PPP Model of Economic Development

Public-Private Sector PARTNERSHIP (PPP)

Public-private partnerships between a government agency and private-sector company can be used to finance, build and operate projects, such as public transportation networks, parks and convention centers. Financing a project through a public-private partnership can allow a project to be completed sooner or make it a possibility in the first place.

Public-private partnerships have contract periods of 25 to 30 years or longer. Financing comes partly from the private sector but requires payments from the public sector and/or users over the project’s lifetime. The private partner participates in designing, completing, implementing and funding the project, while the public partner focuses on defining and monitoring compliance with the objectives. Risks are distributed between the public and private partners according to the ability of each to assess, control and cope with them.

Benefits and Risks of Public-Private Partnerships Private-sector technology and innovation help provide better public Services through improved operational efficiency. The public sector provides incentives for the private sector to deliver projects on time and within budget. In addition, creating economic diversification makes the country more competitive in facilitating its Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE base and boosting associated construction, equipment, support services and other businesses. Physical infrastructure such as roads or railways involve construction risks. If the product is not delivered on time, exceeds cost estimates or has technical defects, the private partner typically bears the burden.

The private partner faces availability risk if it cannot provide the service promised. For example, the company may not meet safety or other relevant quality standards when running a prison, hospital or school.

Demand risk occurs when there are fewer users than expected for the service or infrastructure, such as toll roads, bridges or tunnels. If the public partner agreed to pay a minimum fee no matter the demand, that partner bears the risk.

Built-Own-Lease-Transfer (BOLT)

It is a non-traditional procurement method of project financing whereby a private or public sector client gives a concession to a private entity to build a facility (and possibly design it as well), own the facility, lease the facility to the client, then at the end of the lease period transfer the ownership of the facility to the client.

As a system of project financing this procurement method has a number of advantages the major one being that the private entity, contracted by the client, has the responsibility to raise the project finance during the construction period. What this does is to remove the burden of raising the finances for the project from the client (i.e. the public enterprise) and places it on the private entity. This way the BOLT developer assumes all the risk, the risk of raising the project financing and the risk during the construction period. Of course such risk is not undertaken for free by the developer but comes at a cost, which is passed onto the client. The operational and maintenance responsibility for the facility is the developer’s, as the facility is owned by them until the lease period ends.

The lease period will see the client who in essence becomes the tenant of the facility, paying the developer a lease (monthly or annually) for the use of the facility at a predetermined rate for a fixed period of time. The lease payment becomes the method of repaying the Investment, and ultimately rewarding the developer’s shareholders. At the end of the lease period, ownership of and the responsibility for the facility are transferred to the client from the developer at a previously agreed price.

Build Operate Transfer (BOT)

A Build Operate Transfer (BOT) Project is typically used to develop a discrete asset rather than a whole Network and is generally entirely new or greenfield in nature (although refurbishment may be involved). In a BOT Project the project company or operator generally obtains its revenues through a fee charged to the utility/ government rather than tariffs charged to consumers. In common law countries a number of projects are called concessions, such as toll road projects, which are new build and have a number of similarities to BOTs .  In a Design-Build-Operate (DBO) Project the public sector owns and finances the construction of new assets. The private sector designs, builds and operates the assets to meet certain agreed outputs. The documentation for a DBO is typically simpler than a BOT or Concession as there are no financing documents and will typically consist of a turnkey construction contract plus an operating contract, or a section added to the turnkey contract covering operations. The Operator is taking no or minimal financing risk on the capital and will typically be paid a sum for the design-build of the plant, payable in instalments on completion of construction milestones, and then an operating fee for the operating period. The operator is responsible for the design and the construction as well as operations and so if parts need to be replaced during the operations period prior to its assumed life span the operator is likely to be responsible for replacement.  This section looks in greater detail at Concessions and BOT Projects. It also looks at Off-Take/ Power Purchase Agreements, Input Supply/ Bulk Supply Agreements and Implementation Agreements which are used extensively in relation to BOT Projects involving power Plants.  This section does not address the complex array of finance documents typically found in a Concession or BOT Project.


The PPP Model of Economic Development is a framework for understanding how public-private partnerships can be used to promote economic Growth. The model identifies four key Elements of a successful PPP:

  1. Government Leadership: The government must be willing to take the lead in developing and implementing PPPs. This includes providing the necessary Resources and support to private sector partners.
  2. Private sector participation: The private sector must be willing to invest in PPPs and to share the risks and rewards of these projects.
  3. Effective project management: PPPs must be carefully managed to ensure that they are successful. This includes developing clear objectives, selecting the right partners, and monitoring progress.
  4. Accountability: All parties involved in a PPP must be accountable for their actions. This includes the government, the private sector, and the citizens who will benefit from the project.

The PPP Model of Economic Development has been used successfully in a number of countries around the world. It can be a valuable tool for promoting economic growth and development.

Here are some subtopics related to the PPP Model of Economic Development:

  • Public-private partnership: A public-private partnership (PPP) is a collaboration between a government agency and a private sector company to deliver a Public Service or project.
  • Economic development: Economic development is the process of increasing the wealth and standard of living of a country or region.
  • Government leadership: Government leadership is the ability of a government to set and achieve goals, and to provide the necessary resources and support to achieve those goals.
  • Private sector participation: Private sector participation is the involvement of private companies in the delivery of public services or projects.
  • Effective project management: Effective project management is the ability to plan, organize, and control resources to achieve project goals.
  • Accountability: Accountability is the responsibility to answer for one’s actions.

