Qadariya Silsilah

The Qadariya Silsilah is one of the oldest and most influential Sufi orders in the world. It was founded in the 12th century by Abdul-Wahhab al-Sha’rani, a Persian mystic and scholar. The Qadariya Silsilah is based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, and its followers believe in the importance of following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

The Qadariya Silsilah is known for its emphasis on spiritual discipline and its focus on the development of inner peace and tranquility. Its followers believe that by following the teachings of the order, they can achieve a state of union with God.

The Qadariya Silsilah has a long and rich history, and its members have played an important role in the development of Islamic thought and culture. The order has spread to many parts of the world, and it continues to attract new followers today.

History of the Qadariya Silsilah

The Qadariya Silsilah was founded in the 12th century by Abdul-Wahhab al-Sha’rani, a Persian mystic and scholar. Al-Sha’rani was born in 1193 in the city of Shiraz, Iran. He studied Islamic law and theology at the prestigious Nizamiyya Madrasa in Baghdad. After completing his studies, al-Sha’rani traveled extensively throughout the Islamic world, visiting Mecca, Medina, and other holy sites.

In 1226, al-Sha’rani returned to Shiraz and founded the Qadariya Silsilah. The order quickly gained popularity, and al-Sha’rani became one of the most respected Sufi masters of his time. He died in 1286 at the age of 93.

Teachings of the Qadariya Silsilah

The Qadariya Silsilah is based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. Its followers believe in the importance of following the example of the Prophet Muhammad. They also believe in the importance of spiritual discipline and the development of inner peace and tranquility.

The Qadariya Silsilah has a number of practices that its followers are expected to follow. These include daily prayers, fasting, recitation of the Quran, and meditation. The order also has a number of rituals that are performed on special occasions, such as the Mawlid, the celebration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday.

Spread of the Qadariya Silsilah

The Qadariya Silsilah has spread to many parts of the world. It is particularly strong in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and North Africa. The order has also established a presence in Europe and the United States.

Impact of the Qadariya Silsilah

The Qadariya Silsilah has had a significant impact on the development of Islamic thought and culture. Its members have played an important role in the spread of Islam and the development of Sufi thought. The order has also been involved in a number of social and educational projects.


What is the Qadariya Silsilah?

The Qadariya Silsilah is one of the oldest and most influential Sufi orders in the world. It was founded in the 12th century by Abdul-Wahhab al-Sha’rani, a Persian mystic and scholar. The Qadariya Silsilah is based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah, and its followers believe in the importance of following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.

What are the teachings of the Qadariya Silsilah?

The Qadariya Silsilah is based on the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. Its followers believe in the importance of following the example of the Prophet Muhammad. They also believe in the importance of spiritual discipline and the development of inner peace and tranquility.

How did the Qadariya Silsilah spread?

The Qadariya Silsilah has spread to many parts of the world. It is particularly strong in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and North Africa. The order has also established a presence in Europe and the United States.

What has been the impact of the Qadariya Silsilah?

The Qadariya Silsilah has had a significant impact on the development of Islamic thought and culture.

What is the significance of the Qadariya tradition in Islamic history?

The Qadariya tradition holds importance in Islamic theology and jurisprudence, particularly in its discussions around free will and divine predestination.

Who were some prominent scholars associated with the Qadariya tradition?

Scholars such as Hasan al-Basri and Ma’bad al-Juhani were influential figures in the development and propagation of Qadariya ideas.

Can you explain the core beliefs of the Qadariya tradition?

The Qadariya tradition asserts the existence of human free will and rejects the notion of predestination, emphasizing individual accountability and moral responsibility.

How does the Qadariya tradition reconcile the concept of divine decree with human agency?

The Qadariya tradition suggests that while God has knowledge of all events, humans possess free will and make choices that lead to their actions, for which they are accountable.

Are there any theological debates surrounding the Qadariya tradition?

Yes, theological debates within Islam have often centered on the concepts of divine predestination versus human free will, with the Qadariya tradition representing one perspective on this issue.

What role did the Qadariya tradition play in early Islamic jurisprudence?

The Qadariya tradition contributed to discussions on legal theory and ethical conduct, particularly regarding the consequences of human actions and the role of intention in moral responsibility.

How does the Qadariya tradition view the concept of “tawakkul” (reliance on God)?

The Qadariya tradition encourages believers to have trust in God while also recognizing their agency and responsibility in making choices and taking actions.

Are there any contemporary interpretations or applications of Qadariya principles?

Yes, contemporary scholars continue to engage with Qadariya ideas, exploring their relevance to modern issues such as ethics, psychology, and political philosophy.

What historical events or figures are associated with the spread of Qadariya teachings?

The Qadariya tradition gained prominence during the early Islamic period, with scholars like Hasan al-Basri playing a significant role in disseminating its ideas across the Muslim world.

How does the Qadariya tradition contribute to discussions on human agency and moral accountability within Islam?

The Qadariya tradition provides a framework for understanding the complex interplay between divine decree and human choice, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and ethical behavior in Islamic thought.


Who among the following scholars emphasized human free will and moral responsibility in Islamic theology?

  • a) Ibn Taymiyyah
  • b) Al-Ghazali
  • c) Hasan al-Basri
  • d) Ibn Arabi

Which Islamic tradition advocates for the belief in human agency alongside divine decree?

  • a) Ash’ariyya
  • b) Hanbali
  • c) Maliki
  • d) [Correct answer not provided]

Who is known for his debates with the Qadariya over the issue of free will and predestination?

  • a) Imam Shafi’i
  • b) Imam Malik
  • c) Imam Abu Hanifa
  • d) Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

The concept of “tawakkul” in Islam emphasizes:

  • a) Absolute submission to God’s will
  • b) Relying solely on human efforts
  • c) Trusting in God while taking action
  • d) Ignoring divine decree

Which term refers to the Islamic belief in divine destiny and decree?

  • a) Tawhid
  • b) Tawakkul
  • c) Qadar
  • d) Fitrah

Hasan al-Basri was known for his contributions to:

  • a) Fiqh (Jurisprudence)
  • b) Tasawwuf (Sufism)
  • c) Aqeedah (Theology)
  • d) All of the above

The Qadariya tradition emphasizes the importance of:

  • a) Divine predestination
  • b) Human free will
  • c) Asceticism
  • d) Mystical experiences

Ma’bad al-Juhani was associated with which theological school of thought?

  • a) Hanafi
  • b) Maliki
  • c) Shafi’i
  • d) Qadariya

The Qadariya tradition emerged during which period of Islamic history?

  • a) Rashidun Caliphate
  • b) Umayyad Caliphate
  • c) Abbasid Caliphate
  • d) Ottoman Empire

The debates between the Qadariya and other theological schools primarily revolved around:

  • a) Ritual practices
  • b) Ethical conduct
  • c) Concepts of divine decree and human free will
  • d) Political authority