

The Hindu scriptures declare four goals in human life and they are called the purushartha. The term purushartha not only denotes what the objectives of life should be but it also means what the objectives of life are as the result of the psychological tendencies of the individual. The purushartha consists of dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha in the same order.

Dharma is the stability of the Society, the maintenance of social order, and the general welfare of mankind. And whatever conduces to the fulfilment of this purpose is called ‘dharma’. There is diversity in meaning of religion of ancient times and of modern times. In the Rigveda Dharma is the name of moral laws and approved way of behavior. Religion means good traits in man and required better norms for the society. E.g. Rajadharma,Prajadharma, Kuldharma, varnadharma, Patnidharma, Ashramadharma,etc. in other words, the matters which are necessary for the development of society is called religion.

Artha is the acquisition of wealth, is regarded as the primary purpose of life, as without it, human existence is impossible. One has to live before one can live well. Artha is the foundation upon which the whole structure of life has been built and all the other purushrtha-s can be achieved only by the fulfilment of this primary purpose in life. The acquisition of wealth is through dharmic actions and wealth needs to be used in the preservation of dharma. Aretha and kama both are material needs of men. According to Kautilya,Aretha means the means of subsistence. The land where people are living is the „Aretha‟. The efforts of the man to fulfill his fundamental needs i.e. production, distribution,and exchange of goods to secure physical and mental pleasure.

Kama means desires, desires of varying degrees. It is from dharma that artha and kama result. Man recognises here that artha and kama satisfy the psychological tendencies of man and they form essentially the two fundamental aspirations of every individual. The desire is fulfilled within the norms and homework of society. Aretha fulfills sexual desire and Dharma is govern and control the aim of Kama. Because of Dharma even a disable of feeble person can fulfill his desire ungoverned,uncontrolled way of sexual intercourse is anti-social,harmful and condemned by Hindu religion. The sexual desire must be fulfilled for obtaining the Moksha and it should by fulfilled according to religion norms.

Moksha means free from;it is freedom from worries. There are certain way to Moksha,they are-Gyan,Yoga/”>Yoga,karma Yoga ,Bhakti Yoga and Raj Yoga etc. means Dharma,Aretha, Kama and Moksha. The Moksha is known as Nirwan,Brahamanirwan, Jiwanmukti,Kaiwalyla,etc. Moksha means abolishment of ignorance and to search out the causes of worries. According to Bhagwad Gita the person whose soul is free from worries only can get the Moksha.

Moksha is the ultimate freedom from birth and death or the deliverance of the soul from bondage. From the advaitic point of view, moksha results from the extinction of false knowledge (ignorance). The self-knowledge is the aim and end of man’s misery and bondage.,

Purusharth is a Sanskrit word that means “human effort” or “striving”. It is often used in the context of spiritual or religious development, and refers to the effort that one makes to achieve a higher state of being.

In Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, Purusharth is one of the four goals of life, along with dharma (righteousness), artha (wealth), and kama (pleasure). It is considered to be the highest goal of life, and is the goal that all other goals are ultimately meant to serve.

There are four main paths to Purusharth in Hinduism: karma yoga (the path of action), jnana yoga (the path of knowledge), bhakti yoga (the path of devotion), and raja yoga (the path of meditation).

Karma yoga is the path of action, and involves performing one’s duties without attachment to the results. Jnana yoga is the path of knowledge, and involves seeking to understand the true nature of reality. Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion, and involves loving and serving God with all one’s heart. Raja yoga is the path of meditation, and involves controlling the mind and achieving a state of union with God.

In Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism, Purusharth is one of the three trainings, along with sila (morality) and samadhi (concentration). It is considered to be the most important training, and is the foundation for the other two trainings.

There are three main paths to Purusharth in Buddhism: the path of the shravaka, the path of the pratyekabuddha, and the path of the bodhisattva.

The path of the shravaka is the path of the disciple, and involves following the teachings of the Buddha and seeking to achieve enlightenment for oneself. The path of the pratyekabuddha is the path of the solitary realizer, and involves following one’s own insights and seeking to achieve enlightenment without the help of a teacher. The path of the bodhisattva is the path of the compassionate one, and involves following the teachings of the Buddha and seeking to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

In Jainism, Purusharth is one of the five yamas, along with ahimsa (non-violence), satya (truthfulness), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacarya (celibacy), and aparigraha (non-attachment). It is considered to be the most important yama, and is the foundation for the other four yamas.

There are three main paths to Purusharth in Jainism: the path of the shravaka, the path of the kevalin, and the path of the tirthankara.

The path of the shravaka is the path of the disciple, and involves following the teachings of the Jina and seeking to achieve liberation from the cycle of rebirth. The path of the kevalin is the path of the liberated one, and involves achieving liberation from the cycle of rebirth and becoming a perfect being. The path of the tirthankara is the path of the savior, and involves achieving liberation from the cycle of rebirth and becoming a teacher who can help others achieve liberation.

In Sikhism, Purusharth is one of the three pillars of Sikhism, along with nam japna (repeating the name of God) and kirat karna (earning an honest living). It is considered to be the most important pillar, and is the foundation for the other two pillars.

