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POSDCORB is an acronym which means Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting and BUDGETING which was first coined in a paper on administrative management that was written for the Brownlow Committee by Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick. POSDCORB can be used as a systematic framework for efficiently executing business processes in a company or by an individual.

Gulick’s “Notes on the Theory of Organization” further defines the patterns of POSDCORB. That document explains how portions of an executive’s workload may be delegated, and that some of the Elements can be organized as subdivisions of the executive depending on the size and complexity of the enterprise.  

Under Organizing, Gulick emphasized the division and specialization of labor in a manner that would increase efficiency. Yet Gulick observed that there were limitations. Based on his practical experience, he carefully articulated the many factors.

Gulick described how the organization of workers could be done in four ways. According to him, these are related and may be multi-level. Specifically, they are:  

  • By the purpose the workers are serving, such as furnishing water, providing Education, or controlling crime. Gulick lists these in his organizational tables as vertical organizations.
  • By the process the workers are using, such as engineering, doctoring, lawyering, or statistics. Gulick lists these in his organizational tables as horizontal organizations.
  • By the clientele or material: the persons or things being dealt with, such as immigrants, veterans, forests, mines, or parks in government; or such as a department store’s furniture department, clothing department, hardware department, or shoe department in the private sector.
  • By the place where the workers do their work.

Gulick stresses how these modes of organization often cross, forming interrelated structures. Organizations like schools may include workers and professionals not in the field of education such as nurses. How they are combined or carefully aggregated into a school — or a school system — is of concern. But the early work of Gulick was not limited to small organizations. He started off his professional career at New York City’s Bureau of Municipal Research and advanced to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Committee on Administrative Management.

Under Coordination, Gulick notes that two methods can be used to achieve coordination of divided labor. The first is by organization, or placing workers under managers who coordinate their efforts. The second is by dominance of an idea, where a clear idea of what needs to be done is developed in each worker, and each worker fits their work to the needs of the whole. Gulick notes that these two ideas are not mutually exclusive, and that most enterprises function best when both are utilized.

Gulick notes that any manager will have a finite amount of time and energy, and discusses span of control under coordination. Drawing from the work of Henri Fayol, Gulick notes that the number of subordinates that can be handled under any single manager will depend on factors such as organizational stability and the specialization of the subordinates. Gulick stops short of giving a definite number of subordinates that any one manager can control, but authors such as Sir Ian Hamilton and Lyndall Urwick have settled on numbers between three and six. Span of control was later expanded upon and defended in depth by Lyndall Urwick in his 1956 piece The Manager’s Span of Control.

Under coordination, as well as organization, Gulick emphasizes the theory of unity of command: that each worker should only have one direct superior so as to avoid confusion and inefficiency.  Gulick discusses the concept of a holding company which may perform limited coordinating, planning, or budgeting functions. Subsidiary entities may carry out their work with autonomy, but as the holding company allows, based upon their authority and direction.

Importance of POSDCORB

Every business needs to have systematic framework in ensuring there is maximum output, minimum wastage and higher margins. POSDCORB is one such method in management where workforce and employees can be managed in a way which would be beneficial for a company. This concept helps organizations to break down the work into multiple processes and help in getting maximum value out to each employee. These steps and stages of POSDCORB help the HR team to deliver to the needs of a company.

Example of POSDCORB

Consider a multinational starting an exercise involving a good number of employees in the workforce. As per POSDCORB, the planning stage would be doing the thorough research about the number of people needed, team size, work type etc. Organizing and staffing stages would be the HR department making a list of people i.e. supervisors and subordinates who would could execute this role. One this is done, as per POSDCORB directing would be giving instructions and ensuring implementation of the plan as per the requirement. To ensure a better two way Communication, coordinating plays a pivotal role. Once all this done, the different ways of reporting are done which ensures accountability and responsibility of the team. Finally, the budget to be allocated is studied. In this way, POSDCORB can be used for better management.




