Panchayats And Municipalities

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Panchayats and Municipalities


Village Panchayat

In the structure of the Panchayati Raj, the Village Panchayat is the lowest unit. There is a Panchayat for each village or a group of villages in case the Population of these villages happens to be too small. The Panchayat chiefly consists of representatives elected by the people of the village.

Only the persons who are registered as voters and do not hold any Office of Profit under the government are eligible for election to the Panchayat. The persons convicted by the court for criminal offences are disqualified from election of the Panchayat.

There is also provision for co-option of two Women and one member of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes, if they do not get adequate representation in the normal course.  The Panchayat as a body is accountable to the general body of the village known as Gram Sabha which meets at least twice a year. The Gram Panchayat must present its budget, accounts of the previous year and annual administrative report before the Gram Sabha. Furthermore, it has to secure the latter’s approval of the village production plan, proposals for Taxation and development programmes before they are enforced by the Panchayat.

Every Panchayat elects a President or Sarpanch and a Vice-President or Upsarpanch. In some states the Sarpanch is directly elected by the Gram Sabha either through the show of hands or through secret ballot while in other states the mode of election is indirect.  The Sarpanch occupies a pivotal position in Gram Panchayat system. He supervises and coordinates the various activities of the Panchayat.  He is an ex-officio member of the Panchayat Samiti and participates in its decision-making as well as in the election of the Pradhan and of the members of various Standing Committees. He acts as the executive head of the Panchayat, represents it in the Panchayat Samiti as its spokesman and coordinates its activities and those of other local institutions like cooperatives.

Panchayat Samiti

The Panchayat Samiti is the second on join tier of the Panchayati Raj. The Balwant Rai Mehta Committee report has envisaged the Samiti as a single representative and vigorous democratic institution to take charge of all aspects of development in rural areas. The Samiti, according to the Committee, offers “an area large enough for functions which the Village Panchayat cannot perform and yet small enough to attract the interest and Services of residents.”

Usually a Panchayat Samiti consists of 20 to 60 villages depending on area and population. The Average population under a Samiti is about 80,000 but the range is from 35,000 to 1, 00,000. The Panchayat Samiti generally consists of-

  • About twenty members elected by and from the Panches of all the Panchayats falling in the block area;
  • Two women members and one member each from the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes to be co- opted, provided they do not get adequate representation otherwise;
  • Two local persons possessing experience of public life and administration, which may be beneficial for the rural development;
  • Representatives of the Co-operatives working within the jurisdiction of the block;
  • one representative elected by and from the members of each small Municipality lying within the geographical limits of a block;
  • the members of the State and Union legislatures representing the area are to be taken as associate members.

Zilla Parishad

The Zilla Parishad stands at the apex of the three-tier structure of the Panchayati Raj system. Generally, the Zilla Parishad consists of representatives of the Panchayat Samiti; all the members of the State Legislature and the Parliament representing a part or whole of the district; all district level officers of the Medical, Public Health, Public Works, Engineering, agriculture, Veterinary, Education and other development departments.

There is also a provision for special representation of women, members of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes provided they are not adequately represented in the normal course. The Collector is also a member of the Zilla Parishad.

The Chairman of the Zilla Parishad is elected from among its members. There is a Chief Executive Officer in the Zilla Parishad. He is deputed to the Zilla Parishad by the State Government. There are subject matter specialists or officers at the district level in all the states for various development programmes.

The Zilla Parishad, for the most part, performs co-ordinating and supervisory functions. It coordinates the activities of the Panchayat Samitis falling within its jurisdiction. In certain states the Zilla Parishad also approves the budgets of the Panchayat Samitis.  The Zilla Parishad also renders necessary advice to the Government with regard to the implementation of the various development schemes. It is also responsible for the maintenance of primary and secondary schools, hospitals, dispensaries, minor Irrigation works etc. It also promotes local industries and art.

The finances of the Zilla Parishad consist of the grants received from the State Government and share in the land cess and other local cess and taxes. Sometimes it has been allowed by the State Government to levy certain taxes or enhance the taxes already levied by the Panchayat Samitis subject to a certain limit.



74th Constitutional Amendment added a new part IX-A to the Constitution entitled as ‘The Municipalities’ and a new Twelfth Schedule containing 18 functional items for municipalities. The main provisions of this Act can be grouped under two categories–compulsory and voluntary.

