Pre Medival

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Harsha or Harshvardhana (590-647) ruled Northern India for over forty years. He was the son of Prabhakar Vardhan and younger brother of Rajyavardhan, king of Thaneshwar. At the height of his power his kingdom spanned the Punjab, Bengal, Orissa and the entire Indo Gangetic plain.

As a consequence to the coronation of Harshavardhana, dynasty of Thaneshwar and Kannauj amalgamated. Kannauj became a prominent city of North India and for centuries  its glory perpetuated, only comparable to Patliputra. It was the desire of every state to rule kannauj.  The Chinese traveler, Yhan-Chawang visited the country at the time of Harsha and praised his reign.

After Harsha, there was again political instability in North India. It was difficult to put on record and congruous and consistent history of that period on the basis material available. Only few events, here and there can be reckoned.  In the first quarter of the 8th century, Yashoverman established his supremacy over Kannauj. Almost entire India came under his rule and Kannauj regained its lost fame and glory. With the co- operation of Lalitaditya Muktapeed he defended India from Arab’s attack. During that time there was a fear among the neighbouring states due to the Arab’s strength by which they ruled from  China, Turkistan to Carboda city of Spain.

Later on, Lalitaditya dethroned and assassinated him in 740 AD. There was a long drawn rivalry among Pals of Bengal, Rashtrakutas of South and Gurjar Pratihars of Gujarat to gain the control of Kannauj.  However the ultimate success was achieved by the Gurjar Pratihars. Their empire was vast and famed one, comparable to any king of The Gupta Dynasty or emperor Harshavardhan.  Gurjar Pratihars dominated the entire 9th and 10th centuries in India. They were defeated by Mohammad Ghaznavi in the year 1018-18.

The Madhyadesh was again in the grip of Anarchy with the downfall of Pratihars, but with the emergence of Gaharwar dynasty peace and order was restored and a new era of prosperity began. There were two Gaharwar kings- Govind Chandra and Jaichand. It was the betrayal of Jaichand that Prithviraj was defeated at the hands of Muhammad Ghori  at the Tarain in the year 1192. Jaichand himself was later on defeated and killed at Chandwar (Etawah). There was further unrest and invasions continued till the Chandels came to rule. They ruled more than two centuries and brought peace and order.



The Pre-Medieval Period is a time in history that spans from the Paleolithic Age to the end of the Iron Age. It is a time of great change and development, as humans transitioned from hunter-gatherer societies to agricultural societies. This period also saw the rise of the first civilizations, such as Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, China, India, Persia, Japan, Maya, and Inca.

The Paleolithic Age is the longest period of human history, lasting from about 2.5 million years ago to about 10,000 years ago. During this time, humans were hunter-gatherers who lived in small groups. They made tools out of stone, bone, and wood, and they lived in caves or simple shelters.

The Mesolithic Age is a transitional period between the Paleolithic Age and the Neolithic Age. It lasted from about 10,000 years ago to about 8,000 years ago. During this time, humans began to develop agriculture and to live in larger settlements. They also began to make tools out of Metal.

The Neolithic Age is the period of human history when agriculture first developed. It lasted from about 8,000 years ago to about 4,500 years ago. During this time, humans began to live in permanent settlements and to raise crops and Livestock. They also began to make Pottery and other objects out of clay.

The Chalcolithic Age is a period of human history when copper was first used to make tools and weapons. It lasted from about 4,500 years ago to about 3,300 years ago. During this time, humans began to develop trade networks and to build larger cities.

The Bronze Age is a period of human history when bronze was first used to make tools and weapons. It lasted from about 3,300 years ago to about 1,200 years ago. During this time, humans developed writing and began to build empires.

The Iron Age is a period of human history when iron was first used to make tools and weapons. It lasted from about 1,200 years ago to about 500 years ago. During this time, humans developed new technologies, such as the wheel and the plow, and they began to trade with other cultures around the world.

Ancient Egypt is a civilization that developed along the Nile River in North Africa. It lasted from about 3,100 BC to about 30 BC. During this time, Egypt was ruled by a series of pharaohs who built pyramids, temples, and other monuments.

Ancient Mesopotamia is a civilization that developed in the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Southwest Asia. It lasted from about 3,500 BC to about 539 BC. During this time, Mesopotamia was ruled by a series of empires, including the Akkadian Empire, the Babylonian Empire, and the Assyrian Empire.

Ancient Greece is a civilization that developed in the region of Greece and the Aegean Sea. It lasted from about 800 BC to about 146 BC. During this time, Greece was ruled by a series of city-states, such as Athens, Sparta, and Corinth.

Ancient Rome is a civilization that developed in the region of Italy. It lasted from about 753 BC to about 476 AD. During this time, Rome was ruled by a series of kings, emperors, and popes.

Ancient China is a civilization that developed in the region of East Asia. It lasted from about 1600 BC to about 200 AD. During this time, China was ruled by a series of dynasties, including the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty, and the Qin Dynasty.

