Public Accounts Committee

Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is a standing committee of the Parliament of India that examines the accounts of the Union Government and its subordinate offices. The PAC is constituted every year by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The PAC consists of 22 members, 15 from the Lok Sabha and 7 from the Rajya Sabha. The PAC is chaired by a member of the Lok Sabha.

The PAC is responsible for examining the appropriation accounts of the Union Government and its subordinate offices. The PAC also examines the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on the accounts of the Union Government. The PAC is empowered to call for evidence from any person and to inspect any document or record.

The PAC submits its report to the Parliament every year. The report of the PAC is considered by the Parliament and action is taken on the recommendations of the PAC.

The PAC plays an important role in ensuring accountability of the government to the Parliament. The PAC also helps in improving the financial management of the government.

Functions of the Public Accounts Committee

The functions of the Public Accounts Committee are as follows:

  • To examine the appropriation accounts of the Union Government and its subordinate offices.
  • To examine the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on the accounts of the Union Government.
  • To call for evidence from any person and to inspect any document or record.
  • To report to the Parliament on the results of its examination.
  • To make recommendations to the government for improving the financial management of the government.

Composition of the Public Accounts Committee

The Public Accounts Committee consists of 22 members, 15 from the Lok Sabha and 7 from the Rajya Sabha. The PAC is chaired by a member of the Lok Sabha.

The members of the PAC are nominated by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha. The Speaker nominates members from the various political parties in proportion to their strength in the Parliament.

The PAC also has a quorum of 11 members. The quorum is required for the PAC to transact any business.

Procedure of the Public Accounts Committee

The PAC meets at least once a month. The meetings of the PAC are presided over by the Chairman of the PAC.

The PAC invites the Finance Minister, the Minister of State for Finance, the Secretary of the Department of Expenditure, the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, and other officials to appear before the PAC and answer questions on the accounts of the Union Government.

The PAC also invites experts and other stakeholders to appear before the PAC and give their views on the accounts of the Union Government.

The PAC prepares a report on the results of its examination of the accounts of the Union Government. The report of the PAC is submitted to the Parliament.

The Parliament considers the report of the PAC and takes action on the recommendations of the PAC.

Role of the Public Accounts Committee in ensuring accountability of the government

The Public Accounts Committee plays an important role in ensuring accountability of the government to the Parliament. The PAC examines the accounts of the Union Government and its subordinate offices to ensure that the government has spent the public money in a proper and efficient manner.

The PAC also examines the reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on the accounts of the Union Government. The CAG is an independent auditor who audits the accounts of the government. The CAG reports to the Parliament on any irregularities or lapses in the financial management of the government.

The PAC takes action on the recommendations of the CAG. The PAC can recommend to the government to take action against the erring officials. The PAC can also recommend to the government to recover the public money that has been misappropriated.

The PAC also has the power to summon any person to appear before it and to produce any document or record. This power helps the PAC to get to the bottom of any financial irregularity or lapse.

The PAC plays an important role in ensuring that the government is accountable to the Parliament for its financial management. The PAC helps to improve the financial management of the government and to prevent financial irregularities.


The Public Accounts Committee is an important committee of the Parliament of India. The PAC plays an important role in ensuring accountability of the government to the Parliament. The PAC also helps in improving the financial management of the government.
