Prehistory of Haryana

Prehistory of Haryana

The ancient land of Haryana, which has been traditionally known as a seat of renowned sages, witnessed the historic battle of The Mahabharata, during which Lord Krishna delivered the sacred sermon of the Bhagwad Gita to Arjuna, a Pandava, at Kurukshetra. It is the ancient land of the Aryans that composed well-known scriptures of knowledge, including the four Vedas viz. the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda and Sam Veda. The history of Haryana is replete with events that shaped the destiny of the people in India.

Many archaeological mounds discovered at several places and investigated during the last 100 years in Haryana have revealed many missing links in the history of Haryana, apart from enabling historians to come up with cultural evidences on the richness of art and culture of the people of ancient Haryana. Cunningham, C. Rodgers  and later on D. B. Spooner and many other scholars  pioneered the archaeological explorations in Haryana. Beginning with the excavated objects, the discovery of StoneAge tools from Pinjore, Chandigarh and Ferozepur Jhirka approves the presence of human life in this region during ancient period.5  Stone tools belonging to lower Palaeolithic age have also been discovered from Dera Karoni, Mansa Devi, Ahian, Dhamla, Kotla, Paplona, Suketri (all in Kalka tehsil occupying the Shiwalik foothills of Ambala district). These tools include choppers, cores, unworked flakes, scrapers, cleavers and hand axes.

Moving on to pre Harappans of the 3rd millennium B.C. belonging to Banawali, Hisar district were skilled in Pottery with a wide range of decorative shapes. To decorate them, they used ornaments of gold beads, semi precious stones, terracotta, steatite and bangles of clay, shell and copper. Pre harappans were replaced by Harappans at Banawali about 2300 B.C. The seals of this time prove excellence in craftsmanship, while their terracotta figurines throw Light on their folk art. Another Harappan site – Mitathal in Bhiwani district has also become evident of certain findings as gold beads and pieces, arrowheads, razor blades, sickle-hook, chisels and nails of copper and bronze, beads of semi precious stones, terracotta bangles, cakes, marbles, figurines, toy-cart frames and wheels and cakes bearing Harappan characters. The late Harappan culture was widely spread over Haryana and can be gathered from the discovery of its pottery at various sites in the districts of Ambala, Kurukshetra, Karnal, Jind, Hisar, Bhiwani, Rohtak, Mahendragarh and Gurgaon.

In around 1st millennium B.C., a new era began in Haryana with the advent of Painted Grey Ware (PGW). PGW is a typical fine grey pottery painted with black design and has been found from a large number of sites all over Haryana, more specifically in the Kurukshetra region. It has been associated with the Mahabharata period at sites like Panipat, Sonepat, Indraprastha, Baghpat, Tilpat, Kurukshetra, Hastinapur, Barnava and Bairat. This era came under the Vedic age and the tribes that entered India during the Vedic times brought the new culture of composing the hymns that were sung in the praise of gods during sacrifices. These hymns composed by the priests were carefully handed down by the word of mouth to the new generation. The Vedic hymns were composed and recited on the holy banks of the divine rivers- the Saraswati, the Drsadvati and the Yamuna. As the goddess of speech, Sarasvati is associated with Brahma and his creation. It is known as the River Goddess of the Aryans.Drsadvati on the other hand has been associated with the kindling of sacred fire and offerings made by Bharata Princes, Devasravas and Devavata on her banks. River Yamuna has been famous for her traditional associations with Lord Krishna.

he Vedic age also displayed the usage of terracotta, iron, copper, stone, glass, ivory, bones and shells to make artefacts. After PGW, it was NBP (Northern Black Polished) ware that was discovered at Rupar and Sugh in Ambala district, besides Kurukshetra, Panipat, Sonepat and Rohtak. The Mauryan terracottas recovered from several places confirm Mauryan control over the region.

The Palaeolithic Age                   

In the Palaeolithic age, rude stone implements were used as hammers, or as weapons for hunting wild animals or for the purpose of cutting and boring. Such implements were usually made of stone pieces of hard rock called ‘quartzite’. In the early stages of the Palaeolithic Age, pebble tools were made by primitive man. They were prepared from smooth, rounded and rolled pebbles. Pebble tools include crude hard axes, cleavers, scrapers and flakes. In the later Palaeolithic Age, there was improvement in tool making. Hard-axes were made of quartzite, sand stone and chalcedony and they were ovate and pear-shaped.