Ancient India is a civilization that developed in the region of South Asia. It lasted from about 3,000 BC to about 1,200 AD. During this time, India was ruled by a series of empires, including the Mauryan Empire and The Gupta Empire.

Ancient Persia is a civilization that developed in the region of Southwest Asia. It lasted from about 550 BC to about 330 BC. During this time, Persia was ruled by a series of kings, including Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great.

Ancient Japan is a civilization that developed in the region of East Asia. It lasted from about 300 BC to about 1200 AD. During this time, Japan was ruled by a series of emperors, including Jimmu Tenno and Emperor Meiji.

Ancient Maya is a civilization that developed in the region of Central America. It lasted from about 2,000 BC to about 900 AD. During this time, the Maya built cities, temples, and pyramids. They also developed a complex writing system and a sophisticated calendar.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the pre-medieval period:

  • What is the pre-medieval period?
    The pre-medieval period is the time before the Middle Ages, which is generally considered to have begun in the 5th century AD.

  • What are some important events that happened during the pre-medieval period?
    Some important events that happened during the pre-medieval period include the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Christianity, and the beginning of the Islamic Golden Age.

  • What were some important people who lived during the pre-medieval period?
    Some important people who lived during the pre-medieval period include Charlemagne, Muhammad, and Confucius.

  • What were some important inventions or discoveries that happened during the pre-medieval period?
    Some important inventions or discoveries that happened during the pre-medieval period include the printing press, the compass, and gunpowder.

  • What was life like during the pre-medieval period?
    Life during the pre-medieval period was very different from life today. People lived in small villages, and most of their time was spent farming. There was no electricity or running water, and people had to travel long distances on foot or by horseback.

  • What were some of the challenges that people faced during the pre-medieval period?
    Some of the challenges that people faced during the pre-medieval period included disease, famine, and war.

  • What were some of the achievements of the pre-medieval period?
    Some of the achievements of the pre-medieval period include the development of new technologies, the spread of new ideas, and the rise of new civilizations.

  • What is the legacy of the pre-medieval period?
    The legacy of the pre-medieval period is still felt today. Many of the ideas, technologies, and institutions that were developed during this time continue to shape our world.

  1. The first recorded use of the word “robot” was in a 1920 play by Karel Čapek. What was the play called?
    (A) R.U.R.
    (B) The Metamorphosis
    (C) War with the Newts
    (D) The Castle

  2. The first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. What was the name of the dog that was aboard Sputnik 2?
    (A) Laika
    (B) Belka
    (C) Strelka
    (D) Chernushka

  3. The first human to walk on the Moon was Neil Armstrong. What was the name of the spacecraft that took him there?
    (A) Apollo 11
    (B) Apollo 12
    (C) Apollo 13
    (D) Apollo 14

  4. The first computer to be able to play chess at a grandmaster level was Deep Blue. Who did it defeat in 1997?
    (A) Garry Kasparov
    (B) Anatoly Karpov
    (C) Boris Spassky
    (D) Mikhail Botvinnik

  5. The first Artificial Intelligence to pass the Turing test was Eugene Goostman. What year did it do this?
    (A) 1991
    (B) 1997
    (C) 2011
    (D) 2014

  6. The first self-driving car was developed by Google. What was the name of the car?
    (A) Waymo
    (B) Uber
    (C) Lyft
    (D) Tesla

  7. The first 3D printer was invented by Charles Hull in 1986. What was the name of the printer?
    (A) SLA-1
    (B) SLS-1
    (C) FDM-1
    (D) FFF-1

  8. The first Bitcoin was mined in 2009. Who created Bitcoin?
    (A) Satoshi Nakamoto
    (B) Hal Finney
    (C) Nick Szabo
    (D) Vitalik Buterin

  9. The first blockchain was created in 2009 to support Bitcoin. What is the name of the blockchain?
    (A) Bitcoin
    (B) Ethereum
    (C) Litecoin
    (D) Ripple

  10. The first decentralized application was created in 2015. What was the name of the application?
    (A) Ethereum
    (B) Bitcoin
    (C) Litecoin
    (D) Ripple

  11. The first smart contract was created in 2015. What was the name of the contract?
    (A) The DAO
    (B) Ethereum
    (C) Bitcoin
    (D) Litecoin

  12. The first Initial Coin Offering was held in 2014. What was the name of the company that held the ICO?
    (A) Ethereum
    (B) Bitcoin
    (C) Litecoin
    (D) Ripple

  13. The first stablecoin was created in 2014. What was the name of the coin?
    (A) Tether
    (B) TrueUSD
    (C) USD Coin
    (D) Dai

  14. The first decentralized exchange was created in 2014. What was the name of the exchange?
    (A) EtherDelta
    (B) Poloniex
    (C) Bittrex
    (D) Binance

  15. The first non-fungible token was created in 2017. What was the name of the token?
    (A) CryptoKitties
    (B) NBA Top Shot
    (C) Gods Unchained
    (D) Decentraland