supplementary questions?
    (a) Yes
    (b) No
    (c) Sometimes
    (d) Never


Question Hour is an important part of the parliamentary process. It is an opportunity for members of the Lok Sabha to hold the government accountable and to get information about the government’s policies and programs.
