Objectives of Indian Constitution

Objectives of Indian Constitution


By declaring us as a sovereign entity, Preamble emphasizes complete political freedom. It implies that our state is internally powerful and externally free. She is free to determine for herself without any external interference. There is none within her to challenge her authority. Only this attribute of sovereignty has made her a member in the comity of nations. Without sovereignty she has no essence. If a state can not freely determine what it wants and how to achieve it, it loses the rationale to exist. Further, sovereignty gives the state the dignity of existence. It would not receive respect from within as well from outside if it does not possess the sovereign status. This suggests that sovereignty is one of the most important values of a state. Therefore, the government is duty bound to defend its sovereignty by preventing any kind of threat to it coming from any entity and direction.


The word socialist was added to The Preamble by the 42nd amendment act of 1976 however, several articles of our Constitution were already there giving credence to the ideal. The fathers of our Constitution had a wider vision of social transformation. Despite all social, economic and political inequality present and inherent in Indian traditional Society, our Constitution started a crusade against that order. The Constitution has deliberately imposed on us the ideal of socialist pattern of society a kind of Indian model of socialism to suit to our needs and temperament. It stands to end all forms of exploitation in all spheres of our existence. Our Constitution directs the state to ensure a planned and coordinated social advance in all fields while preventing concentration of wealth and power in few hands. Our Constitution supports Land reforms, promotes the well-being of working class and advocates for social control of all important natural Resources and means of production for the wellbeing of all sections.


India is a home to almost all major religions in the world. To keep the followers of all these religions together secularism has been found to be a convenient formula. The ideal of secularism in Indian context implies that our country is not guided by any religion or any religious considerations. However, our Polity is not against religions. It allows all its citizens to profess, preach and practice any religion of their liking. Articles from 25 to 28 ensure freedom of religion to all its citizens. Constitution strictly prohibits any discrimination on the ground of religion. All minority communities are granted the right to conserve their distinctive culture and the right to administer their educational institutions. The Supreme Court in S.R Bommai v. Union of India held that secularism was an integral part of the basic structure of the Constitution. Secularism thus is a value in the sense that it supports to our plural society. It aims at promoting cohesion among different communities living in India. Despite the Constitutional provisions and safeguards it is unfortunate that we still remain insufficiently secular.


India is a democracy. We have adopted parliamentary democracy to ensure a responsible and stable government. As a form of government it derives its authority from the will of the people. The people elect the rulers of the country and the latter remain accountable to the people. The people of India elect their governments at all levels (Union, State and local) by a system of universal Adult Franchise; popularly known as One man one vote. Elections are held periodically to ensure the approval of the people to the governments at different levels. All the citizens without any discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion or Education are allowed freedom of speech, thought and expression and also association. Democracy contributes to stability in the society and it secures peaceful change of rulers. It allows dissent and encourages Tolerance. It rules by Persuasion, not by coercion. It stands for a constitutional government, Rule of Law, inalienable rights of citizens, Independence of Judiciary, free and fair elections and Freedom of Press etc. Therefore, to develop a democratic political culture has been an important objective.





The blessings of freedom have been preserved and ensured to our citizens through a set of Fundamental Rights. It was well understood by the fathers of our Constitution that the ideal of democracy was unattainable without the presence of certain minimal rights which are essential for a free and civilized existence. Therefore, the Preamble mentions these essential individual rights such as freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship which are assured to every member of the community against all the authorities of States by Part-III of the Constitution. There are however less number of success stories. Unless all dissenting voice is heard and tolerated and their problems are addressed liberty will be a distant dream.

Dignity of the individual

Fraternity and dignity of the individuals have a close link. Fraternity is only achievable when the dignity of the individual will be secured and promoted. Therefore, the founding fathers of our Constitution attached supreme importance to it. Our Constitution therefore directs the state through the Directives enshrined in the Part-IV of our Constitution to ensure the development of the Quality Of Life to all sections of people. Our Constitution acknowledges that all citizens, men and Women equally, have the right to an adequate means of livelihood (Art.-39 a) and just and humane conditions of work (Art.-42). ARTICLE-17 has abolished the practice of untouchability by declaring it as a punishable offence. Our Constitution too directs the state to take steps to put an end to exploitation and POVERTY.

Unity and Integrity of the Nation

To maintain the independence of the country intact and enduring, unity and integrity of the nation is very essential. Therefore, the Stress has been given on the ideal of fraternity which would foster unity amongst the inhabitants. Without a spirit of brotherhood amongst the people the ideals of unity and integration of people and nation seem unattainable.



Every citizen of India is entitled to equality before law and equal protection of law. As a human being everybody has a dignified self. To ensure its full enjoyment inequality in all forms present in our social structure has been prohibited. Our Constitution assures equality of status and opportunity to every citizen for the development of the best in him. Political equality though given in terms of vote but it is not found in all spheres of politics and power.,

The Indian Constitution is the supreme law of India. It was adopted on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950. The Constitution provides for a parliamentary System of Government, with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The Constitution also guarantees certain fundamental rights to all citizens, including the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right against exploitation, the right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and the right to constitutional remedies.

