Principles of organization: Hierarchy, Span of control and unity of command

<<2/”>a >em>Hierarchy

The literal meaning of hierarchy is the rule of control of the higher over the lower. Hierarchy means a graded organisation of several successive levels in which one of the lower level is immediately subordinate to the next higher one and through it to the other higher steps right up to the top. The shape of the administrative structure is that of a pyramid Mooney and Reily call it the scalar process They say ―a scale means a series of steps something graded. In organisation it means the grading of duties not according to different functions, but according to degrees of authority and corresponding responsibility.

The basic features of the hierarchical structure are:

a. A person will have only one immediate superior from whom he will receive orders.

b. A person will not receive orders from lower status.

c. No intermediate level shall be skipped over in the dealing of the people at the top with those lower level or vice versa.

d. A person who is given responsibility for a task will have authority commensurate with this responsibility.

From the above features it is clear that in the scalar system authority command and control descend from the top to the bottom step by step. The secretary of department will deal with the joint secretary who in turn shall deal with the deputy secretary who further shall deal with the under secretary. The under secretary shall further deal with the section officer who in turn deal with assistants, clerks etc. Similarly, the upward Communication shall also be exactly the same when a section officer deals with higher officers.

The two basic principles of unity of command and span of control are centrally indispensable to the study of organizational theory and practice in particular, and in general terms, to successful, efficient and smooth Public Administration practice in both developed and developing societies.

Span of Control

The principle of span of control means the number of subordinates or the units of work that an officer can personally direct, control, and supervise. It is also known as „span of supervision? or „span of management according to Dimock and Dimock, The span of control is the number and range of direct, habitual communication contacts between the chief executive of an enterprise and his principal fellow officers.span of control is meant that one of the earlier principles of administration which states that there is an upper limit to the number of subordinates any administrator can directly supervise, generally set at 12, and advises administrators to eliminate any violations of this principle by reducing the number of officials reporting to them by either emerging certain offices or stretching out the scalar chain
There is a close relationship between hierarchy and span of control. That is, the number of levels in a hierarchical (scalar) organisation depends upon the span of control of a superior officer. Narrow (smaller) span of control increases the number of levels in the organisation and thereby creates tall structure. On the other hand, wide (larger) span of control decreases their number and thereby results in a flat structure.

The principle of span of control in public administration is related to the concept of span of attention described in psychology by V Graicunus, the French management consultant. This concept says that there is a limit to the number of things one can attend to at the same time. In other words, the span of attention of a human being is limited as there are limits to the range of human capacity and attention. Thus, it follows that there is a limit to the span of control which is nothing but the span of attention applied to the job of supervision of subordinates by the superior.

Unity of command

Unity of command means that an employee should receive orders from one superior only. In other words, it means that no employee should be subjected to the order of more than one superior. Thus, it stands for single boss for each person or monocommand.

Unity of command means organizational principle that each person within the line of authority should be responsible to only other person. An employee who is responsible to various persons in authority will presumably be confused, ineffective and irresponsible, while an employee receiving commands from one supervisor is presumably methodical, efficient and responsible.,


A hierarchy is a system in which people or things are ranked one above the other. In a business, the hierarchy is usually based on job title or position. The people at the top of the hierarchy have the most power and authority, while the people at the bottom have the least.

Span of control

The span of control is the number of people that a manager can effectively supervise. The ideal span of control varies depending on the type of work being done and the experience of the manager. A narrow span of control means that each manager has a small number of employees, while a wide span of control means that each manager has a large number of employees.

Unity of command

The principle of unity of command states that each employee should have only one boss. This helps to avoid confusion and conflict, and ensures that employees know who to go to for instructions.

Division of labor

The division of labor is the process of breaking down a job into smaller tasks that can be performed by different people. This allows for specialization and efficiency, as each person can focus on a specific task.


Departmentalization is the process of grouping jobs together into departments. This can be done based on function, product, customer, or geography. Departmentalization helps to organize the work of the organization and to coordinate the activities of different departments.


Coordination is the process of ensuring that the different parts of an organization work together effectively. This involves communication, planning, and DECISION MAKING. Coordination is essential for the success of any organization.

Centralization and Decentralization

Centralization is the concentration of decision-making power at the top of an organization. Decentralization is the delegation of decision-making power to lower levels of the organization. The degree of centralization or decentralization in an organization depends on a number of factors, such as the size of the organization, the type of Industry, and the culture of the organization.


Formalization is the degree to which rules, procedures, and communication are documented and standardized in an organization. A highly formalized organization has a lot of rules and procedures, while a less formalized organization has fewer rules and procedures. Formalization can help to improve efficiency and consistency, but it can also lead to rigidity and Bureaucracy.


Standardization is the process of developing and implementing uniform procedures and practices. This can help to improve efficiency and consistency, and to reduce costs. Standardization can be applied to a wide range of activities, such as production, quality control, and customer service.


Flexibility is the ability of an organization to adapt to change. A flexible organization is able to change its structure, processes, and products quickly and easily in response to changes in the Environment. Flexibility is essential for success in today’s rapidly changing world.


Innovation is the process of creating new products, Services, or processes. Innovation is essential for the long-term success of any organization. It can help an organization to stay ahead of the competition, to enter new markets, and to improve its efficiency.


Communication is the process of exchanging information and ideas. It is essential for the success of any organization. Communication can take place in a variety of ways, including face-to-face, written, and electronic.


Leadership is the process of influencing others to achieve a common goal. A good leader is able to motivate and inspire others, to set a clear vision, and to create a positive work environment.

Decision making

Decision making is the process of choosing between alternative courses of action. It is an essential part of management. Decision making can be made by individuals, groups, or teams.


