PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY): A Pension Safety Net for India’s Farmers

PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY): A Pension Safety Net for India’s Farmers


India’s agricultural sector, the backbone of the nation’s economy, sustains a vast population of farmers who contribute significantly to food security. However, the majority of these farmers face economic vulnerabilities, particularly during their post-retirement years. Recognizing this pressing need, the Indian government launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY) in 2019, a pension scheme specifically designed to provide financial security to small and marginal farmers in their old age. This article delves into the intricacies of PM-KMY, exploring its objectives, eligibility criteria, benefits, implementation, and impact on the lives of Indian farmers.

Understanding PM-KMY: A Comprehensive Overview

PM-KMY is a voluntary, contributory pension scheme aimed at providing a monthly pension of ₹3,000 to eligible farmers upon attaining the age of 60. The scheme is entirely funded by the government and the farmer’s contributions, with no contribution required from the farmer’s family.

Key Features of PM-KMY:

  • Eligibility: The scheme is open to all small and marginal farmers who are:
    • Indian citizens
    • Aged between 18 and 40 years
    • Not covered under any other social security scheme offering pension benefits
    • Registered under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme
  • Contribution: Farmers are required to contribute a monthly amount ranging from ₹55 to ₹200, depending on their age at the time of joining the scheme.
  • Pension Amount: Upon reaching the age of 60, eligible farmers will receive a monthly pension of ₹3,000.
  • Government Contribution: The government matches the farmer’s contribution, effectively doubling the amount invested in the scheme.
  • Life Insurance Cover: The scheme also provides a life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh to the farmer’s family in case of the farmer’s death before reaching the age of 60.

Objectives of PM-KMY:

  • Financial Security for Farmers: The scheme aims to provide a guaranteed monthly pension to farmers, ensuring their financial stability during their post-retirement years.
  • Social Security Net: PM-KMY acts as a social security net, protecting farmers from financial distress and vulnerability in their old age.
  • Empowerment of Farmers: By providing financial security, the scheme empowers farmers to lead a dignified life after retirement, free from financial worries.
  • Reducing Dependence on Family: The pension scheme reduces the burden on farmers’ families, who often have to support their elderly parents financially.
  • Boosting Agricultural Productivity: By providing financial security, the scheme encourages farmers to focus on improving agricultural productivity and income generation.

Implementation and Progress of PM-KMY:

The scheme was launched in February 2019 and has witnessed significant progress in its implementation. As of 2023, over 10 million farmers have enrolled in PM-KMY, highlighting its popularity among the target audience. The government has established a robust infrastructure for the scheme’s implementation, including:

  • Dedicated Website: A dedicated website provides comprehensive information about the scheme, including eligibility criteria, contribution details, and enrollment process.
  • Common Service Centers (CSCs): Farmers can enroll in the scheme through a network of CSCs located across the country.
  • Bank Accounts: Contributions are made through bank accounts linked to the farmer’s Aadhaar card.
  • Pension Fund: The government has established a dedicated pension fund to manage the contributions and payouts under PM-KMY.

Benefits of PM-KMY:

  • Guaranteed Monthly Pension: The scheme provides a guaranteed monthly pension of ₹3,000 to eligible farmers, ensuring their financial stability in their old age.
  • Financial Security: The pension acts as a safety net, protecting farmers from financial distress and vulnerability during their post-retirement years.
  • Improved Quality of Life: The pension allows farmers to lead a dignified life after retirement, free from financial worries.
  • Reduced Dependence on Family: The scheme reduces the burden on farmers’ families, who often have to support their elderly parents financially.
  • Increased Savings: The scheme encourages farmers to save for their future, promoting financial discipline and planning.
  • Life Insurance Cover: The scheme provides a life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh to the farmer’s family in case of the farmer’s death before reaching the age of 60.

Challenges and Criticisms:

Despite its positive impact, PM-KMY faces certain challenges and criticisms:

  • Low Contribution Amount: The monthly contribution amount, ranging from ₹55 to ₹200, may be insufficient to generate a substantial pension of ₹3,000 after 20 years.
  • Limited Coverage: The scheme only covers small and marginal farmers, excluding larger farmers who may also require financial security in their old age.
  • Lack of Awareness: There is a need to increase awareness about the scheme among farmers, particularly in remote areas.
  • Administrative Bottlenecks: Some farmers have reported difficulties in enrolling in the scheme due to administrative bottlenecks and delays.
  • Sustainability Concerns: The long-term sustainability of the scheme depends on the government’s ability to maintain its financial commitment.

Table 1: Monthly Contribution Amount Based on Age at Entry

Age at EntryMonthly Contribution (₹)

Impact of PM-KMY on Farmers’ Lives:

PM-KMY has had a significant impact on the lives of Indian farmers, providing them with much-needed financial security and peace of mind. The scheme has:

  • Reduced Financial Stress: The guaranteed monthly pension has reduced financial stress among farmers, particularly during their post-retirement years.
  • Improved Living Standards: The pension has allowed farmers to improve their living standards, access better healthcare, and afford essential amenities.
  • Empowered Farmers: The scheme has empowered farmers, giving them financial independence and a sense of security in their old age.
  • Reduced Dependence on Family: The pension has reduced the burden on farmers’ families, who no longer have to support their elderly parents financially.
  • Increased Investment in Agriculture: The financial security provided by the scheme has encouraged farmers to invest more in their farms, leading to increased agricultural productivity.

