Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) is an autonomous body set up by the Government of India to regulate the pension sector in India. The PFRDA was established in 2003 under the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2003. The PFRDA is responsible for regulating the pension sector in India, including the establishment of pension funds, the regulation of pension fund managers, and the promotion of the pension sector.

The PFRDA has issued a number of regulations governing the pension sector in India. These regulations include the Pension Fund Regulations, 2005, the Pension Fund Scheme Regulations, 2005, and the Pension Fund Manager Regulations, 2005. The PFRDA also has a number of guidelines governing the pension sector in India. These guidelines include the Pension Fund Guidelines, 2005, and the Pension Fund Manager Guidelines, 2005.

The PFRDA has been successful in promoting the pension sector in India. The number of pension funds in India has increased from 10 in 2003 to over 100 in 2018. The number of subscribers to pension funds in India has also increased from 1 million in 2003 to over 10 million in 2018. The PFRDA has also been successful in regulating the pension sector in India. The PFRDA has taken action against a number of pension fund managers for violating the regulations.

The PFRDA has been successful in promoting and regulating the pension sector in India. The PFRDA has played a key role in the growth of the pension sector in India. The PFRDA has also played a key role in protecting the interests of pension fund subscribers in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA)?
    The PFRDA is an autonomous body set up by the Government of India to regulate the pension sector in India.

  2. What are the objectives of the PFRDA?
    The objectives of the PFRDA are to:

  • Promote the development of the pension sector in India;
  • Protect the interests of pension fund subscribers;
  • Regulate the pension sector in India; and
  • Promote financial literacy among the public.
  1. What are the powers of the PFRDA?
    The PFRDA has the power to:
  • Issue regulations and guidelines;
  • Grant licenses to pension fund managers;
  • Supervise and regulate the activities of pension fund managers;
  • Take action against pension fund managers for violating the regulations; and
  • Promote financial literacy among the public.
  1. What are the functions of the PFRDA?
    The functions of the PFRDA are to:
  • Promote the development of the pension sector in India;
  • Protect the interests of pension fund subscribers;
  • Regulate the pension sector in India; and
  • Promote financial literacy among the public.
  1. How can I contact the PFRDA?
    You can contact the PFRDA at the following address:
    Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority
    10th Floor, Jeevan Bharti Building
    Kasturba Gandhi Marg
    New Delhi – 110001


  1. The PFRDA was established in:
    (a) 2003
    (b) 2004
    (c) 2005
    (d) 2006

  2. The PFRDA is an autonomous body set up by the:
    (a) Government of India
    (b) Reserve Bank of India
    (c) Securities and Exchange Board of India
    (d) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India

  3. The objectives of the PFRDA are to:
    (a) Promote the development of the pension sector in India
    (b) Protect the interests of pension fund subscribers
    (c) Regulate the pension sector in India
    (d) All of the above

  4. The PFRDA has the power to:
    (a) Issue regulations and guidelines
    (b) Grant licenses to pension fund managers
    (c) Supervise and regulate the activities of pension fund managers
    (d) All of the above

  5. The functions of the PFRDA are to:
    (a) Promote the development of the pension sector in India
    (b) Protect the interests of pension fund subscribers
    (c) Regulate the pension sector in India
    (d) All of the above

  6. You can contact the PFRDA at:
    (a) 10th Floor, Jeevan Bharti Building
    Kasturba Gandhi Marg
    New Delhi – 110001
    (b) 11th Floor, Jeevan Bharti Building
    Kasturba Gandhi Marg
    New Delhi – 110001
