Objectives Resolution

Objectives Resolution

The Objectives Resolution was a resolution passed by the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 12 March 1949. It was a statement of the principles on which the future constitution of Pakistan would be based. The resolution was moved by Prime Minister Liaqat Ali Khan and seconded by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad.

The Objectives Resolution was a landmark document in the history of Pakistan. It laid the foundation for the country’s secular, democratic, and Islamic character. The resolution also affirmed the rights of all citizens, regardless of religion, race, or sex.

The Objectives Resolution has been amended several times since it was passed in 1949. However, the basic principles enshrined in the resolution remain unchanged. The resolution continues to be a source of inspiration for the people of Pakistan.

Objectives Resolution

The Objectives Resolution is as follows:

Whereas sovereignty over the entire Universe belongs to Almighty Allah alone and the authority to be exercised by the people of Pakistan within the limits prescribed by Him is a sacred trust;

Whereas it is the duty of every citizen of Pakistan to uphold the sovereignty of the State and defend it against all internal and external threats;

Whereas it is essential for the solidarity, progress and prosperity of Pakistan that its people should be united and should have a common faith and a common goal;

Whereas the people of Pakistan have been enabled to achieve independence and to form a sovereign State by the grace of Almighty Allah and by the sacrifices of the people of Pakistan;

Whereas it is the desire of the people of Pakistan to establish an order:

Wherein the State shall be a democratic State based on the principles of Islamic faith and on the rule of law;

Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed;

Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah;

Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practise their religions and develop their cultures;

Wherein the State shall secure to all citizens, irrespective of religion, race, caste or sex, the equality of status, of opportunity and before the law;

Wherein adequate safeguards shall be provided for the protection of the rights of minorities, including their religious rights, cultural rights and language rights;

Wherein the independence of the judiciary shall be fully secured;

Wherein the integrity of the territorial boundaries of the State shall be maintained;

Wherein the unity of the Republic of Pakistan shall be preserved;

Wherein the security of Pakistan shall be safeguarded;

Wherein friendly relations with foreign countries shall be maintained on the basis of equality and mutual interest;

Wherein perfect harmony and accord shall be established between the Federation and the Provinces;

Wherein the rights of federating units shall be safeguarded;

Wherein the Provinces shall enjoy autonomy to the fullest extent compatible with the unity and solidarity of the country;

Wherein the people of Pakistan shall be enabled to participate in the governance of the State;

Wherein the State shall be a welfare State;

Wherein the people shall be free to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres according to their own genius and beliefs, subject to law and morality;

Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the promotion of education, economic development and social welfare;

Wherein the State shall secure the well-being of the people, irrespective of caste, creed or race;

Wherein the State shall endeavour to ameliorate the condition of the people living in rural areas;

Wherein the State shall safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities;

Wherein the State shall promote peace and security throughout the world and shall be a champion of freedom, democracy, social justice and human rights;

Now, therefore, this Constituent Assembly, having taken the solemn resolve to establish an order, shall frame for the people of Pakistan a Constitution:

Wherein the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance and social justice as enunciated by Islam shall be fully observed;

Wherein the Muslims shall be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective spheres in accordance with the teachings and requirements of Islam as set out in the Holy Quran and Sunnah;

Wherein adequate provision shall be made for the minorities to freely profess and practise their religions and develop their cultures;

Wherein the State shall secure to all citizens, irrespective of religion, race, caste or sex, the equality of status, of opportunity and before the law;

Wherein adequate safeguards shall be provided for the protection of the rights of minorities, including their religious rights, cultural rights and language rights;

Wherein the independence of the judiciary shall be fully secured;
