Ordinary Bills

Ordinary Bills

An ordinary bill is a type of legislative bill that is introduced in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Ordinary bills are the most common type of bill, and they can be introduced by any member of Congress.

To become law, an ordinary bill must first be passed by the chamber in which it was introduced. If the bill is passed by the originating chamber, it is then sent to the other chamber for consideration. If the bill is passed by the second chamber, it is then sent to the President for signature or veto. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law. If the President vetoes the bill, it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both chambers of Congress.

Ordinary bills can be used to introduce a wide variety of legislation. Some common types of ordinary bills include:

  • Appropriation bills: These bills authorize the government to spend money.
  • Revenue bills: These bills raise money for the government through taxes or other means.
  • Legislative bills: These bills create new laws or change existing laws.
  • Judicial bills: These bills create new courts or change the jurisdiction of existing courts.
  • Executive bills: These bills create new executive offices or change the powers of existing executive offices.

Ordinary bills are an important part of the legislative process. They are used to introduce new laws and to change existing laws. Ordinary bills can be used to address a wide variety of issues, and they can have a significant impact on the lives of Americans.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an ordinary bill?

An ordinary bill is a type of legislative bill that is introduced in the House of Representatives or the Senate. Ordinary bills are the most common type of bill, and they can be introduced by any member of Congress.

How does an ordinary bill become law?

To become law, an ordinary bill must first be passed by the chamber in which it was introduced. If the bill is passed by the originating chamber, it is then sent to the other chamber for consideration. If the bill is passed by the second chamber, it is then sent to the President for signature or veto. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law. If the President vetoes the bill, it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both chambers of Congress.

What are some common types of ordinary bills?

Some common types of ordinary bills include:

  • Appropriation bills: These bills authorize the government to spend money.
  • Revenue bills: These bills raise money for the government through taxes or other means.
  • Legislative bills: These bills create new laws or change existing laws.
  • Judicial bills: These bills create new courts or change the jurisdiction of existing courts.
  • Executive bills: These bills create new executive offices or change the powers of existing executive offices.

What is the legislative process?

The legislative process is the process by which laws are made in the United States. The legislative process begins with the introduction of a bill. A bill is a proposed law that is introduced in either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Once a bill is introduced, it is referred to a committee for consideration. The committee may hold hearings on the bill and may make changes to the bill. After the committee has considered the bill, it is reported back to the full chamber. The full chamber then debates the bill and may make further changes to the bill. If the bill is passed by the full chamber, it is then sent to the other chamber. The other chamber considers the bill and may make further changes to the bill. If the bill is passed by both chambers, it is then sent to the President for signature or veto. If the President signs the bill, it becomes law. If the President vetoes the bill, it can be overridden by a two-thirds vote of both chambers of Congress.

What is the impact of ordinary bills?

Ordinary bills can have a significant impact on the lives of Americans. Ordinary bills can be used to introduce new laws or to change existing laws. Ordinary bills can be used to address a wide variety of issues, such as healthcare, education, and the environment.