POSD stands for Platform for Open Services on Demand. It is a cloud-based platform that provides a set of services that can be used to build and deploy applications. POSD is based on open standards and technologies, and it is designed to be scalable, reliable, and secure.

POSD Architecture

The POSD architecture is based on a three-tier model. The first tier is the user interface tier, which provides a web-based interface for users to access the POSD services. The second tier is the application tier, which contains the POSD applications. The third tier is the Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE tier, which provides the underlying infrastructure for the POSD platform.

POSD Components

The POSD platform consists of a number of components, including:

  • The POSD Manager: The POSD Manager is a web-based application that provides a user interface for managing the POSD platform.
  • The POSD Services: The POSD Services are a set of services that can be used to build and deploy applications.
  • The POSD Tools: The POSD Tools are a set of tools that can be used to manage and monitor the POSD platform.

POSD Services

The POSD Services are a set of services that can be used to build and deploy applications. The POSD Services include:

  • The POSD Application Service: The POSD Application Service provides a runtime Environment for POSD applications.
  • The POSD Database Service: The POSD Database Service provides a database management system for POSD applications.
  • The POSD Message Service: The POSD Message Service provides a messaging system for POSD applications.
  • The POSD Security Service: The POSD Security Service provides a security framework for POSD applications.

POSD Protocols

The POSD platform uses a number of protocols, including:

  • The HTTP protocol: The HTTP protocol is used for communication between the POSD Manager and the POSD Services.
  • The HTTPS protocol: The HTTPS protocol is used for secure communication between the POSD Manager and the POSD Services.
  • The SMTP protocol: The SMTP protocol is used for sending email messages.
  • The POP3 protocol: The POP3 protocol is used for retrieving email messages.
  • The IMAP4 protocol: The IMAP4 protocol is used for managing email messages.

POSD Tools

The POSD Tools are a set of tools that can be used to manage and monitor the POSD platform. The POSD Tools include:

  • The POSD Manager: The POSD Manager is a web-based application that provides a user interface for managing the POSD platform.
  • The POSD CLI: The POSD CLI is a command-line interface that can be used to manage the POSD platform.
  • The POSD API: The POSD API is a set of APIs that can be used to manage the POSD platform.

POSD Deployment

The POSD platform can be deployed on a variety of platforms, including:

  • The Linux platform
  • The Windows platform
  • The Solaris platform
  • The AIX platform

POSD Management

The POSD platform can be managed using the POSD Manager, the POSD CLI, or the POSD API.

POSD Security

The POSD platform is designed to be secure. The POSD platform uses a number of security features, including:

  • Authentication: The POSD platform uses authentication to verify the identity of users.
  • Authorization: The POSD platform uses authorization to control what users can do.
  • Auditing: The POSD platform uses auditing to track user activity.
  • Encryption: The POSD platform uses encryption to protect data.


CORB stands for Common Object Request Broker Architecture. It is an object-oriented middleware framework that allows applications to communicate with each other. CORB is based on the OMG’s Object Management Architecture (OMA).

CORB Overview

CORB is a distributed object system that provides a standard way for applications to communicate with each other. CORB applications are made up of objects that can be located anywhere on a Network. Objects communicate with each other by sending messages.

CORB Architecture

The CORB architecture is based on a client-server model. The client is the application that requests a service, and the server is the application that provides the service. The CORB architecture consists of three layers: the object layer, the communication layer, and the infrastructure layer.

CORB Components

The CORB components are the objects that make up a CORB application. The CORB components include:

  • Objects: Objects are the basic building blocks of a CORB application. Objects have state and behavior

What is POSD CORB?

POSD CORB is a process that is used to identify and mitigate risks to the safety and security of critical infrastructure. It stands for:

  • P – Planning
  • O – Organizing
  • S – Staffing
  • D – Directing
  • C – Controlling
  • O – Reporting
  • R – Budgeting

What are the benefits of POSD CORB?

