Persuasion (1)

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Persuasion is an umbrella term of influence. Persuasion can attempt to influence a person’s beliefs, attitudes, intentions, motivations, or behaviors. In business, persuasion is a process aimed at changing a person’s (or a group’s) Attitude or behavior toward some event, idea, object, or other person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information, feelings, or reasoning, or a combination thereof. Persuasion is also an often used tool in the pursuit of personal gain, such as election campaigning, giving a sales pitch, or in trial advocacy. Persuasion can also be interpreted as using one’s personal or positional Resources to change people’s behaviors or attitudes. Systematic persuasion is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are leveraged by appeals to logic and reason. Heuristic persuasion on the other hand is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are leveraged by appeals to habit or emotion.

Methods of persuasion

Persuasion methods are also sometimes referred to as persuasion tactics or persuasion strategies:

Usage of force

 There is the usage of force in persuasion, which does not have any scientific theories, except for its use to make demands. The use of force is then a precedent to the failure of less direct means of persuasion. Application of this strategy can be interpreted as a threat since the persuader does not give Options to his or her request.

 Weapons of influence  

There are 6 weapons of influence:


 The principle of reciprocity states that when a person provides us with something, we attempt to repay him or her in kind. Reciprocation produces a sense of obligation, which can be a powerful tool in persuasion. The reciprocity rule is effective because it can be overpowering and instill in us a sense of obligation. Generally, we have a dislike for individuals who neglect to return a favor or provide payment when offered a free service or gift. As a result, reciprocation is a widely held principle. This societal standard makes reciprocity extremely powerful persuasive technique, as it can result in unequal exchanges and can even apply to an uninvited first favor.

Commitment and consistency

Consistency is an important aspect of persuasion because it:  

  • is highly valued by Society,
  • results in a beneficial approach to daily life, and
  • provides a valuable shortcut through the complicated nature of modern existence.

Consistency allows us to more effectively make decisions and process information. The concept of consistency states that someone who commits to something, orally or in writing, is more likely to honor that commitment. This is especially true for written commitments, as they appear psychologically more concrete and can create hard proof. Someone who commits to a stance tends to behave according to that commitment. Commitment is an effective persuasive technique, because once you get someone to commit, they are more likely to engage in self-persuasion, providing themselves and others with reasons and justifications to support their commitment in order to avoid dissonance. Cialdini notes Chinese brainwashing of American prisoners of war to rewrite their self-image and gain automatic unenforced compliance. Another example is children being made to repeat the Pledge of Allegiance each morning and why marketers make you close popups by saying “I’ll sign up later” or “No thanks, I prefer not making Money”.

Social proof

We, as humans, are influenced by others around us; we want to do what everyone else is. People often base their actions and beliefs on what others around them are doing, how others act or what others believe.  “The power of the crowd” is very effective. We all want to know what others are doing around us. We are so obsessed with what others do and how others act, that we then try to be just like other people. Cialdini gives an example that is somewhat like this: In a phone–a–thon, the host says something like, “Operators are waiting, please call now.” The only context you have from that statement is that the operators are waiting and not busy. Rather the host may say: “If operators are busy, please call again.” This is the technique of social proof. Just by changing three words, it sounds like the lines are busy and other people are calling, so it must be a worthwhile organization.  Social proof is most effective when people are uncertain or when there are similarities in a situation. In uncertain or ambiguous situations, when multiple possibilities create choices we must make, people are likely to conform to what others do. We become more influenced by people around us in situations that present a decision. The other effective situation for social proofing is when there are similarities. We are more prone to change or conform around people who are similar to us. If someone who is similar to you is being controlling and a leader, you are more likely to listen and follow what they say.


This principle is simple and concise. People say “yes” to people that they like. Two major factors contribute to overall likeness. The first is physical attractiveness. People who are physically attractive seem more persuasive. They get what they want and they can easily change others’ attitudes. This attractiveness is proven to send favorable messages/impressions of other traits that a person may have, such as talent, kindness, and intelligence. The second factor is similarity. We are more easily persuaded by people we see as similar to ourselves.