Some of the compulsory provisions which are binding on all States are:

  • Constitution of Nagar panchayats, municipal councils and municipal corporations in transitional areas (areas in transition from a rural area to urban area), smaller urban areas and larger urban areas respectively;
  • Reservation of seats in Urban Local Bodies for Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes roughly in proportion to their population; Reservation of seats for women up to one-third seats;
  • The State Election Commission, constituted in order to conduct Elections in the panchayati raj bodies (see 73rd Amendment) will also conduct elections to the urban local self- governing bodies;
  • The State Finance Commission, constituted to deal with financial affairs of the Panchayati Raj bodies will also look into the financial affairs of the local urban self governing bodies;
  • Tenure of urban local self-governing bodies is fixed at five years and in case of earlier Dissolution fresh elections are to be held within six months;


The Municipal bodies are constituted of persons chosen by direct election from the territorial constituencies (known as wards) in the municipal area.  However, the Legislature of a State may, by law, provide for the representation in a municipal body of persons having special knowledge or experience of municipal administration, the members of Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha and the members of Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of the State, representing constituencies, which comprise wholly or partly the Municipal Area.The state legislature may also provide the manner of the election of the Chairpersons of a municipality.  The state legislature may also provide the manner of the election of the Chairpersons of a municipality.

Empowerment of weaker sections of Society and women by reserving seats for such groups is one of the important constitutional provisions of the Constitutional Amendment.  The offices of chairperson are also reserved for SC/ST and women. Thus, at least one year, out of five year duration of Municipal Corporation of Delhi, the office of Mayor is reserved for a woman, and for one year is reserved for a Councillor of Scheduled Caste. It gives a term of five years to the municipalities and if any of them is to be dissolved, it must be given an opportunity of being heard.



The Panchayat Raj System is a system of local self-government in India. It was introduced in 1959 with the objective of decentralizing power and involving people in the development process. The system is based on the three-tier structure of Gram Panchayats (village councils), Panchayat Samitis (block councils), and Zila Parishads (district councils).

The Panchayat Raj System is governed by the Panchayati Raj Act, which is enacted by each state. The Act provides for the establishment, composition, powers, and functions of the Panchayats. The Act also provides for the election of members to the Panchayats.

The Panchayat Raj System has been successful in decentralizing power and involving people in the development process. It has also helped to improve the delivery of services to the people. However, the system faces some challenges, such as lack of financial Resources, lack of capacity, and Corruption.

Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) are local self-government bodies in urban areas in India. They are responsible for providing basic services such as water supply, sanitation, drainage, roads, and street lighting. ULBs are also responsible for planning and development of urban areas.

The ULBs are governed by the Municipal Corporation Act, which is enacted by each state. The Act provides for the establishment, composition, powers, and functions of the ULBs. The Act also provides for the election of members to the ULBs.

The ULBs have been successful in providing basic services to the people. However, they face some challenges, such as lack of financial resources, lack of capacity, and corruption.

The Panchayati Raj Act, the Municipal Corporation Act, the Zila Parishad Act, the Gram Panchayat Act, the Nagar Panchayat Act, the Municipal Council Act, the Municipal Committee Act, and the Town Panchayat Act are all laws that govern the functioning of the Panchayat Raj System and the Urban Local Bodies in India. These laws provide for the establishment, composition, powers, and functions of the Panchayats and ULBs. They also provide for the election of members to the Panchayats and ULBs.

The Ward Sabha is a body of elected representatives from each ward of a municipality. It is responsible for discussing and resolving local issues. The Gram Sabha is a body of all the adult members of a village. It is responsible for discussing and resolving local issues. The Nyaya Panchayat is a judicial body that settles disputes at the village level. The Gram Vikas Adhikari is a government official who is responsible for the development of villages. The Zila Panchayat Adhikari is a government official who is responsible for the development of districts. The Block Development Officer is a government official who is responsible for the development of blocks. The Panchayat Samiti is a body of elected representatives from each panchayat in a block. It is responsible for the development of the block. The Nagar Nigam is a municipal corporation in a large city. The Nagar Palika is a municipal corporation in a medium-sized city. The Nagar Panchayat is a municipal council in a small town. The Cantonment Board is a local self-government body in a cantonment area. The Municipal Corporation is a municipal corporation in a large city. The Municipal Council is a municipal council in a medium-sized city. The Municipal Committee is a municipal committee in a small town. The Town Panchayat is a town panchayat in a small town.

The Panchayat Raj System and the Urban Local Bodies are important institutions of local self-government in India. They are responsible for providing basic services to the people and for planning and development of local areas. The laws that govern these institutions provide for their establishment, composition, powers, and functions.

What is a panchayat?

A panchayat is a local self-government institution in India. It is a form of village council that is responsible for the administration of a village or group of villages. Panchayats are elected by the people of the village and are responsible for a variety of functions, including maintaining law and order, providing basic amenities, and promoting development.

What is a municipality?

A municipality is a Local Government body that is responsible for the administration of a town or city. Municipalities are elected by the people of the town or city and are responsible for a variety of functions, including providing basic amenities, maintaining law and order, and promoting development.

