Politician And Civil Servant Relations

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Politician and Civil Servant Relations

It is an era of welfare states. Gone are the days when states were either instruments of tyranny or mere custodians of law and order. Nowadays the states not only protect and restrain but also foster and promote. As such the role of the ministers, who work for the states has become of vital importance.  

The ministers may not necessarily be embodiment of knowledge and competence. Any­body 25 years of age can get elected to the Parliament and thereafter if fortunes smile at him, become a minister. A socially tangible person, clever in art of canvassing or maneuvering can sweep the polls. Administration requires expertise which a minister does not possess.

Hence he banks upon his secretaries who have seen the tides of times and on account of rigorous training after their recruitment and vast experience are fully acquainted with the ins and outs of the department. A minister being a layman cannot run the department entrusted to his care. The secretaries and other top Services in the department give him judicious counsel.

In fact they lay down the policy, the minister in most cases signs the dotted line. An experienced minister goes a step further. He himself lays down breadlines of policy though the secretaries chalk out the details. The execution of policy also requires tact, courage and skill which of course the civil services possess in an ample measure. If they find a particular policy unworkable, they may point out flaws to the minister UN-reluctantly and suggest modifications in the policy.

The min­ister will be judicious enough to accept their mature counsel as he is fully conscious of his limitations and the responsibility of efficient administration that he owes to the electorates. He won’t unnecessarily reject their advice just to show his superiority knowing it fully well that his future prospects will be bleak if his administration earns denunciation at the hands of the electorates.

A dynamic Personality like Jawaharlal Nehru could make the secretaries dance to his tune. Nobody had the courage to dictate terms to him. Shastriji, the next Prime Minister, had to bank upon his secretariats advice quite a great deal because of his limitations.  When com­pared with his predecessor. Mrs. Indira Gandhi in the initial stages leaned too heavily on K.L. Jha and later P.N. Haksar, her secretaries, as she did not muster clear majority in Lok Sabha and was shaky in administering national affairs.

With the passage of time she emerged out to be a very dominant leader and a capable administrator. She no longer got dictation from her secretaries in political or administrative affairs. Rather, she made them blow her trumpet. Rajiv Gandhi, her illustrious son being a politically novice in the initial stage banked upon bureaucrats to a great extent. Mrs. Sarla Grewal was one of such bureaucrats.

Thus no hard and fast line can be drawn regarding the extent of dependence of a minister over the civil services. However, it is wrong to presume that ministers are always subservient to the civil services on account of their lack of administrative acumen. The competence and calibre of the concerned Prime Minister or a minister matter a lot. It will be indeed a sad day for Democracy if the civil power represented through the ministers, is subordinated to the civil services.

The civil services are quite conscious of the fact that the ministers are cross examined on the floor of the House. A wrong advice by them can land a minister in difficulties. Evidently, they won’t be able to save their skin if the minister is exposed on the floor of the House.

Thus it is not correct to hold that civil services can become arbitrary and arrogate the authority to themselves or misguide the ministers. They know their place. They have to remain incognito. They cannot come in the lime-Light.

They are aware of ministers’ Leadership and also support by the majority party. If the Council of Ministers acts as a team, no minister can be defied or bypassed by his secretary. It is, therefore, rather an exaggerated view to conclude that in a social welfare state, democracy is misnomer, it is Bureaucracy that rules.

Both the ministers and the civil services have to work as a team for the socio-economic uplift of the masses. A.D. Gorwala has rightly remarked, “The relationship between the ministers and the official of whatever rank and between officials of various ranks is not that of master and ser­vant but rather that of senior and junior colleagues engaged on the same beneficial tasks”.In case of India in the present contest of the things the role of the civil services vis-vis ministers has undergone change. The positivity is replacing the negativity. A positive motivation of civil services is being considered as the crying need of the hour.

Hence the Ministers have not to act as political bosses and ride tough shed on the will and the spirit of the civil services. On the other hand the civil servant is to be people-oriented and responsible to the new political pressures.  As such, he has to learn how to get along with the politicians. That necessitates pragmatisms dynamism and adaptability to the emerging situation and keen willingness to take prompt action, at times adhoc and bypassing the procedural complexities.

In the fast changing socio-political scenario, the civil services are to be flexible in their approach”, outgoing and people-oriented while executing policies and prepared to undertake risks and on the spot deci­sions, rules and regulations not with-standing. This can enable him to win confidence of the Ministers and follow the policy laid down by the government.

It may not, however, be irrelevant to say that bulk of critics in India feel that bureaucracy has in general earned a bad name. The Public accountability is sadly missing from the Indian administrative system. The politico-bureaucratic wall has become so strong that it defeats all possible attempts at enforcing liability of both the minister and his administrative secretary.

