Participatory Guarantee Scheme (PGS): Putting Farmers at the Helm of Organic Certification

The Participatory Guarantee Scheme (PGS) is an innovative and locally-focused quality assurance system for organic farming in India. PGS recognizes that organic farming is built on trust and transparency and seeks to empower communities with a credible, low-cost alternative to third-party organic certification.

How PGS Works

  • Farmer Groups: The core foundation of PGS is groups of farmers who pledge to uphold organic standards and monitor each other’s practices.
  • Peer Review: Group members conduct regular farm inspections, verify compliance with organic standards, and document their findings.
  • Social Responsibility: The system relies on shared values, active participation, and the integrity of farmers within the group.
  • Local Councils: PGS Local Councils oversee the functioning of farmer groups and conduct random audits to ensure credibility.
  • Organic Label: Successful PGS groups receive authorization to use the PGS-India Organic label, offering market recognition for their produce.

Benefits of PGS

  • Accessibility: PGS is cost-effective and eliminates the need for expensive third-party certification, making it accessible to smallholder farmers.
  • Community-Driven: Encourages a sense of ownership and builds trust within the local farming community.
  • Market Access: Gives consumers confidence in domestically produced organic food, boosting the market for local farmers.
  • Capacity Building: PGS focuses on sharing knowledge and improving overall organic farming practices within the community.

PGS in Action: Success Stories

  • PGS-India Green: This PGS label is linked to small farmer-focused schemes like the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), amplifying its reach.
  • Northeast PGS Groups: Tribal communities in the Northeast have embraced PGS for certifying their traditionally organic products.

FAQs About PGS

  • Who is the governing body for PGS in India? The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare oversees PGS implementation.
  • How can farmers join PGS? Farmers can contact their nearest Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), state agriculture department, or NGOs working in organic farming.


The primary purpose of the Participatory Guarantee Scheme (PGS) is to:

A. Provide modern farming equipment to communities.

B. Offer organic certification to farmers

C. Distribute free agricultural inputs

D. Construct irrigation facilities.

Which of these is NOT a feature of PGS?

A. Community involvement

B. Transparency

C. Emphasis on costly external audits

D. Focus on local markets