Future Directions for PM-KMY:

To further enhance the effectiveness of PM-KMY, the government should consider the following measures:

  • Increasing Contribution Amount: The monthly contribution amount should be increased to ensure a more substantial pension for farmers.
  • Expanding Coverage: The scheme should be extended to cover all farmers, regardless of their landholding size.
  • Improving Awareness: The government should launch awareness campaigns to educate farmers about the benefits of PM-KMY.
  • Streamlining Enrollment Process: The enrollment process should be simplified to make it easier for farmers to join the scheme.
  • Ensuring Sustainability: The government should ensure the long-term sustainability of the scheme by maintaining its financial commitment.


PM-KMY is a significant step towards providing financial security to India’s farmers, ensuring their well-being during their post-retirement years. The scheme has already made a positive impact on the lives of millions of farmers, reducing financial stress, improving living standards, and empowering them to lead a dignified life. However, there is still room for improvement, and the government should take steps to address the challenges and criticisms associated with the scheme. By expanding coverage, increasing contribution amounts, and ensuring long-term sustainability, PM-KMY can become a truly transformative program, ensuring a brighter future for India’s farmers.

Frequently Asked Questions on PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY)

1. Who is eligible for PM-KMY?

  • Indian citizens: You must be an Indian citizen.
  • Age: You must be between 18 and 40 years old at the time of joining the scheme.
  • Farmer status: You must be a small or marginal farmer, meaning you own less than 2 hectares of land.
  • No other pension: You should not be covered under any other social security scheme offering pension benefits.
  • PM-KISAN registration: You must be registered under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme.

2. How much do I need to contribute monthly?

The monthly contribution amount depends on your age at the time of joining the scheme. It ranges from ₹55 to ₹200. You can find the exact amount for your age in the table provided in the article.

3. How much pension will I receive?

Upon reaching the age of 60, you will receive a monthly pension of ₹3,000.

4. What happens if I die before reaching 60 years old?

In case of your death before reaching the age of 60, your family will receive a life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh.

5. How do I enroll in PM-KMY?

You can enroll in the scheme through a network of Common Service Centers (CSCs) located across the country. You can also find information on the dedicated PM-KMY website.

6. What documents do I need to enroll?

You will need to provide your Aadhaar card, bank account details, and PM-KISAN registration details.

7. Can I withdraw my contributions before reaching 60?

No, the contributions are not withdrawable before reaching the age of 60.

8. What if I stop contributing after joining the scheme?

If you stop contributing, you will not be eligible for the pension.

9. Is there any age limit for joining the scheme?

Yes, the maximum age for joining the scheme is 40 years.

10. How is the pension funded?

The pension is funded by the government and your contributions. The government matches your contribution, effectively doubling the amount invested in the scheme.

11. What are the benefits of joining PM-KMY?

  • Guaranteed monthly pension of ₹3,000
  • Financial security in old age
  • Reduced dependence on family
  • Life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh
  • Improved quality of life

12. What are the challenges of PM-KMY?

  • Low contribution amount
  • Limited coverage
  • Lack of awareness
  • Administrative bottlenecks
  • Sustainability concerns

13. What are the future directions for PM-KMY?

  • Increasing contribution amount
  • Expanding coverage
  • Improving awareness
  • Streamlining enrollment process
  • Ensuring sustainability

14. Where can I find more information about PM-KMY?

You can visit the dedicated PM-KMY website or contact your local Common Service Center (CSC).

Here are a few MCQs on PM Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY):

1. What is the maximum age limit for joining PM-KMY?

a) 35 years
b) 40 years
c) 45 years
d) 50 years

2. What is the monthly pension amount provided under PM-KMY?

a) ₹1,000
b) ₹2,000
c) ₹3,000
d) ₹4,000

3. Who is eligible for PM-KMY?

a) All farmers
b) Only small and marginal farmers
c) Only farmers with less than 1 hectare of land
d) Only farmers registered under PM-KISAN

4. What is the government’s contribution to the PM-KMY scheme?

a) The government matches the farmer’s contribution.
b) The government contributes a fixed amount regardless of the farmer’s contribution.
c) The government does not contribute to the scheme.
d) The government’s contribution depends on the farmer’s income.

5. What is the purpose of PM-KMY?

a) To provide financial assistance to farmers during crop failure.
b) To provide financial security to farmers in their old age.
c) To encourage farmers to adopt new agricultural technologies.
d) To promote organic farming practices.

6. How can farmers enroll in PM-KMY?

a) Through their local bank branch
b) Through the PM-KMY website
c) Through Common Service Centers (CSCs)
d) All of the above

7. What happens to the farmer’s contributions if they die before reaching the age of 60?

a) The contributions are returned to the farmer’s family.
b) The contributions are used to fund the pension of other farmers.
c) The farmer’s family receives a life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh.
d) The contributions are forfeited.

8. What is the minimum age for joining PM-KMY?

a) 18 years
b) 21 years
c) 25 years
d) 30 years

9. Which of the following is NOT a challenge faced by PM-KMY?

a) Low contribution amount
b) Limited coverage
c) Lack of awareness
d) High interest rates

10. What is the main source of funding for PM-KMY?

a) Farmer’s contributions
b) Government contribution
c) Both a) and b)
d) Private donations


  1. b) 40 years
  2. c) ₹3,000
  3. b) Only small and marginal farmers
  4. a) The government matches the farmer’s contribution.
  5. b) To provide financial security to farmers in their old age.
  6. d) All of the above
  7. c) The farmer’s family receives a life insurance cover of ₹3 lakh.
  8. a) 18 years
  9. d) High interest rates
  10. c) Both a) and b)