Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana

Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana

The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015 to promote the development of cold storage and processing InfrastructureInfrastructure for agricultural produce. The scheme aims to provide financial assistance to farmers and entrepreneurs to set up cold storages, processing units, and other related Infrastructure.

  1. Objectives
  2. Components
  3. Implementation
  4. Infrastructure Development
  5. Food Processing Units
  6. Financial Assistance
  7. Market Linkages
  8. Impact

One of the primary objectives of PMKSY is to reduce post-harvest losses by improving the infrastructure for food processing and storage. Under this scheme, investments are made in the development of modern infrastructure such as cold storages, warehouses, and food processing units. These facilities help in maintaining the quality and freshness of agricultural produce, thereby reducing wastage and ensuring higher returns for farmers.

PMKSY also focuses on promoting the establishment of food processing units across the country. Financial assistance is provided to entrepreneurs for setting up new units or modernizing existing ones. This support extends to various segments of the food processing IndustryIndustry, including fruits and vegetables, DairyDairy, meat, PoultryPoultry, and fish processing. By encouraging InvestmentInvestment in processing facilities, the scheme aims to create employment opportunities and enhance value addition in the agricultural sector.

Implementation of PMKSY involves collaboration between central and state governments, as well as other stakeholders such as Industry associations and financial institutions. Funds are allocated for infrastructure development, capacity building, and promotional activities to support the objectives of the scheme. Additionally, dedicated agencies are appointed to oversee the implementation and monitor the progress of PMKSY initiatives at the national and state levels.

Infrastructure development forms a crucial component of PMKSY, with a focus on creating a robust cold chain infrastructure. Cold storages, refrigerated vans, and packhouses are established to maintain the quality and shelf life of perishable agricultural produce. This infrastructure not only reduces post-harvest losses but also enables farmers to access distant markets and fetch better prices for their produce.

Financial assistance provided under PMKSY includes grants, subsidies, and credit-linked capital Investment support for eligible projects. These incentives aim to make investment in food processing more attractive and viable for entrepreneurs. Additionally, schemes such as the Agro-Processing Cluster Development Program (APCDP) provide financial assistance for setting up common infrastructure facilities in designated agro-processing clusters.

Market linkages are strengthened under PMKSY to ensure better price realization for farmers and improved market access for processed food products. Initiatives such as the creation of farmer producer organizations (FPOs) and the establishment of market intelligence networks help in connecting farmers directly with processors and retailers. This reduces dependency on intermediaries and ensures fair and transparent pricing mechanisms for agricultural produce.

The impact of PMKSY on the food processing sector has been significant since its inception. The scheme has led to the establishment of new processing units, the modernization of existing ones, and the development of critical infrastructure for food processing and storage. This has resulted in increased value addition, higher income for farmers, and enhanced competitiveness of Indian agricultural products in domestic and international markets.

The PMKSY is implemented by the Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI). The scheme has been divided into two components:

  • Component I: This component provides financial assistance for setting up cold storages and processing units.
  • Component II: This component provides financial assistance for setting up infrastructure for value addition to agricultural produce.

The PMKSY has been a major success. As of March 2022, the scheme has approved 1,150 projects with a total investment of over Rs. 10,000 crore. These projects are expected to create over 1 lakh jobs.

The PMKSY has helped to improve the storage and processing infrastructure for agricultural produce in India. This has led to an increase in the shelf life of agricultural produce and a reduction in post-harvest losses. The scheme has also helped to increase the value addition to agricultural produce and improve the income of farmers.

The PMKSY is a major step towards the development of the food processing sector in India. The scheme has the potential to transform the sector and make India a major player in the global food market.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana?

The Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) is a scheme launched by the Government of India in 2015 to promote the development of cold storage and processing infrastructure for agricultural produce.

  1. What are the objectives of the PMKSY?

The objectives of the PMKSY are to:

  • Promote the development of cold storage and processing infrastructure for agricultural produce.
  • Increase the shelf life of agricultural produce and reduce post-harvest losses.
  • Increase the value addition to agricultural produce and improve the income of farmers.
  • Transform the food processing sector in India and make India a major player in the global food market.
  1. Who is eligible for the PMKSY?

The PMKSY is open to all farmers and entrepreneurs who are interested in setting up cold storages, processing units, and other related infrastructure.

  1. What are the benefits of the PMKSY?

The benefits of the PMKSY include:

  • Financial assistance for setting up cold storages and processing units.
  • Financial assistance for setting up infrastructure for value addition to agricultural produce.
  • Technical assistance and training.
  • Market linkage support.
  1. How can I apply for the PMKSY?

You can apply for the PMKSY online through the MOFPI website. The application process is simple and easy to follow.

  1. What are the documents required for the PMKSY?

The documents required for the PMKSY include:

  • Aadhaar card
  • PAN card
  • Bank account details
  • Proof of land ownership
  • Business registration certificate
  • Project report
  1. What is the timeline for the PMKSY?