The PPP Model of Economic Development is based on the idea that the government and the private sector can work together to achieve common goals. The government can provide the necessary resources and support, while the private sector can provide the expertise and innovation. This can lead to more efficient and effective delivery of public services, as well as increased economic growth.

There are a number of examples of successful PPPs around the world. In the United States, for example, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey is a public-private partnership that operates the Airports, seaports, and bridges in the New York metropolitan area. The Port Authority has been successful in improving the efficiency of these transportation systems and in generating economic development in the region.

In the United Kingdom, the National Health Service (NHS) is a public-private partnership that provides healthcare services to the British people. The NHS has been successful in improving the quality of healthcare in the UK and in reducing costs.

These are just two examples of the many successful PPPs that have been implemented around the world. The PPP Model of Economic Development can be a valuable tool for promoting economic growth and development.

However, there are also some challenges associated with PPPs. One challenge is that it can be difficult to find the right partners for a PPP. The government and the private sector must have a shared vision for the project, and they must be able to work together effectively. Another challenge is that PPPs can be complex and time-consuming to implement. It is important to carefully plan and manage a PPP to ensure that it is successful.

Despite the challenges, the PPP Model of Economic Development can be a valuable tool for promoting economic growth and development. When implemented successfully, PPPs can lead to more efficient and effective delivery of public services, as well as increased economic growth.

What is the PPP model of economic development?

The PPP model of economic development is a theory that suggests that countries can achieve economic growth by encouraging private sector investment. The model argues that the private sector is more efficient at allocating resources than the government, and that it is therefore better suited to driving economic growth.

What are the advantages of the PPP model?

The PPP model has several advantages. First, it can help to attract foreign investment. Foreign investors are often more willing to invest in countries that have a strong private sector, as they believe that they will be more likely to see a return on their investment. Second, the PPP model can help to improve efficiency. The private sector is often more efficient at allocating resources than the government, as it is driven by the profit motive. This can lead to lower costs and higher quality goods and services. Third, the PPP model can help to reduce government debt. When the government outsources services to the private sector, it reduces its own spending. This can help to reduce the government’s budget deficit and debt burden.

What are the disadvantages of the PPP model?

The PPP model also has some disadvantages. First, it can lead to inequality. When the private sector is given a greater role in the economy, it can lead to a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. This can widen the gap between the rich and the poor. Second, the PPP model can lead to Corruption. When the government contracts with private companies, there is a risk that corruption will occur. This can lead to higher costs and lower quality goods and services. Third, the PPP model can be difficult to manage. The government needs to have a strong regulatory framework in place to ensure that the private sector is acting in the best interests of the country.

What are some examples of countries that have used the PPP model?

Some examples of countries that have used the PPP model include China, India, and Brazil. These countries have all seen significant economic growth in recent years, and they have all used the PPP model to some extent.

What are some of the challenges of implementing the PPP model?

One of the biggest challenges of implementing the PPP model is ensuring that the private sector is acting in the best interests of the country. The government needs to have a strong regulatory framework in place to prevent corruption and ensure that the private sector is providing high-quality goods and services at a reasonable price.

Another challenge is ensuring that the private sector is able to deliver on its promises. The government needs to carefully select the private companies that it contracts with, and it needs to monitor their performance closely.

Finally, the government needs to be prepared to deal with the potential for inequality. When the private sector is given a greater role in the economy, it can lead to a concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. This can widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and it can lead to social unrest.

What are the future prospects for the PPP model?

The PPP model is likely to continue to be used in the future. The private sector is often more efficient at allocating resources than the government, and it is therefore better suited to driving economic growth. However, the government needs to be careful to ensure that the private sector is acting in the best interests of the country. The government also needs to be prepared to deal with the potential for inequality.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a factor of production?

(A) Land
(B) Labor
(C) Capital
(D) Entrepreneurship
(E) PPP Model of Economic Development



Question 2

Which of the following is a characteristic of a market economy?

(A) Private ownership of capital
(B) Central planning
(C) Government regulation of prices
(D) Absence of competition
(E) PPP Model of Economic Development



Question 3

Which of the following is a characteristic of a command economy?

(A) Private ownership of capital
(B) Central planning
(C) Government regulation of prices
(D) Absence of competition
(E) PPP Model of Economic Development



Question 4

Which of the following is a characteristic of a Mixed Economy?

(A) Private ownership of capital
(B) Central planning
(C) Government regulation of prices
(D) Absence of competition
(E) PPP Model of Economic Development


(A, C, D)

Question 5

Which of the following is a factor of production that is not scarce?

(A) Land
(B) Labor
(C) Capital
(D) Entrepreneurship
(E) PPP Model of Economic Development



Question 6

Which of the following is a characteristic of a developed country?

(A) High per capita income
(B) High Literacy rate
(C) High life expectancy
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above



Question 7

Which of the following is a characteristic of a developing country?

(A) Low per capita income
(B) Low literacy rate
(C) Low life expectancy
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above



Question 8

Which of the following is a factor that contributes to economic growth?

(A) Investment in Human Capital
(B) Investment in physical capital
(C) Technological Progress
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above



Question 9

Which of the following is a factor that contributes to economic development?

(A) Investment in human capital
(B) Investment in physical capital
(C) Technological progress
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above



Question 10

Which of the following is a difference between Economic Growth and Economic Development?

(A) Economic growth is the increase in the amount of goods and services produced, while economic development is the improvement in the Quality Of Life.
(B) Economic growth is a short-term phenomenon, while economic development is a long-term phenomenon.
(C) Economic growth is measured by the increase in GDP, while economic development is measured by the increase in HDI.
(D) All of the above
(E) None of the above