 We have the tendency to believe that if an expert says something, then it must be true. People like to listen to those who are knowledgeable and trustworthy, so if you can be those two things, then you are already on your way to getting people to believe and listen to you.  In the Milgram study, a series of experiments begun in 1961, a “teacher” and a “learner” were placed in two different rooms. The “learner” was attached to an electric harness that could administer shock. The “teacher” was told by a supervisor, dressed in a white scientist’s coat, to ask the learner questions and punish him when he got a question wrong. The teacher was instructed by the study supervisor to deliver an electric shock from a panel under the teacher’s control. After delivery, the teacher had to up the voltage to the next notch. The voltage went up to 450 volts. The catch to this experiment was that the teacher did not know that the learner was an actor faking the pain sounds he heard and was not actually being harmed. The experiment was being done to see how obedient we are to authority. “When an authority tells ordinary people it is their job to deliver harm, how much suffering will each subject be willing to inflict on an entirely innocent other person if the instructions come ‘from above’?.” In this study the results show that most teachers were willing to give as much pain as was available to them. The conclusion was that people are willing to bring pain upon others when they are directed to do so by some authority figure.


Scarcity is a principle that people underestimate. When something has limited availability, people assign it more value. According to Cialdini, “people want more of what they cannot have.” When scarcity is an issue, the context matters. This means that within certain contexts, scarcity “works” better. To get people to believe that something is scarcer, marketers explain what about that certain product provides what no other product does. Marketers also get people to believe something is scarce by telling them what they will lose, not what they will gain—using statements like, “You will lose $5,” rather than, “Save $5.” There are two major reasons why the scarcity principle works:  

  • When things are difficult to get, they are usually more valuable, so that can make it seem to have better quality.
  • When things become less available, we could lose the chance to acquire them.

When this happens, we assign the scarce item or service more value simply because it is harder to acquire.  This principle is that we all want things that are out of our reach. If we see something is easily available, we do not want it as much as something that is very rare.



Persuasion is the art of influencing others to see things your way. It is a powerful tool that can be used to achieve a variety of goals, from getting someone to buy your product to getting them to vote for your candidate.

There are many different techniques that can be used to persuade others. Some of the most common include:

  • Ethos is the use of credibility to persuade others. This can be done by establishing yourself as an expert on the topic, or by citing credible sources.
  • Pathos is the use of emotion to persuade others. This can be done by telling stories that evoke strong emotions, or by using language that is emotionally charged.
  • Logos is the use of logic to persuade others. This can be done by providing evidence to support your claims, or by using logical arguments.
  • Rhetorical questions are questions that are asked for effect, rather than for an answer. They can be used to get the audience thinking about your point of view, or to make them feel like they are part of the conversation.
  • Repetition is the use of the same words or phrases over and over again. This can be used to emphasize your point, or to make it stick in the audience’s mind.
  • Contrast is the use of opposites to create emphasis. This can be done by comparing and contrasting two different things, or by using language that is both positive and negative.
  • Humor can be used to make your argument more engaging and memorable. It can also be used to disarm the audience and make them more receptive to your message.
  • Scarcity is the use of the fear of loss to persuade others. This can be done by telling the audience that they will miss out on something if they don’t act now.
  • Authority is the use of someone’s position of power or expertise to persuade others. This can be done by citing experts, or by using language that implies that you are an expert yourself.
  • Social proof is the use of the opinions of others to persuade others. This can be done by citing statistics, or by using testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • Liking is the use of the audience’s positive feelings towards you to persuade them. This can be done by being friendly and approachable, or by using language that is warm and inviting.
  • Reciprocity is the use of the feeling of obligation to persuade others. This can be done by doing something nice for the audience, or by asking them for a small favor.
  • Consistency is the use of the audience’s desire to be consistent to persuade them. This can be done by reminding them of their past actions, or by asking them to make a small commitment.
  • Scarcity is the use of the fear of loss to persuade others. This can be done by telling the audience that they will miss out on something if they don’t act now.
  • Urgency is the use of the fear of missing out to persuade others. This can be done by telling the audience that they need to act now, or that the opportunity is only available for a limited time.

