Occupational Diversification And Social Structure

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Occupational diversification and social structure

Society/”>Indian Society is primarily a rural society though Urbanisation is growing. The majority of India’s people live in rural areas (67 per cent, according to the 2001 Census). They make their living from agriculture or related occupations. This means that agricultural land is the most important productive resource for a great many Indians. Land is also the most important form of property. But land is not just a ‘means of production’ nor just a ‘form of property’. Nor is agriculture just a form of livelihood. It is also a way of life. Many of our cultural practices and patterns can be traced to our agrarian backgrounds. You will recall from the earlier chapters how closely interrelated structural and cultural changes are. For example, most of the New Year festivals in different regions of India – such as Pongal in Tamil Nadu, Bihu in Assam, Baisakhi in Punjab and Ugadi in Karnataka to name just a few – actually celebrate the main harvest season and herald the beginning of a new agricultural season. Find out about other harvest festivals.

Green Revolution and it’s social consequences

We saw that Land reforms have had only a limited impact on rural society and the agrarian structure in most regions. In contrast the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s brought about significant changes in the areas where it took place. The Green Revolution, as you know, was a government programme of agricultural modernisation. It was largely funded by international agencies that was based on providing high-yielding variety(HYV) or hybrid seeds along with pesticides, fertilisers, and other inputs, to farmers. Green Revolution programmes were introduced only in areas that had assured Irrigation, because sufficient water was necessary for the new seeds and methods of cultivation. It was also targeted mainly at the wheat and rice-growing areas. As a result, only certain regions such as the Punjab, western U.P., coastal Andhra Pradesh, and parts of Tamil Nadu, received the first wave of the Green Revolution package. The rapid social and economic transformations that were seen in these areas stimulated a spate of studies by social scientists, and vigorous debates about the impact of the Green Revolution.

Agricultural productivity increased sharply because of the new technology. India was able to become self-sufficient in foodgrain production for the first time in decades. The Green Revolution has been considered a major achievement of the government and of the scientists who contributed to the effort. However, there were certain negative social effects that were pointed out by sociologists who studied the Green Revolution areas, as well as adverse environmental impacts

In most of the Green Revolution areas, it was primarily the medium and large farmers who were able to benefit from the new technology. This was because inputs were expensive, and small and marginal farmers could not afford to spend as much as large farmers to purchase these inputs. When agriculturists produce primarily for themselves and are unable to produce for the market, it is known as ‘subsistence agriculture’ and they are usually termed ‘peasants’. Agriculturists or farmers are those who are able to produce surplus, over and above the needs of the family, and so are linked to the market. It was the farmers who were able to produce a surplus for the market who were able to reap the most benefits from the Green Revolution and from the commercialisation of agriculture that followed

Thus, in the first phase of the Green Revolution, in the 1960s and 1970s, the introduction of new technology seemed to be increasing inequalities in rural society. Green Revolution crops were highly profitable, mainly because they yielded more produce. Well-to-do farmers who had access to land, capital, technology, and know-how, and those who could invest in the new seeds and fertilisers, could increase their production and earn more Money. However, in many cases it led to the displacement of tenant-cultivators. For landowners began to take back land from their tenants and cultivate it directly because cultivation was becoming more profitable. This made the rich farmers better off, and worsened the condition of the landless and marginal holders.

Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization, Liberalization-2/”>Liberalization and society

The policy of liberalisation that India has been following since the late 1980s have had a very significant impact on agriculture and rural society. The policy entails participation in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which aims to bring about a more free international trading system and requires the opening up of Indian markets to imports. After decades of state support and protected markets, Indian farmers have been exposed to competition from the global market. For instance, we have all seen imported fruits and other food items on the shelves of our local stores – items that were not available a few years ago because of import barriers. Recently, India has also decided to import wheat, a controversial decision that reverses the earlier policy of self-reliance in foodgrains. And bring back bitter memories of dependencey on American foodgrains in the early years after Independence.

