Orthodox Schools

Orthodox Schools


Orthodox schools are a type of religious school that follows the teachings of the Orthodox Church. They are typically found in countries where the Orthodox Church is the majority religion, such as Greece, Russia, and Ukraine. Orthodox schools offer a variety of subjects, including religious studies, history, literature, and mathematics. They also typically have a strong focus on the arts and music.


The first Orthodox schools were established in the 4th century AD. These schools were founded by the early church fathers to train priests and other church leaders. The schools were based on the classical education of the time, which included subjects such as grammar, rhetoric, and logic.

In the Middle Ages, Orthodox schools continued to flourish. Many of the great universities of Europe, such as Oxford and Cambridge, were founded by Orthodox monks. These universities played a major role in the development of Western civilization.

After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in 1453, Orthodox schools declined in importance. This was due to a number of factors, including the Ottoman conquest of much of the Orthodox world, the rise of Protestantism, and the Enlightenment.

In the 19th century, there was a revival of Orthodox education. This was due to a number of factors, including the rise of nationalism in the Orthodox world, the Russian Revolution, and the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Types of Orthodox Schools

There are a variety of types of Orthodox schools. Some of the most common types include:

  • Day schools: These schools are attended by students who live in the local area. They typically offer a full-time education, from kindergarten through high school.
  • Boarding schools: These schools are attended by students who live away from home. They typically offer a full-time education, from kindergarten through high school.
  • Seminaries: These schools are attended by students who are preparing to become priests or other church leaders. They typically offer a four-year degree program.
  • Monasteries: These schools are attended by monks and nuns. They typically offer a three-year program of study.


The curriculum of Orthodox schools varies depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically offer a strong foundation in the Orthodox faith. They also typically offer a variety of other subjects, such as history, literature, mathematics, and science.

Methods of Instruction

The methods of instruction used in Orthodox schools vary depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically use a combination of traditional and modern methods of instruction. Traditional methods of instruction include lectures, discussions, and readings. Modern methods of instruction include group work, projects, and field trips.


Orthodox schools use a variety of methods to assess student learning. Some of the most common methods include:

  • Examinations: These are written tests that are used to assess student knowledge of the material that has been covered in class.
  • Projects: These are assignments that require students to apply the knowledge that they have learned in class to a real-world situation.
  • Portfolios: These are collections of student work that are used to assess student progress over time.


The outcomes of Orthodox schools vary depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically aim to produce students who are well-educated, well-rounded, and faithful members of the Orthodox Church.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Orthodox school?

An Orthodox school is a type of religious school that follows the teachings of the Orthodox Church.

What are the different types of Orthodox schools?

There are a variety of types of Orthodox schools, including day schools, boarding schools, seminaries, and monasteries.

What is the curriculum of an Orthodox school?

The curriculum of an Orthodox school varies depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically offer a strong foundation in the Orthodox faith. They also typically offer a variety of other subjects, such as history, literature, mathematics, and science.

What are the methods of instruction used in Orthodox schools?

The methods of instruction used in Orthodox schools vary depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically use a combination of traditional and modern methods of instruction.

What are the methods of assessment used in Orthodox schools?

Orthodox schools use a variety of methods to assess student learning. Some of the most common methods include examinations, projects, and portfolios.

What are the outcomes of Orthodox schools?

The outcomes of Orthodox schools vary depending on the type of school. However, all Orthodox schools typically aim to produce students who are well-educated, well-rounded, and faithful members of the Orthodox Church.


  1. What is an Orthodox school?