The Neolithic Age or New Stone Age

The capacity for progress is an inherent characteristic of man. This distinguishes him from an animal. Consequently, after lapse of thousand of years, man reached the neolithic age. In this age also men had to depend solely on stone-implements and were ignorant of any metals. But their implements differed much from those of preceding age. Because, firstly, they used stone other than quartzite, and secondly, they were not merely clipped but in most cases grounded, grooved and polished as well. The man of neolithic age fashioned “his tools out of fire grained dark green trap, though there are examples of basalt gneiss, and stone and quartzite.

The Copper and Bronze Age

The civilization and culture of this copper and bronze age in northern India is supposed to be posterior to that of Indus valley. It comes after the Indus Valley Civilization. Because the people of Indus Valley used stone tools, their blades, etc. resembled larger microliths and copper tools and weapons of simplest type.

Archaeological evidences of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Haryana

The archaeological explorations in Haryana began more than a century ago with the efforts of Sir Alexander Cunningham, C.rodgers and later followed by D.B. spooner and many others. These attempts though pioneering were mainly exploratory in nature and largely confined to historical period, hence their full import could not be understood for want of scientific and advance knowledge. B.B.Lal was the first to bring to light archaeological findings for the pre-Buddha history of this region with his discovery of Painted Greyware, protohistoric ceramic Industry of the first half of the first millennium B.C. at Kurukshetra, Pehowa, Amin, Panipat, etc.He has associated this pottery with the Aryans of Mahabharata period. The discovery of stone age tools from Pinjore and Chandigarh and Ferozepur Jhirka further suggest the hoary antiquity of the human habitation in this region.

Another attempt in the field of excavation was undertaken for the first time by the Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology, Kurukshetra Universty, Kurukshetra. Dr. Udai Vir Singh, in collaboration with Dr. Suraj Bhan, conducted excavations at Daulatpur, KaranKa-Kila and Mirzapur. Dr. Suraj Bhan started exploration of the region since 1961 and discovered as many as two hundred archaeological sites. He conducted independent excavations at Sugh(1964-65). Mitathal(1968) and Siswal(1970). Jointly with jim. G. Shaffer, he conducted an extensive archaeological survey in northern Haryana bringing to light a number of pre-Harappan, Late Harappan, P.G.W. historical and medieval sites. During Banawali excavations,Shri R.S. Bisht brought to light one of the most important town sites of Pre-Harappan and Harappan cultures of the region. During Bhagwanpura excavations Shri J.P. Joshi of Archaeological Survey of India, adduced for the first time evidence of overlap between the late-Harappans and painted grey ware cultures, a discovery of considerable signifcance for the early cultural and historical study of the region. The above mentioned archaeological discoveries prove beyond doubt that region was inhabited from very early times and was the centre of various cultural and political activity. It perhaps holds the key to some of the fundamental question of an early history and archaeology.,

The Prehistory of Haryana

Haryana is a state in northern India. It is bordered by Punjab to the north, Himachal Pradesh to the east, Uttarakhand to the southeast, Uttar Pradesh to the south, Rajasthan to the southwest, and Delhi to the west. The state has a Population of over 28 million people.

The history of Haryana can be traced back to the Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Indus River valley from about 2600 to 1900 BCE. It was one of the earliest urban civilizations in the world. The Indus Valley Civilization was characterized by its cities, which were well-planned and had sophisticated Drainage Systems. The Indus Valley Civilization also had a complex system of writing, which has not yet been deciphered.

The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE. The reasons for its decline are not fully understood, but it may have been due to a combination of factors, including Climate change, warfare, and internal strife.

After the decline of the Indus Valley Civilization, Haryana was ruled by a number of different dynasties, including the Mauryan Empire, the Kushan Empire, and The Gupta Empire. The Mauryan Empire was an Indian empire that ruled from about 322 to 185 BCE. It was one of the largest and most powerful empires in Indian history. The Mauryan Empire was founded by Chandragupta Maurya, who united most of the Indian subcontinent under his rule. The Mauryan Empire was known for its efficient administration, its strong military, and its support of Buddhism-2/”>Buddhism.

The Kushan Empire was an empire that ruled over parts of Central Asia and India from about 1st century BCE to 3rd century CE. The Kushan Empire was founded by Kujula Kadphises, who conquered Bactria and Gandhara. The Kushan Empire was known for its art, architecture, and coinage.

The Gupta Empire was an Indian empire that ruled from about 320 to 550 CE. It was one of the golden ages of Indian history. The Gupta Empire was founded by Chandragupta I, who married Kumaradevi, the daughter of the king of the Licchavi clan. The Gupta Empire was known for its art, architecture, literature, and science.

After the decline of the Gupta Empire, Haryana was ruled by a number of different dynasties, including the Harshavardhana Empire, the Rajput kingdoms, and the Mughal Empire. The Harshavardhana Empire was an Indian empire that ruled from about 606 to 647 CE. It was founded by Harshavardhana, who conquered most of northern India. The Harshavardhana Empire was known for its military power and its support of Buddhism.