There are three main paths to Purusharth in Sikhism: the path of the gurmukh, the path of the manmukh, and the path of the sahajdhari.

The path of the gurmukh is the path of the one who is guided by the Guru, and involves following the teachings of the Guru and seeking to achieve union with God. The path of the manmukh is the path of the one who is guided by the mind, and involves following one’s own desires and seeking to achieve happiness in the world. The path of the sahajdhari is the path of the one who is balanced, and involves following the teachings of the Guru and living in the world without attachment to the world.

In Christianity, Purusharth is often translated as “virtue” or “goodness”. It is considered to be one of the fruits of the Spirit, along with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

In Islam, Purusharth is often translated as “ihsan” or “excellence”. It is considered to be the highest level of faith, and involves performing all of one’s duties to the best of one’s ability and with the intention of pleasing God.

In Judaism, Purusharth is often translated as “tzedaka” or “righteousness”. It is considered to be one of the most important mitzvot (command

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the following topics:

  • What is the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is a question that has been asked by philosophers and theologians for centuries. There is no one answer that will satisfy everyone, but some possible answers include: to find happiness, to make a difference in the world, to learn and grow, to connect with others, and to experience the beauty of the world.

  • What is the purpose of life?

The purpose of life is another question that has been pondered by many people. Some believe that the purpose of life is to find happiness, while others believe that it is to make a difference in the world. Still others believe that the purpose of life is to learn and grow, to connect with others, or to experience the beauty of the world.

  • What is the difference between happiness and fulfillment?

Happiness is a feeling of joy or contentment, while fulfillment is a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment. Happiness is often fleeting, while fulfillment can be more lasting. Happiness can be derived from external sources, such as material possessions or relationships, while fulfillment is often derived from internal sources, such as personal Growth or achievement.

  • What is the best way to live a happy life?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to live a happy life will vary from person to person. However, some general tips for living a happy life include: focusing on the positive, spending time with loved ones, pursuing your passions, and helping others.

  • What is the best way to find your purpose in life?

Your purpose in life is your reason for being. It is what gives your life meaning and direction. There is no one right way to find your purpose in life, but some possible ways include: reflecting on your values and beliefs, exploring your interests and passions, and trying new things.

  • What is the best way to make a difference in the world?

There are many ways to make a difference in the world. You can volunteer your time, donate to charity, or simply be kind to others. Every little bit counts, so don’t be afraid to start small.

  • What is the best way to learn and grow?

The best way to learn and grow is to be open to new experiences. Try new things, meet new people, and read books and articles that challenge your thinking. You can also learn and grow by reflecting on your experiences and taking the time to think about what you have learned.

  • What is the best way to connect with others?

The best way to connect with others is to be open and honest with them. Share your thoughts and feelings, and listen to what they have to say. You can also connect with others by doing things together, such as volunteering, participating in group activities, or simply spending time together.

  • What is the best way to experience the beauty of the world?

The best way to experience the beauty of the world is to open your eyes and your heart. Take the time to appreciate the natural world, the people around you, and the simple things in life. You can also experience the beauty of the world through art, music, and literature.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of MCQ?
    (A) Multiple choice
    (B) True/false
    (C) Fill in the blank
    (D) Matching

  2. In a multiple choice question, there are usually:
    (A) One correct answer
    (B) Two correct answers
    (C) Three correct answers
    (D) Four or more correct answers

  3. In a true/false question, the answer is either:
    (A) True
    (B) False
    (C) Both true and false
    (D) Neither true nor false

  4. In a fill in the blank question, the answer is a:
    (A) Word
    (B) Phrase
    (C) Sentence
    (D) Paragraph

  5. In a matching question, you are asked to match:
    (A) Two lists of items
    (B) A list of items with a list of descriptions
    (C) A list of items with a list of pictures
    (D) A list of items with a list of definitions

  6. Which of the following is not a good way to write a multiple choice question?
    (A) Make sure that there is only one correct answer.
    (B) Make sure that the incorrect answers are plausible.
    (C) Make sure that the question is clear and concise.
    (D) Make sure that the question is relevant to the topic.

  7. Which of the following is not a good way to write a true/false question?
    (A) Make sure that the question is clear and concise.
    (B) Make sure that the question is relevant to the topic.
    (C) Make sure that the question is not too easy or too difficult.
    (D) Make sure that the question is not too subjective.

  8. Which of the following is not a good way to write a fill in the blank question?
    (A) Make sure that the blank is not too short or too long.
    (B) Make sure that the answer is not too obvious.
    (C) Make sure that the answer is not too difficult to guess.
    (D) Make sure that the answer is relevant to the topic.

  9. Which of the following is not a good way to write a matching question?
    (A) Make sure that the two lists of items are of equal length.
    (B) Make sure that the items in the two lists are related.
    (C) Make sure that the items in the two lists are not too similar.
    (D) Make sure that the items in the two lists are not too different.

  10. Which of the following is not a good way to write a test?
    (A) Make sure that the questions are relevant to the topic.
    (B) Make sure that the questions are clear and concise.
    (C) Make sure that the questions are of varying difficulty.
    (D) Make sure that the questions are not too easy or too difficult.