Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY): Bringing ‘Har Khet ko Paani’

The Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), with its motto ‘Har Khet ko Paani’ (Water for every field), is a comprehensive national mission aimed at revolutionizing irrigation in India. Launched in 2015, it recognizes that efficient and assured irrigation is the bedrock for agricultural productivity and rural prosperity.

Objectives of PMKSY

  • Expanding Cultivable Area Under Irrigation: Increasing irrigated area, especially in rain-fed and drought-prone regions.
  • Improved Water Use Efficiency: Promoting ‘Per Drop More Crop’ through micro-irrigation techniques like drip and sprinklers.
  • Sustainable Water Sources: Focus on groundwater recharge, restoration of water bodies, and rainwater harvesting.
  • Convergence of Investments: PMKSY brings together various government schemes for integrated water resources development and management.
  • End-to-End Solutions: Focus not just on creating irrigation infrastructure but also on extending last-mile connectivity to farms.

Components of PMKSY

The PMKSY operates through the following sub-schemes:

  • Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP): Assists states with funding to complete long-pending major and medium irrigation projects.
  • ‘Har Khet ko Paani’: Focuses on decentralized minor irrigation projects, water harvesting structures, and groundwater recharge.
  • Per Drop More Crop: Emphasizes micro-irrigation to enhance water-use efficiency on farms.
  • Watershed Development: Renovation of traditional water bodies, ridge area treatment, and drainage line treatment to minimize soil erosion.

Success Stories under PMKSY

  • Drip Irrigation Push in Maharashtra: Farmers in Maharashtra have adopted drip irrigation in sugarcane and horticulture, resulting in significant water savings and productivity improvement.
  • Reviving Water Bodies in Telangana: PMKSY’s focus on restoring traditional tanks has revitalized local water sources and enhanced irrigation potential.


  • Who can benefit from PMKSY schemes? Individual farmers, groups of farmers, community-based organizations, and state governments.
  • How to access PMKSY benefits? Farmers can approach their local Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), agriculture department, or PMKSY district-level committees.


The primary focus of PMKSY is to:

A. Offer free agricultural machinery

B. Provide crop insurance

C. Develop irrigation infrastructure

D. Construct houses for rural poor

Which of these is NOT a component of PMKSY?

A. Watershed development

B. Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

C. Free electricity for farmers

D. Per Drop More Crop