The Rajput kingdoms were a group of kingdoms that ruled over parts of northern India from about 7th century to 16th century CE. The Rajput kingdoms were known for their military prowess and their Rajput culture.

The Mughal Empire was an Indian empire that ruled from about 1526 to 1857 CE. It was one of the largest and most powerful empires in Indian history. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur, who defeated Ibrahim Lodhi, the last ruler of the Lodhi Dynasty. The Mughal Empire was known for its art, architecture, literature, and music.

In 1857, the Indian Rebellion, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny, broke out. The rebellion was a major uprising against British rule in India. The rebellion was suppressed by the British, but it led to the end of the Mughal Empire.

After the Indian Rebellion, Haryana was ruled by the British Raj. The British Raj was the period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947. The British Raj was a period of great change for India. The British introduced many new technologies and institutions to India, and they also helped to unify the country.

In 1947, India gained independence from British rule. Haryana was one of the states that was formed after India’s independence. Haryana has been a state of India since 1947.

Haryana is a state with a rich history and culture. It is a state that is home to a number of different ethnic groups, languages, and religions. Haryana is a state that is constantly evolving, and it is a state that is full of potential.

Here are some frequently asked questions about the prehistory of Haryana:

  • What is the prehistory of Haryana?
    The prehistory of Haryana is the period of time before the written record. It is a time when people lived in small groups and hunted and gathered food.

  • What are some of the earliest evidences of human habitation in Haryana?
    Some of the earliest evidences of human habitation in Haryana are stone tools that have been found in the Sonipat district. These tools are dated to around 200,000 years ago.

  • What were the major cultures that existed in Haryana during the prehistory?
    The major cultures that existed in Haryana during the prehistory were the Indus Valley Civilization and the Harappan Civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Indus River valley from 2600 to 1900 BCE. The Harappan Civilization was a Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Indus River valley from 2600 to 1900 BCE.

  • What were the major achievements of these cultures?
    The major achievements of the Indus Valley Civilization were its urban planning, its system of writing, and its art and architecture. The major achievements of the Harappan Civilization were its urban planning, its system of writing, and its art and architecture.

  • What happened to these cultures?
    The Indus Valley Civilization declined around 1900 BCE, and the Harappan Civilization declined around 1300 BCE. The reasons for the decline of these civilizations are not fully understood, but they may have been due to Climate Change, war, or internal conflict.

  • What is the significance of the prehistory of Haryana?
    The prehistory of Haryana is significant because it provides us with a glimpse into the early history of the region. It also helps us to understand the development of human culture in the region.

Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Prehistory of Haryana:

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Harappan civilization?
    (A) A well-developed system of writing
    (B) A complex social structure
    (C) A sophisticated system of drainage
    (D) A large number of cities

  2. The Harappan civilization was located in which of the following regions?
    (A) The Indus Valley
    (B) The Ganges Valley
    (C) The Brahmaputra Valley
    (D) The Deccan Plateau

  3. The Harappan civilization was at its peak during which of the following time periods?
    (A) 2600-1900 BCE
    (B) 1900-1300 BCE
    (C) 1300-1000 BCE
    (D) 1000-600 BCE

  4. The Harappan civilization declined due to which of the following factors?
    (A) A decline in trade
    (B) A change in climate
    (C) A series of invasions
    (D) A combination of factors

  5. The Harappan civilization left behind a number of important archaeological sites, including which of the following?
    (A) Mohenjo-daro
    (B) Harappa
    (C) Dholavira
    (D) All of the above

  6. The Harappan civilization was a major center of Trade and Commerce. Which of the following goods were traded by the Harappans?
    (A) Cotton
    (B) Wool
    (C) Salt
    (D) All of the above

  7. The Harappan civilization was also a major center of religious activity. Which of the following gods were worshipped by the Harappans?
    (A) Indra
    (B) Vishnu
    (C) Shiva
    (D) All of the above

  8. The Harappan civilization was a major center of technological innovation. Which of the following technologies were developed by the Harappans?
    (A) The wheel
    (B) The plow
    (C) The kiln
    (D) All of the above

  9. The Harappan civilization was a major center of artistic and cultural achievement. Which of the following are examples of Harappan art and culture?
    (A) The Indus Valley seals
    (B) The Harappan pottery
    (C) The Harappan architecture
    (D) All of the above

  10. The Harappan civilization was a major center of social and political development. Which of the following are examples of Harappan social and political institutions?
    (A) The Harappan city-states
    (B) The Harappan caste system
    (C) The Harappan Bureaucracy
    (D) All of the above