What are the functions of a panchayat?

The functions of a panchayat include:

  • Maintaining law and order
  • Providing basic amenities, such as water, sanitation, and electricity
  • Promoting development, such as education, health, and agriculture
  • Collecting taxes and other revenue
  • Disbursing funds for development projects
  • Implementing government schemes and programs

What are the functions of a municipality?

The functions of a municipality include:

  • Maintaining law and order
  • Providing basic amenities, such as water, sanitation, and electricity
  • Promoting development, such as education, health, and agriculture
  • Collecting taxes and other revenue
  • Disbursing funds for development projects
  • Implementing government schemes and programs

What are the benefits of having a panchayat or municipality?

There are many benefits to having a panchayat or municipality. Some of these benefits include:

  • Increased participation of people in local governance
  • Improved delivery of basic services
  • Increased Transparency and Accountability in government
  • Reduced corruption
  • Improved coordination between different levels of government
  • Increased efficiency in the use of resources
  • Improved Quality Of Life for the people

What are the challenges faced by panchayats and municipalities?

There are many challenges faced by panchayats and municipalities. Some of these challenges include:

  • Lack of financial resources
  • Lack of skilled manpower
  • Lack of Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE
  • Lack of coordination between different levels of government
  • Corruption
  • Lack of public participation
  • Social and political problems

What are the solutions to the challenges faced by panchayats and municipalities?

There are many solutions to the challenges faced by panchayats and municipalities. Some of these solutions include:

  • Increasing financial resources
  • Increasing the number of skilled manpower
  • Improving infrastructure
  • Improving coordination between different levels of government
  • Reducing corruption
  • Increasing public participation
  • Addressing social and political problems

What is the future of panchayats and municipalities?

The future of panchayats and municipalities is bright. With the right support and resources, panchayats and municipalities can play a vital role in the development of India. Panchayats and municipalities can be the agents of change and can bring about positive transformation in the lives of the people.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the following topics:

  1. The Constitution of India provides for three-tier system of local government. Which of the following is not a tier of local government?
    (A) Panchayats
    (B) Municipalities
    (C) Zila Parishads
    (D) State Legislatures

  2. The Panchayati Raj system was introduced in India in the year:
    (A) 1950
    (B) 1956
    (C) 1973
    (D) 1992

  3. The Panchayati Raj system is based on the principle of:
    (A) Decentralization
    (B) Deconcentration
    (C) Delegation
    (D) Devolution

  4. The Gram Sabha is the basic unit of the Panchayati Raj system. It consists of all the adult members of the village. Which of the following is not a function of the Gram Sabha?
    (A) To elect the members of the Panchayat
    (B) To discuss the development plans for the village
    (C) To approve the budget of the Panchayat
    (D) To monitor the functioning of the Panchayat

  5. The Zila Parishad is the apex body of the Panchayati Raj system in a district. It is headed by the Zila Pramukh. Which of the following is not a function of the Zila Parishad?
    (A) To prepare the development plan for the district
    (B) To coordinate the activities of the Panchayats in the district
    (C) To supervise the functioning of the Panchayats in the district
    (D) To provide financial assistance to the Panchayats in the district

  6. The Municipalities are urban local bodies. They are responsible for the provision of civic amenities in urban areas. Which of the following is not a function of the Municipalities?
    (A) To provide water supply
    (B) To provide sanitation facilities
    (C) To maintain roads and bridges
    (D) To provide education

  7. The Municipal Corporation is the highest tier of urban local government. It is headed by the Mayor. Which of the following is not a function of the Municipal Corporation?
    (A) To prepare the development plan for the city
    (B) To coordinate the activities of the Municipalities in the city
    (C) To supervise the functioning of the Municipalities in the city
    (D) To provide financial assistance to the Municipalities in the city

  8. The Panchayati Raj system and the Municipal system are two important pillars of the decentralization of power in India. Both these systems have been successful in bringing about development at the grassroot level. However, there are some challenges that these systems face. One of the major challenges is the lack of financial resources. The Panchayati Raj institutions and the Municipalities do not have adequate financial resources to carry out their functions effectively. This is because they do not have the power to levy taxes. They have to depend on the state government for financial assistance. This often leads to delays in the implementation of development projects.

  9. Another challenge that the Panchayati Raj system and the Municipal system face is the lack of capacity. The elected representatives and the officials of these institutions often do not have the required skills and knowledge to carry out their functions effectively. This leads to inefficiency and corruption.

  10. Despite these challenges, the Panchayati Raj system and the Municipal system have made a significant contribution to the development of India. They have helped to bring about development at the grassroot level and have empowered the people.