The PMKSY is a long-term scheme with no specific timeline. However, the government has set a target of setting up 10,000 cold storages and 500 processing units under the scheme by 2022.

  1. What is the progress of the PMKSY so far?

The PMKSY has been a major success. As of March 2022, the scheme has approved 1,150 projects with a total investment of over Rs. 10,000 crore. These projects are expected to create over 1 lakh jobs.

  1. What are the challenges faced by the PMKSY?

The challenges faced by the PMKSY include:

  • Land acquisition
  • Power supply
  • Water supply
  • Infrastructure
  • Financial constraints
  1. What is the future of the PMKSY?

The future of the PMKSY is bright. The scheme has the potential to transform the food processing sector in India and make India a major player in the global food market.

Q: What is the purpose of this government scheme? A: The scheme aims to modernize the food processing sector and support agricultural value addition.

Q: How does this scheme benefit farmers? A: It aims to provide better returns for farmers by reducing post-harvest losses and enhancing the value of agricultural produce.

Q: What are the key components of this scheme? A: The scheme includes infrastructure development, support for food processing units, and facilitation of market linkages.

Q: How is the scheme implemented? A: The scheme is implemented through collaboration between central and state governments, as well as industry stakeholders.

Q: What types of infrastructure are developed under this scheme? A: Infrastructure such as cold storages, warehouses, and processing units are developed to support the food processing industry.

Q: How does the scheme support food processing units? A: The scheme provides financial assistance and incentives to entrepreneurs for setting up or modernizing food processing units.

Q: What role do market linkages play in this scheme?

A: Market linkages are strengthened to ensure better price realization for farmers and improved market access for processed food products.

Q: What is the impact of this scheme on the food processing sector?

A: The scheme has led to the establishment of new processing units, modernization of existing ones, and increased value addition in the sector.

Q: How does the scheme contribute to reducing post-harvest losses?

A: By improving infrastructure and facilitating market linkages, the scheme aims to reduce post-harvest losses and ensure better returns for farmers.

Q: Who is eligible to benefit from this scheme?

A: Farmers, entrepreneurs, and industry stakeholders involved in the food processing sector are eligible to benefit from this scheme.

Q: How can one avail financial assistance under this scheme?

A: Financial assistance is provided through grants, subsidies, and credit-linked capital investment support for eligible projects in the food processing sector.



  1. What is the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana?

(A) A scheme to promote the development of cold storage and processing infrastructure for agricultural produce.
(B) A scheme to provide financial assistance to farmers to set up cold storages and processing units.
(CC) A scheme to provide technical assistance and training to farmers.
(D) A scheme to provide market linkage support to farmers

What is the primary objective of the government scheme?
A) Boosting tourism
B) Modernizing the food processing sector
C) Promoting
D) Enhancing transportation infrastructure
Correct Answer: B) Modernizing the food processing sector
How does the scheme benefit farmers?
A) By providing free healthcare
B) By offering education scholarships
C) By reducing post-harvest losses and enhancing the value of agricultural produce
D) By supporting Wildlife Conservation Efforts
Correct Answer: C) By reducing post-harvest losses and enhancing the value of agricultural produce
What are the key components of the scheme?
A) Infrastructure development, skill training, and environmental conservation
B) Financial assistance, healthcare services, and housing schemes
C) Market linkages, agricultural research, and irrigation projects
D) Infrastructure development, support for food processing units, and facilitation of market linkages
Correct Answer: D) Infrastructure development, support for food processing units, and facilitation of market linkages
How is the scheme implemented?
A) Solely through government funding
B) Through international collaboration
C) Through public-private partnerships and industry collaboration
D) Through non-profit organizations
Correct Answer: C) Through public-private partnerships and industry collaboration
What types of infrastructure are typically developed under the scheme?
A) Transportation infrastructure
B) Information technology infrastructure
C) Cold storages, warehouses, and processing units
D) Educational infrastructure
Correct Answer: C) Cold storages, warehouses, and processing units
How does the scheme contribute to reducing post-harvest losses?
A) By providing financial assistance directly to farmers
B) By promoting recreational activities
C) By improving infrastructure for food processing and storage
D) By offering tax incentives to industry stakeholders
Correct Answer: C) By improving infrastructure for food processing and storage
What role do market linkages play in the scheme?
A) They support wildlife conservation efforts
B) They provide healthcare services to farmers
C) They ensure better price realization for farmers and improved market access for processed food products
D) They focus on promoting RENEWABLE ENERGY sources
Correct Answer: C) They ensure better price realization for farmers and improved market access for processed food products
Who is eligible to benefit from the scheme?
A) Only large-scale corporations
B) Only government officials
C) Farmers, entrepreneurs, and industry stakeholders involved in the food processing sector
D) Only individuals with specific educational qualifications
Correct Answer: C) Farmers, entrepreneurs, and industry stakeholders involved in the food processing sector