Persuasion is a complex and nuanced topic, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach. However, by understanding the different techniques that can be used, you can become more persuasive in your own life.

Here are some examples of how these techniques can be used in everyday life:

  • Ethos can be used to persuade someone to buy a product by establishing yourself as an expert on the topic. For example, if you are selling a new type of vacuum cleaner, you could mention that you are a professional cleaner and that you have used this vacuum cleaner yourself and found it to be very effective.
  • Pathos can be used to persuade someone to donate to a charity by telling a story about someone who has been affected by the charity’s cause. For example, if you are donating to a charity that helps children in need, you could tell a story about a child who has been helped by the charity.
  • Logos can be used to persuade someone to vote for a particular candidate by providing evidence to support your claims. For example, if you are voting for a candidate who supports environmental protection, you could provide statistics about the effects of Climate change.
  • Rhetorical questions can be used to persuade someone to think about a particular issue in a new way. For example, if you are trying to persuade someone to recycle more, you could ask them a question like, “What if we could all do something small to help the Environment?”
  • Repetition can be used to persuade someone to remember a particular point. For example, if you are trying to persuade someone to vote for a particular candidate, you could repeat the candidate’s name several times throughout

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about persuasion:

  1. What is persuasion?
    Persuasion is the act of influencing someone’s beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. It can be done through a variety of methods, including logic, emotion, and social pressure.

  2. What are the different types of persuasion?
    There are three main types of persuasion: rational persuasion, emotional persuasion, and social persuasion. Rational persuasion is based on logic and reason. Emotional persuasion is based on appeals to emotion. Social persuasion is based on appeals to social norms and expectations.

  3. What are the different techniques of persuasion?
    There are many different techniques of persuasion, including:

  4. Ethos: This technique involves establishing credibility and trustworthiness.

  5. Pathos: This technique involves appealing to emotions.
  6. Logos: This technique involves using logic and reason.
  7. Repetition: This technique involves repeating a message over and over again.
  8. Contrast: This technique involves comparing two things to highlight the differences between them.
  9. Scarcity: This technique involves creating a sense of urgency or scarcity.
  10. Authority: This technique involves appealing to authority figures or experts.
  11. Liking: This technique involves creating a sense of rapport or liking with the target audience.
  12. Reciprocity: This technique involves giving something to the target audience in order to get them to do something in return.
  13. Social proof: This technique involves showing the target audience that other people are doing or believing something.
  14. Consistency: This technique involves getting the target audience to agree with a small request in order to get them to agree with a larger request later on.

  15. What are the benefits of persuasion?
    Persuasion can be used to achieve a variety of goals, including:

  16. Influencing someone’s beliefs: Persuasion can be used to change someone’s beliefs about a particular issue.

  17. Influencing someone’s attitudes: Persuasion can be used to change someone’s attitudes about a particular issue.
  18. Influencing someone’s behaviors: Persuasion can be used to change someone’s behaviors.
  19. Selling a product or service: Persuasion can be used to sell a product or service.
  20. Getting someone to vote for a particular candidate: Persuasion can be used to get someone to vote for a particular candidate.
  21. Getting someone to donate to a particular cause: Persuasion can be used to get someone to donate to a particular cause.

  22. What are the risks of persuasion?
    Persuasion can also be used for harmful purposes, such as:

  23. Influencing someone to make a bad decision: Persuasion can be used to influence someone to make a bad decision, such as buying a product they don’t need or voting for a candidate who is not qualified.

  24. Influencing someone to engage in harmful behavior: Persuasion can be used to influence someone to engage in harmful behavior, such as smoking or drinking alcohol.
  25. Influencing someone to commit a crime: Persuasion can be used to influence someone to commit a crime, such as theft or assault.

  26. How can I avoid being persuaded by others?
    There are a few things you can do to avoid being persuaded by others:

  27. Be aware of the techniques of persuasion: Knowing the different techniques of persuasion can help you to identify them when they are being used on you.