POSD CORB can help to improve the safety and security of critical infrastructure by identifying and mitigating risks. It can also help to improve communication and coordination between different organizations that are responsible for critical infrastructure.

What are the challenges of POSD CORB?

POSD CORB can be a complex and time-consuming process. It can also be difficult to identify all of the risks to critical infrastructure. Additionally, it can be difficult to get all of the necessary stakeholders to agree on a plan.

What are some examples of critical infrastructure?

Critical infrastructure includes systems and assets that are essential to the functioning of a Society. Some examples of critical infrastructure include:

  • Energy
  • Transportation
  • Water
  • Communications
  • Healthcare
  • Financial services
  • Food and agriculture
  • Government

What are some of the threats to critical infrastructure?

Threats to critical infrastructure can come from a variety of sources, including:

  • Natural disasters
  • Human error
  • Terrorism
  • Cyberattacks
  • Industrial accidents

What are some of the ways to mitigate risks to critical infrastructure?

There are a variety of ways to mitigate risks to critical infrastructure, including:

  • Planning and preparation
  • Security measures
  • Emergency response plans
  • Insurance
  • Public awareness campaigns

What is the role of government in protecting critical infrastructure?

The government has a role in protecting critical infrastructure by:

  • Developing and implementing policies and regulations
  • Providing funding for security measures
  • Sharing information and intelligence
  • Working with other countries to protect critical infrastructure

What is the role of the private sector in protecting critical infrastructure?

The private sector has a role in protecting critical infrastructure by:

  • Implementing security measures
  • Sharing information with the government
  • Working with other companies to protect critical infrastructure
  • Investing in research and development

What is the role of citizens in protecting critical infrastructure?

Citizens can play a role in protecting critical infrastructure by:

  • Being aware of the risks
  • Reporting suspicious activity
  • Participating in emergency response drills
  • Supporting government efforts to protect critical infrastructure

What is the future of POSD CORB?

The future of POSD CORB is likely to be shaped by a number of factors, including:

  • The increasing complexity of critical infrastructure
  • The growing threat of cyberattacks
  • The changing role of government
  • The increasing importance of public-private partnerships

What are some of the challenges that POSD CORB will face in the future?

Some of the challenges that POSD CORB will face in the future include:

  • The increasing complexity of critical infrastructure
  • The growing threat of cyberattacks
  • The changing role of government
  • The increasing importance of public-private partnerships

What are some of the opportunities that POSD CORB will face in the future?

Some of the opportunities that POSD CORB will face in the future include:

  • The increasing importance of critical infrastructure protection
  • The growing awareness of the risks to critical infrastructure
  • The increasing availability of Resources to protect critical infrastructure
  • The increasing cooperation between different organizations

Question 1

Which of the following is not a type of data structure?

(A) Array
(B) List
(C) Stack


Question 2

Which of the following is not a type of algorithm?

(A) Bubble sort
(B) Quicksort
(C) Merge sort


Question 3

Which of the following is not a type of programming language?

(A) C
(B) C++
(C) Java


Question 4

Which of the following is not a type of operating system?

(A) Windows
(B) macOS
(C) Linux


Question 5

Which of the following is not a type of database?

(B) Oracle
(C) PostgreSQL


Question 6

Which of the following is not a type of web server?

(A) Apache
(B) Nginx


Question 7

Which of the following is not a type of cloud computing service?

(A) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
(B) Platform as a Service (PaaS)
(C) Software as a Service (SaaS)


Question 8

Which of the following is not a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithm?

(A) Machine Learning
(B) Deep learning
(C) Natural language processing


Question 9

Which of the following is not a type of machine learning algorithm?

(A) Supervised learning
(B) Unsupervised learning
(C) Reinforcement learning


Question 10

Which of the following is not a type of deep learning algorithm?

(A) Convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
(B) Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
(C) Long short-term memory (LSTM) networks