These are indicators of the process of globalisation of agriculture, or the incorporation of agriculture into the larger global market – a process that has had direct effects on farmers and rural society. For instance, in some regions such as Punjab and Karnataka, farmers enter into contracts with multinational companies (such as PepsiCo) to grow certain crops (such

as tomatoes and potatoes), which the companies then buy from them for processing or export. In such ‘Contract Farming’ systems, the company identifies the crop to be grown, provides the seeds and other inputs, as well as the knowhow and often also the WORKING CAPITAL. In return, the farmer is assured of a market because the company guarantees that it will purchase the produce at a predetermined fixed price. Contract farming is very common now in the production of specialised items such as cut flowers, fruits such as grapes, figs and pomegranates, Cotton, and oilseeds. While contract farming appears to provide financial security to farmers, it can also lead to greater insecurity as farmers become dependent on these companies for their livelihoods. Contract farming of export-oriented products such as flowers and gherkins also means that agricultural land is diverted away from food grain production. Contract farming has sociological significance in that it disengages many people from the production process and makes their own indigenous knowledge of agriculture irrelevant. In addition, contract farming caters primarily to the production of elite items, and because it usually requires high doses of fertilisers and pesticides, it is often not ecologically sustainable

Another, and more widespread aspect of the globalisation of agriculture is the entry of multinationals into this sector as sellers of agricultural inputs such as seeds, pesticides, and fertilisers. Over the last decade or so, the government has scaled down its agricultural development programmes, and ‘agricultural extension’ agents have been replaced in the villages by agents of seed, fertiliser, and pesticide companies. These agents are often the sole source of information for farmers about new seeds or cultivation practices, and of course they have an interest in selling their products. This has led to the increased dependence of farmers on expensive fertilisers and pesticides, which has reduced their profits, put many farmers into debt, and also created an ecological crisis in rural areas.

While farmers in India for centuries have periodically faced distress due to drought, crop failures, or debt, the phenomenon of farmers’ suicides appears to be new. Sociologists have attempted to explain this phenomenon by looking at the structural and social changes that have been occurring in agriculture and agrarian society. Such suicides have become ‘matrix events’, that is, a range of factors coalesce together to form an event. Many of the farmers who have committed suicides were marginal farmers who were attempting to increase their productivity, primarily by practising green revolution methods. However, undertaking such production meant facing several risks: the cost of production has increased tremendously due to a decrease in agricultural subsidies, the markets are not stable, and many farmers borrow heavily in order to invest in expensive inputs and improve their production. The loss of either the crop (due to spread of disease or pests, excessive rainfall, or drought), and in some cases the lack of an adequate support or Market Price, means that farmers are unable to bear the debt burden or sustain their families. Such distress is compounded by the changing culture in rural areas in which increased incomes are required for marriages, dowries, and to sustain new activities and expenses such as Education and medical care.

The pattern of farmers’ suicides point to the significant crises that the rural areas are experiencing. Agriculture for many is becoming untenable, and state support for agriculture has declined substantially. In addition, agricultural issues are no longer key public issues, and lack of mobilisation means that agriculturists are unable to form powerful pressure groups that can influence policy making in their favour.





Occupational diversification is the process by which the number and types of occupations in a society increase. This can be due to a number of factors, such as technological change, Economic Development, and Social Change. Occupational diversification can have a number of consequences for social structure, including changes in the distribution of income, power, and prestige.

Occupational mobility is the movement of individuals from one occupation to another. This can be upward mobility, downward mobility, or lateral mobility. Occupational mobility is affected by a number of factors, including education, skills, and experience.

Occupational segregation is the concentration of individuals in certain occupations based on their social characteristics, such as race, gender, or ethnicity. Occupational segregation can be due to a number of factors, including discrimination, occupational stereotyping, and occupational crowding.