  28. Be critical of the information you receive: Don’t just accept everything you hear or read. Think critically about the information and evaluate its credibility.
  29. Trust your gut: If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a situation that makes you uncomfortable.
  30. Seek out multiple sources of information: Don’t just rely on one source of information. Get information from a variety of sources to get a well-rounded view of the issue.
  31. Take your time: Don’t make a decision right away. Give yourself time to think about the issue and weigh all of your options.
  32. Talk to someone you trust: If you’re feeling pressured or persuaded by someone, talk to someone you trust about it. They can help you to stay objective and make the best decision for you.

Here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Persuasion:

  1. Which of the following is NOT a type of persuasion?
    (A) Rhetorical question
    (B) Logos
    (C) Ethos
    (D) Pathos

  2. Which of the following is an example of ethos?
    (A) A speaker uses statistics to support their argument.
    (B) A speaker uses personal stories to connect with their audience.
    (C) A speaker uses humor to make their audience laugh.
    (D) A speaker uses vivid language to create a strong image in the audience’s mind.

  3. Which of the following is an example of pathos?
    (A) A speaker uses statistics to support their argument.
    (B) A speaker uses personal stories to connect with their audience.
    (C) A speaker uses humor to make their audience laugh.
    (D) A speaker uses vivid language to create a strong image in the audience’s mind.

  4. Which of the following is an example of logos?
    (A) A speaker uses statistics to support their argument.
    (B) A speaker uses personal stories to connect with their audience.
    (C) A speaker uses humor to make their audience laugh.
    (D) A speaker uses vivid language to create a strong image in the audience’s mind.

  5. Which of the following is NOT an example of a rhetorical question?
    (A) “Who wouldn’t want to live in a world without war?”
    (B) “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”
    (C) “I rest my case.”
    (D) “What do you think?”

  6. Which of the following is an example of a logical fallacy?
    (A) Ad hominem
    (B) Straw man
    (C) Circular reasoning
    (D) All of the above

  7. Which of the following is an example of an ad hominem fallacy?
    (A) “You’re just saying that because you’re a man.”
    (B) “That’s a ridiculous idea. Only a child would believe that.”
    (C) “My argument is obviously correct, because I said so.”
    (D) “I’m not going to argue with you. You’re just too stubborn to listen to reason.”

  8. Which of the following is an example of a straw man fallacy?
    (A) “You’re just saying that because you’re a man.”
    (B) “That’s a ridiculous idea. Only a child would believe that.”
    (C) “My argument is obviously correct, because I said so.”
    (D) “I’m not going to argue with you. You’re just too stubborn to listen to reason.”

  9. Which of the following is an example of circular reasoning?
    (A) “You’re just saying that because you’re a man.”
    (B) “That’s a ridiculous idea. Only a child would believe that.”
    (C) “My argument is obviously correct, because I said so.”
    (D) “I’m not going to argue with you. You’re just too stubborn to listen to reason.”

  10. Which of the following is NOT an example of a persuasive technique?
    (A) Repetition
    (B) Scarcity
    (C) Authority
    (D) All of the above

  11. Which of the following is an example of repetition?
    (A) “I’m not going to argue with you. You’re just too stubborn to listen to reason.”
    (B) “Buy now, while supplies last!”
    (C) “Dr. Oz says this is the best way to lose weight!”
    (D) “I’m telling you, this is the best way to do it!”

  12. Which of the following is an example of scarcity?
    (A) “Buy now, while supplies last!”
    (B) “Dr. Oz says this is the best way to lose weight!”
    (C) “I’m telling you, this is the best way to do it!”
    (D) “This offer is only available for a limited time!”

  13. Which of the following is an example of authority?
    (A) “Buy now, while supplies last!”
    (B) “Dr. Oz says this is the best way to lose weight!”
    (C) “I’m telling you, this is the best way to do it!”
    (D) “This product is endorsed by Dr. Oz!”

  14. Which of the following is NOT an example of a logical fallacy?
    (A) Ad hominem
    (B) Straw man
    (C) Circular reasoning
    (D) None of the above