Policy Cut Motion

Policy Cut Motion

A policy cut motion is a motion that is used to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to a particular policy or program. This type of motion is typically used when the government believes that the policy or program is not effective or is not worth the amount of money that is being spent on it.

Policy cut motions can be initiated by the government or by the opposition. If the government initiates a policy cut motion, it is typically done because the government believes that the policy or program is no longer necessary or is not effective. If the opposition initiates a policy cut motion, it is typically done because the opposition believes that the policy or program is a waste of money or is not in the best interests of the people.

Policy cut motions are typically debated in Parliament. If the motion is passed, the amount of money that is allocated to the policy or program will be reduced. This can have a significant impact on the policy or program, as it may mean that the policy or program is no longer able to operate effectively.

Policy Cut Motion in India

In India, policy cut motions are a regular feature of parliamentary debates. The government often uses policy cut motions to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to programs that it does not support. The opposition also uses policy cut motions to try to force the government to change its policies.

Policy cut motions can be a powerful tool for holding the government to account. However, they can also be used to score political points. It is important to remember that policy cut motions are not always about the money. They can also be about the principle of the matter.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a policy cut motion?

A policy cut motion is a motion that is used to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to a particular policy or program.

Who can initiate a policy cut motion?

A policy cut motion can be initiated by the government or by the opposition.

How is a policy cut motion debated?

A policy cut motion is typically debated in Parliament.

What happens if a policy cut motion is passed?

If a policy cut motion is passed, the amount of money that is allocated to the policy or program will be reduced.

What are the benefits of policy cut motions?

Policy cut motions can be a powerful tool for holding the government to account.

What are the drawbacks of policy cut motions?

Policy cut motions can also be used to score political points.


  1. What is a policy cut motion?

A policy cut motion is a motion that is used to reduce the amount of money that is allocated to a particular policy or program.

  1. Who can initiate a policy cut motion?

A policy cut motion can be initiated by the government or by the opposition.

  1. How is a policy cut motion debated?

A policy cut motion is typically debated in Parliament.

  1. What happens if a policy cut motion is passed?

If a policy cut motion is passed, the amount of money that is allocated to the policy or program will be reduced.

  1. What are the benefits of policy cut motions?

Policy cut motions can be a powerful tool for holding the government to account.

  1. What are the drawbacks of policy cut motions?

Policy cut motions can also be used to score political points.