Operation Greens: Stabilizing Prices, Boosting Farmer Incomes

Operation Greens, launched in 2018 under the Union budget, is a revolutionary scheme designed to address the volatility in the prices of perishable commodities like Tomatoes, Onions, and Potatoes (TOP). The scheme aims to protect both farmers from price fluctuations and consumers from sudden price spikes.

Key Objectives of Operation Greens

  • Price Stabilization: Ensure price stability for TOP farmers and affordability for consumers.
  • Reduce Post-Harvest Losses: Develop storage infrastructure and promote food processing to minimize wastage.
  • Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs): Support the formation and strengthening of FPOs to enhance farmers’ bargaining power.
  • Integrated Value Chain: Create an efficient value chain linking farmers, markets, and consumers.

How Operation Greens Works

The scheme operates through several strategies:

  • Short-Term Price Support (STOPS): The government provides a subsidy of up to 50% on transportation and storage of TOP crops when prices fall below prevailing rates.
  • Long-Term Integrated Value Chain (LIVC): Provides grants for infrastructural projects like warehouses, cold storages, processing units, etc., to strengthen the value chain.
  • Cluster Development: FPOs in key production clusters receive support to improve efficiency and market access.

Impact of Operation Greens

  • Reduced Price Fluctuations: The scheme has helped stabilize prices, protecting farmers from distress sales and ensuring fair prices for consumers.
  • Enhanced Infrastructure: Projects under the scheme have led to the creation of modern storage and processing facilities.
  • Improved FPO Capabilities: FPOs have strengthened their bargaining position, enabling better price realization for farmers.

FAQs About Operation Greens

  • Which crops are covered under Operation Greens?
    • Currently, the focus is on Tomatoes, Onions, and Potatoes (TOP). The scheme has provisions to expand to other perishables in the future.
  • How can farmers and FPOs avail benefits?
    • They can apply for support through designated state agencies involved in the scheme’s implementation.


Operation Greens Scheme primarily aims to:

A. Provide subsidized fertilizers to farmers

B. Promote export of vegetables

C. Stabilize prices of certain perishable commodities

D. Increase area under horticulture cultivation

Which of the following is NOT a component of Operation Greens?

A. Infrastructure development

B. Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) support

C. Direct purchase of food grains by government

D. Short-term price stabilization measures

Operation Greens seeks to benefit:

A. Farmers

B. Consumers

C. Both farmers and consumers

D. Retail stores and supermarkets


Operation Greens stands as a crucial intervention to address the challenges faced by farmers and consumers in the perishable horticulture sector. By focusing on price stabilization, infrastructure development, and value chain integration, the scheme aims to create a win-win situation for all stakeholders. As Operation Greens continues to expand its scope and reach, it has the potential to revolutionize how India produces, stores, and markets its valuable horticultural produce.

Answers to MCQs

  1. C
  2. C
  3. C