It is for this reason that the Lok pal Bill has been falling since 1968 to see the light of the day. A vicious nexus of sizable corrupt politicians and some of their henchmen the civil servants lacking Integrity can wreck the political edifice itself if proper safeguards are not only promptly contemplated but also implemented with celerity.



The relationship between politicians and civil servants is a complex one. On the one hand, politicians are elected by the people to represent their interests and make decisions on their behalf. On the other hand, civil servants are responsible for carrying out those decisions and providing the services that the public needs.

This relationship can be fraught with tension, as politicians may try to interfere in the work of civil servants, while civil servants may feel that they are being held accountable for decisions that they did not make. However, it is important for both sides to work together in order to ensure that the government functions effectively.

One of the key issues in the relationship between politicians and civil servants is the appointment and dismissal of civil servants. In some countries, politicians have the power to appoint and dismiss civil servants at will. This can lead to a situation where civil servants are seen as being more loyal to the politicians who appointed them than to the public they serve.

In other countries, there are more safeguards in place to protect the independence of civil servants. For example, in the United Kingdom, civil servants can only be dismissed for misconduct or incompetence. This helps to ensure that civil servants are able to carry out their duties without fear of political interference.

Another key issue in the relationship between politicians and civil servants is the accountability of civil servants. Civil servants are accountable to the public for the decisions they make and the services they provide. However, they are also accountable to their political masters. This can sometimes lead to a conflict of interest, as civil servants may feel that they have to put the interests of their political masters ahead of the interests of the public.

One way to address this conflict of interest is to ensure that civil servants have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities. They should also be aware of the ethical standards that they are expected to uphold. In addition, there should be clear procedures in place for dealing with conflicts of interest.

Finally, it is important for politicians and civil servants to be transparent in their dealings with each other. This means that they should be open about their decisions and the reasons for those decisions. It also means that they should be willing to answer questions from the public and the media.

Transparency helps to build trust between politicians and civil servants, and it also helps to ensure that the government is accountable to the people.

In conclusion, the relationship between politicians and civil servants is a complex one. However, it is important for both sides to work together in order to ensure that the government functions effectively. There are a number of key issues that need to be addressed in order to improve this relationship, including the appointment and dismissal of civil servants, the accountability of civil servants, and transparency.

What is the role of a politician?

A politician is a person who is involved in government or politics. They may be elected or appointed to a position of power, and they are responsible for making decisions that affect the lives of their constituents.

What is the role of a civil servant?

A civil servant is a person who works for the government. They may be employed in a variety of roles, including administration, policy development, and service delivery. Civil servants are responsible for carrying out the decisions of the government, and they play a vital role in the delivery of public services.

What is the difference between a politician and a civil servant?

Politicians are elected or appointed to positions of power, while civil servants are employed by the government. Politicians are responsible for making decisions that affect the lives of their constituents, while civil servants are responsible for carrying out those decisions.

What are some of the challenges of politician-civil servant relations?

One of the biggest challenges of politician-civil servant relations is the potential for conflict of interest. Politicians may be tempted to use their position to benefit themselves or their friends, while civil servants may be tempted to use their position to advance their own careers. Another challenge is the lack of transparency in government. It can be difficult for the public to know what is happening behind closed doors, and this can lead to suspicion and distrust.

What are some of the benefits of politician-civil servant relations?

Politicians and civil servants can work together to achieve common goals. Politicians can provide the vision and direction, while civil servants can provide the expertise and experience to make that vision a reality. Additionally, politician-civil servant relations can help to build trust and cooperation between the government and the public.

What are some of the ways to improve politician-civil servant relations?

One way to improve politician-civil servant relations is to increase transparency in government. This can be done by making government documents and meetings more accessible to the public. Additionally, politicians and civil servants can work to build trust and cooperation by communicating openly and honestly with each other.

  1. Which of the following is not a role of a civil servant?
    (A) To provide policy advice to the government
    (B) To implement government policies
    (C) To manage government programs
    (D) To run for office

  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good civil servant?
    (A) Political neutrality
    (B) Competence
    (C) Integrity
    (D) All of the above

  3. Which of the following is a challenge facing civil servants today?
    (A) The increasing complexity of government
    (B) The need to be politically neutral
    (C) The need to be accountable to the public
    (D) All of the above

  4. Which of the following is a way to improve the relationship between politicians and civil servants?
    (A) To increase Transparency and Accountability
    (B) To provide more training for civil servants
    (C) To create a more collaborative Environment
    (D) All of the above

  5. Which of the following is a benefit of a good relationship between politicians and civil servants?
    (A) More effective government
    (B) Increased trust in government
    (C) Improved public services
    (D) All of the above