Occupational prestige is the social standing of an occupation. Occupational prestige is often measured by surveys in which people are asked to rank occupations in order of prestige. Occupational prestige is affected by a number of factors, including the level of education and training required for the occupation, the level of earnings, and the level of autonomy and responsibility associated with the occupation.

Occupational earnings are the wages or salaries that people earn for their work. Occupational earnings are affected by a number of factors, including the level of education and training required for the occupation, the level of experience, the level of demand for the occupation, and the level of unionization.

Occupational satisfaction is the degree to which people are satisfied with their work. Occupational satisfaction is affected by a number of factors, including the level of job security, the level of autonomy and responsibility, the level of social interaction, and the level of challenge.

Occupational Stress is the physical and emotional strain that people experience as a result of their work. Occupational stress can be caused by a number of factors, such as long hours, high workloads, job insecurity, and lack of control over one’s work.

Occupational Health and safety is the prevention of injuries and illnesses that occur in the workplace. Occupational health and safety is regulated by a number of government agencies, such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States.

Occupational pensions are retirement plans that provide income to people after they retire. Occupational pensions are typically funded by employers and employees.

Occupational unions are organizations of workers that bargain with employers on behalf of their members. Occupational unions are typically formed to improve the wages, benefits, and working conditions of their members.

Occupational licensing is the requirement that people obtain a license from the government before they can practice certain occupations. Occupational licensing is typically used to protect the public from unqualified or incompetent practitioners.

Occupational regulation is the government’s control of the activities of certain occupations. Occupational regulation is typically used to protect the public from unsafe or unethical practices.

Occupational discrimination is the unfair treatment of people based on their social characteristics, such as race, gender, or ethnicity. Occupational discrimination can occur in hiring, firing, promotion, and compensation.

Occupational ethics are the moral principles that guide the behavior of people in the workplace. Occupational ethics are important because they help to ensure that people are treated fairly and that the workplace is safe and healthy.

Occupational socialization is the process by which people learn the values, norms, and expectations of their occupation. Occupational socialization typically occurs through formal training programs and informal interactions with co-workers and supervisors.

Occupational careers are the sequence of jobs that people hold over the course of their working lives. Occupational careers are affected by a number of factors, including education, skills, experience, and personal preferences.

Occupational choice is the process by which people decide what occupation to pursue. Occupational choice is affected by a number of factors, including interests, abilities, values, and opportunities.

Occupational development is the process by which people acquire the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to be successful in their occupation. Occupational development typically occurs through formal training programs and informal interactions with co-workers and supervisors.

Occupational retirement is the process by which people withdraw from the workforce. Occupational retirement is affected by a number of factors, including age, health, and financial Resources.

Occupational change is the process by which occupations change over time. Occupational change can be due to a number of factors, such as technological change, economic development, and social change.

Occupational trends are the general patterns of change that are occurring in occupations. Occupational trends can be identified by examining data on occupational earnings, EMPLOYMENT, and occupational mobility.

Occupational futures are the possible scenarios for the future of occupations. Occupational futures can be explored by examining the factors that are likely to affect occupations in the future, such as technological change, economic development, and social change.

What is occupational diversification?

Occupational diversification is the process by which a society’s occupational structure becomes more complex, with a wider range of occupations and a greater number of people in each occupation.

What are the causes of occupational diversification?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to occupational diversification, including:

  • Economic development: As an economy develops, it creates new opportunities for employment in a variety of industries.
  • Technological change: New technologies can create new occupations or make existing occupations obsolete.
  • Social change: Changes in social norms and values can lead to new occupational opportunities.

What are the consequences of occupational diversification?

Occupational diversification can have a number of consequences, both positive and negative. Some of the potential positive consequences include:

  • Increased economic Growth: A more diversified occupational structure can lead to increased economic growth by creating new opportunities for businesses to invest and expand.
  • Increased social mobility: A more diversified occupational structure can make it easier for people to move up the social ladder by providing them with more opportunities to find jobs that match their skills and interests.
  • Increased innovation: A more diversified occupational structure can lead to increased innovation by bringing together people with different skills and perspectives.

