Prasad Scheme

The Prasad Scheme is a government program that provides financial assistance to low-income families. The program was created in 2016 and is funded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.

The Prasad Scheme is a cash transfer program. This means that the government provides money directly to the bank accounts of eligible families. The amount of money that a family receives depends on the size of the family and the income of the family.

    • Funding and Implementation
    • Targeted Destinations: Pilgrimage and Heritage Sites
    • Successes and Challenges
  • Funding and Implementation:

The Ministry of Tourism provides financial assistance to state governments and union territories for undertaking development projects under the PRASAD scheme. These projects are implemented in consultation with local stakeholders, ensuring a community-driven approach to development.

  • Targeted Destinations: Pilgrimage and Heritage Sites:

The PRASAD scheme targets a diverse range of destinations. It prioritizes prominent pilgrimage sites across various religions in India, including Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and Christian pilgrimage centers. The scheme’s scope has expanded to encompass heritage sites as well, recognizing their cultural and historical significance.

  • Successes and Challenges:

The PRASAD scheme has demonstrably improved infrastructure and amenities at several pilgrimage and heritage destinations. Enhanced sanitation, better signage, and improved accessibility have contributed to a more positive visitor experience. However, challenges remain. Balancing infrastructure development with heritage conservation requires careful planning. Additionally, ensuring community participation and economic benefits for local residents remains an ongoing concern.

The Prasad Scheme is designed to help low-income families meet their basic needs. The money that families receive can be used to buy food, clothing, and other necessities. The program can also help families to pay for their children’s education and healthcare.

The Prasad Scheme has been successful in helping low-income families. A study by the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy found that the program has helped to reduce poverty and improve the health and education of children in low-income families.

The Prasad Scheme is a valuable program that is helping to improve the lives of low-income families in India. The program is well-designed and has been successful in achieving its goals.

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What is the Prasad Scheme?

The Prasad Scheme is a government program that provides financial assistance to low-income families.

Who is eligible for the Prasad Scheme?

Low-income families with children are eligible for the Prasad Scheme.

How much money does a family receive under the Prasad Scheme?

The amount of money that a family receives depends on the size of the family and the income of the family.

How can I apply for the Prasad Scheme?

You can apply for the Prasad Scheme online or at a government office.

What are the benefits of the Prasad Scheme?

The Prasad Scheme can help families to meet their basic needs, such as food, clothing, and education.

What are the drawbacks of the Prasad Scheme?

The Prasad Scheme is a complex program and can be difficult to navigate.

What is the future of the Prasad Scheme?

The Prasad Scheme is a valuable program that is helping to improve the lives of low-income families in India. The program is likely to continue in the future.

What is the purpose of the initiative recently introduced by the government?

The initiative aims to address certain challenges or issues in a specific sector, benefiting a targeted group of people or communities.

Where is the initiative being implemented, and who are the beneficiaries?

The initiative is being implemented in a particular region or jurisdiction, benefiting individuals, families, or organizations facing specific challenges or needs.

What resources or support does the initiative provide to its beneficiaries?

The initiative provides various resources, services, or support mechanisms tailored to the needs of its beneficiaries, such as financial assistance, training programs, or infrastructure development.

How does the initiative contribute to broader development goals or objectives?

The initiative contributes to broader development goals or objectives by addressing critical issues, fostering inclusivity, and promoting sustainable growth and well-being in the community.

What are some key features or components of the initiative?

The initiative comprises various features or components designed to achieve its objectives effectively, including partnerships, innovative approaches, and monitoring mechanisms.

How is the initiative funded, and what is its budgetary allocation?

The initiative may be funded through government allocations, donor contributions, or public-private partnerships, with a specific budget set aside for its implementation and sustainability.

What are the expected outcomes or impacts of the initiative?

The initiative aims to achieve specific outcomes or impacts, such as improved livelihoods, enhanced access to services, or strengthened community resilience, within a defined timeframe.

What role do stakeholders play in the success of the initiative?

Stakeholders, including government agencies, civil society organizations, and community members, play crucial roles in implementing, monitoring, and evaluating the initiative’s progress and effectiveness.


The Prasad Scheme is a government program that provides financial assistance to:

  • (a) Low-income families
  • (b) Middle-income families
  • (c) High-income families

The Prasad Scheme was created in:

  • (a) 2016
  • (b) 2017
  • (c) 2018

The Prasad Scheme is funded by the:

  • (a) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
  • (b) Ministry of Finance
  • (c) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

The amount of money that a family receives under the Prasad Scheme depends on:

  • (a) The size of the family
  • (b) The income of the family
  • (c) Both the size of the family and the income of the family

The Prasad Scheme can help families to meet their basic needs, such as:

  • (a) Food
  • (b) Clothing
  • (c) Education

What is the name of the government initiative aimed at supporting marginalized communities?

  • (A) Vikas Yojana
  • (B) Samriddhi Abhiyan
  • (C) Seva Kendra

Where is the initiative being implemented?

  • (A) Rural areas
  • (B) Urban centers
  • (C) Coastal regions

Who are the primary beneficiaries of the initiative?

  • (A) Entrepreneurs
  • (B) Senior citizens
  • (C) Women and children

What resources or support does the initiative provide?

  • (A) Educational scholarships
  • (B) Healthcare facilities
  • (C) Employment opportunities

What is the main objective of the initiative?

  • (A) To promote tourism
  • (B) To enhance cultural heritage
  • (C) To empower marginalized communities

How is the initiative funded?

  • (A) Through public donations
  • (B) Through government grants
  • (C) Through corporate sponsorships

What are some key features of the initiative?

  • (A) Environmental conservation
  • (B) Skill development training
  • (C) Disaster relief efforts

What are the expected outcomes of the initiative?

  • (A) Reduction in poverty levels
  • (B) Increase in GDP growth
  • (C) Decrease in unemployment rates


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