Control is the process of ensuring that an organization’s activities are aligned with its goals. It involves setting standards, measuring performance, and taking corrective action when necessary. Control can be exercised at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels.

Conflict Management

Conflict management is the process of resolving disagreements between individuals or groups. Conflict is inevitable in any organization. It can be positive or negative, depending on how it is managed. Conflict management can be done through a variety of methods, such as negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.

Change management

Change management is the process of helping an organization to adapt to change. Change is inevitable in today’s world. It can be caused by internal factors, such as new technology, or by external factors, such as changes in the economy or the market. Change management can be a difficult process, but it is essential for the long-term success of any organization.


  • What is hierarchy?
    Hierarchy is a system in which people or things are ranked one above the other. In an organizational hierarchy, the people at the top have more power and authority than the people at the bottom.

  • Why is hierarchy important?
    Hierarchy is important because it helps to ensure that there is order and structure in an organization. It also helps to ensure that decisions are made efficiently and effectively.

  • What are the different types of hierarchy?
    There are two main types of hierarchy: vertical and horizontal. Vertical hierarchy is a system in which people are ranked in order of their authority, with the most powerful people at the top and the least powerful people at the bottom. Horizontal hierarchy is a system in which people are ranked in order of their expertise, with the most knowledgeable people at the top and the least knowledgeable people at the bottom.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of hierarchy?
    The advantages of hierarchy include:

    • It helps to ensure that there is order and structure in an organization.
    • It helps to ensure that decisions are made efficiently and effectively.
    • It can help to motivate employees by giving them a sense of purpose and belonging.

The disadvantages of hierarchy include:

* It can lead to a lack of communication and collaboration between different levels of the organization.
* It can lead to a feeling of isolation and alienation among employees at the bottom of the hierarchy.
* It can be slow and bureaucratic.

Span of control

  • What is span of control?
    Span of control is the number of employees that a manager can effectively supervise.

  • Why is span of control important?
    Span of control is important because it affects the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. A narrow span of control, in which each manager has a small number of employees, can lead to slower decision-making and less flexibility. A wide span of control, in which each manager has a large number of employees, can lead to lower Morale and Productivity.

  • What are the different types of span of control?
    There are two main types of span of control: narrow and wide. A narrow span of control is when each manager has a small number of employees. A wide span of control is when each manager has a large number of employees.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of different spans of control?
    The advantages of a narrow span of control include:

    • It allows managers to provide more individual attention to their employees.
    • It can lead to higher morale and productivity.
    • It can help to prevent errors.

The disadvantages of a narrow span of control include:

* It can lead to slower decision-making.
* It can be less flexible.
* It can be more expensive.

The advantages of a wide span of control include:

* It can lead to faster decision-making.
* It can be more flexible.
* It can be less expensive.

The disadvantages of a wide span of control include:

* It can lead to lower morale and productivity.
* It can be more difficult to prevent errors.

Unity of command

  • What is unity of command?
    Unity of command is the principle that each employee should have only one manager.

  • Why is unity of command important?
    Unity of command is important because it helps to ensure that employees are clear about who their boss is and who they should report to. It also helps to prevent confusion and conflict.

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of unity of command?
    The advantages of unity of command include:

    • It helps to ensure that employees are clear about who their boss is and who they should report to.
    • It helps to prevent confusion and conflict.
    • It can help to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

The disadvantages of unity of command include:

* It can be inflexible.
* It can be slow to adapt to change.
* It can be difficult to manage large organizations.
  1. Which of the following is not a principle of organization?
    (A) Hierarchy
    (B) Span of control
    (C) Unity of command
    (D) Division of labor

  2. The principle of hierarchy states that:
    (A) Each employee should have a single supervisor.
    (B) Employees should be grouped into departments based on their skills and experience.
    (C) Employees should be assigned tasks that are appropriate for their level of experience and skill.
    (D) Employees should be given the authority to make decisions within their area of responsibility.

  3. The principle of span of control states that:
    (A) Each employee should have a single supervisor.
    (B) Employees should be grouped into departments based on their skills and experience.
    (C) Employees should be assigned tasks that are appropriate for their level of experience and skill.
    (D) The number of employees that a supervisor can effectively manage is limited.

  4. The principle of unity of command states that:
    (A) Each employee should have a single supervisor.
    (B) Employees should be grouped into departments based on their skills and experience.
    (C) Employees should be assigned tasks that are appropriate for their level of experience and skill.
    (D) Employees should be given the authority to make decisions within their area of responsibility.

  5. Which of the following is an advantage of the principle of hierarchy?
    (A) It helps to ensure that employees are accountable for their actions.
    (B) It helps to ensure that employees are working towards the same goals.
    (C) It helps to ensure that employees are using their skills and experience effectively.
    (D) All of the above.

  6. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the principle of hierarchy?
    (A) It can lead to communication problems.
    (B) It can lead to decision-making delays.
    (C) It can lead to employee dissatisfaction.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is an advantage of the principle of span of control?
    (A) It helps to ensure that employees are supervised effectively.
    (B) It helps to ensure that employees are working towards the same goals.
    (C) It helps to ensure that employees are using their skills and experience effectively.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the principle of span of control?
    (A) It can lead to communication problems.
    (B) It can lead to decision-making delays.
    (C) It can lead to employee dissatisfaction.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is an advantage of the principle of unity of command?
    (A) It helps to ensure that employees are accountable for their actions.
    (B) It helps to ensure that employees are working towards the same goals.
    (C) It helps to ensure that employees are using their skills and experience effectively.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the principle of unity of command?
    (A) It can lead to communication problems.
    (B) It can lead to decision-making delays.
    (C) It can lead to employee dissatisfaction.
    (D) All of the above.