Some of the potential negative consequences of occupational diversification include:

  • Increased inequality: A more diversified occupational structure can lead to increased inequality if the benefits of economic growth are not shared equally.
  • Increased social conflict: A more diversified occupational structure can lead to increased social conflict if people from different occupations have different values and interests.
  • Increased environmental damage: A more diversified occupational structure can lead to increased environmental damage if new industries create new Pollution Problems.

What are the challenges of occupational diversification?

One of the biggest challenges of occupational diversification is ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to benefit from it. This means providing everyone with access to education and training so that they can develop the skills they need to succeed in a changing economy. It also means ensuring that there are enough jobs available in a variety of occupations so that everyone can find a job that matches their skills and interests.

Another challenge of occupational diversification is managing the social and environmental impacts of change. As new industries emerge and old industries decline, it is important to ensure that the transition is managed in a way that minimizes the negative impacts on workers, communities, and the Environment.

What are the opportunities of occupational diversification?

Occupational diversification offers a number of opportunities for individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. For individuals, it offers the opportunity to find a job that matches their skills and interests. For businesses, it offers the opportunity to expand into new markets and create new products and Services. For society as a whole, it offers the opportunity to increase economic growth, social mobility, and innovation.

What are the future trends in occupational diversification?

The future of occupational diversification is likely to be shaped by a number of factors, including:

  • The continued growth of the service sector: The service sector is expected to continue to grow in the future, creating new opportunities for employment in a variety of occupations.
  • The rise of new technologies: New technologies are constantly emerging, creating new occupations and making existing occupations obsolete.
  • The changing nature of work: The nature of work is changing, with more and more people working remotely or in flexible arrangements.
  • The aging Population: The population is aging, which is creating new demands for healthcare, elder care, and other services.

These factors are likely to lead to continued occupational diversification in the future.

  1. Which of the following is not a factor that affects occupational choice?
    (A) Gender
    (B) Race
    (C) Age
    (D) Intelligence

  2. Which of the following is the most common occupation in the United States?
    (A) Sales and office occupations
    (B) Management, business, and financial occupations
    (C) Professional and related occupations
    (D) Service occupations

  3. Which of the following is the least common occupation in the United States?
    (A) Farming, fishing, and Forestry occupations
    (B) Construction and extraction occupations
    (C) Production occupations
    (D) Transportation and material moving occupations

  4. Which of the following is the fastest-growing occupation in the United States?
    (A) Computer and information technology occupations
    (B) Health care occupations
    (C) Social assistance occupations
    (D) Personal care and service occupations

  5. Which of the following is the slowest-growing occupation in the United States?
    (A) Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations
    (B) Construction and extraction occupations
    (C) Production occupations
    (D) Transportation and material moving occupations

  6. Which of the following is the highest-paying occupation in the United States?
    (A) Management, business, and financial occupations
    (B) Professional and related occupations
    (C) Service occupations
    (D) Sales and office occupations

  7. Which of the following is the lowest-paying occupation in the United States?
    (A) Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations
    (B) Construction and extraction occupations
    (C) Production occupations
    (D) Transportation and material moving occupations

  8. Which of the following is the most likely occupation for a person with a bachelor’s degree?
    (A) Management, business, and financial occupations
    (B) Professional and related occupations
    (C) Service occupations
    (D) Sales and office occupations

  9. Which of the following is the most likely occupation for a person with a high school diploma?
    (A) Sales and office occupations
    (B) Service occupations
    (C) Production occupations
    (D) Transportation and material moving occupations

  10. Which of the following is the most likely occupation for a person with a GED?
    (A) Sales and office occupations
    (B) Service occupations
    (C) Production occupations
    (D) Transportation and material moving occupations