The objectives of the Indian Constitution are:

  • To secure Justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity for all citizens.
  • To promote the unity and integrity of the nation.
  • To provide for a secular and democratic form of government.
  • To ensure the protection of fundamental rights and freedoms of the citizens.
  • To promote social, economic, and political justice for all.
  • To provide for a just and equitable social order.
  • To promote the welfare of the people.
  • To secure the dignity of the individual.
  • To build a modern, industrialized, and prosperous nation.
  • To promote international peace and cooperation.

The Constitution has been amended 104 times since it was adopted. The most recent amendment was the 104th Amendment, which was passed in 2019. The 104th Amendment inserted a new article, Article 370A, into the Constitution, which provides special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Indian Constitution is a living document, and it has been amended to reflect the changing needs of the country. The Constitution has been praised for its progressive nature, and it has been cited as an example of a successful democratic experiment.

The Indian Constitution is a remarkable document. It is the product of a long and difficult struggle for independence, and it reflects the hopes and aspirations of the Indian people. The Constitution has been a source of inspiration for people all over the world, and it has helped to shape the course of history.

The Indian Constitution is a living document. It has been amended many times to reflect the changing needs of the country. The Constitution is a symbol of unity and strength for the Indian people. It is a source of hope and inspiration for all who believe in democracy and the rule of law.

The Indian Constitution is a remarkable achievement. It is a document that has stood the test of time. It is a document that has helped to shape the course of history. It is a document that is a source of inspiration for people all over the world.

1. What is the Preamble of the Indian Constitution?

The Preamble of the Indian Constitution is the introductory statement of the Constitution. It sets out the guiding principles of the Constitution and the goals that the Indian state is trying to achieve.

2. What are the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution?

The Fundamental Rights are the basic rights that are guaranteed to all citizens of India. They are enshrined in Part III of the Constitution. The Fundamental Rights include the right to equality, the right to freedom, the right against exploitation, the right to freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights, and the right to constitutional remedies.

3. What are the Directive Principles of State Policy?

The Directive Principles of State Policy are the principles that the state should follow in making laws and policies. They are enshrined in Part IV of the Constitution. The Directive Principles are not enforceable in a court of law, but they are nevertheless fundamental in the governance of the country.

4. What is the structure of the Indian Parliament?

The Indian Parliament is the supreme legislative body of India. It is bicameral, consisting of the Lok Sabha (the lower house) and the Rajya Sabha (the upper house).

5. What are the powers of the President of India?

The President of India is the head of state of India. He/She is the supreme commander of the Indian Armed Forces and has the power to appoint the Prime Minister and other members of the Union Council of Ministers. The President also has the power to dissolve the Lok Sabha and to veto bills passed by Parliament.

6. What are the powers of the Prime Minister of India?

The Prime Minister of India is the head of government of India. He/She is the leader of the party or coalition that has the majority in the Lok Sabha. The Prime Minister is responsible for the day-to-day running of the government and has the power to appoint and dismiss ministers.

7. What are the powers of the Supreme Court of India?

The Supreme Court of India is the highest court in India. It has the power to interpret the Constitution and to decide on the constitutional validity of laws. The Supreme Court also has the power to hear appeals from lower courts.

8. What are the features of the Indian federal system?

The Indian federal system is a parliamentary system of government. The central government is responsible for matters of national importance, such as defence, foreign affairs, and currency. The state governments are responsible for matters of local importance, such as education, Health, and law and order.

9. What are the challenges faced by the Indian democracy?

Some of the challenges faced by the Indian democracy include poverty, illiteracy, Corruption, and Communalism. The government is working to address these challenges, but they remain a major obstacle to the development of India.

10. What are the achievements of the Indian democracy?

India is the world’s largest democracy. It has a vibrant and active civil society and a free and independent media. India has also made significant progress in Economic Development and poverty reduction.

  1. The Indian Constitution was adopted on:
    (a) 26 January 1950
    (b) 15 August 1947
    (c) 26 November 1949
    (d) 12 March 1946

  2. The Indian Constitution is the:
    (a) longest Written Constitution in the world
    (b) shortest written constitution in the world
    (c) second longest written constitution in the world
    (d) third longest written constitution in the world

  3. The Indian Constitution is based on the principle of:
    (a) Federalism
    (b) unitary government
    (c) parliamentary democracy
    (d) presidential democracy

  4. The Indian Constitution has been amended a total of:
    (a) 100 times
    (b) 99 times
    (c) 98 times
    (d) 97 times

  5. The Preamble to the Indian Constitution states that India is a:
    (a) secular state
    (b) socialist state
    (c) democratic republic
    (d) all of the above

  6. The President of India is elected by:
    (a) the members of the Lok Sabha
    (b) the members of the Rajya Sabha
    (c) the members of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha
    (d) the members of the Electoral College

  7. The Prime Minister of India is appointed by:
    (a) the President of India
    (b) the Vice President of India
    (c) the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
    (d) the Chief Justice of India

  8. The Supreme Court of India is the highest court in the country. It has:
    (a) one Chief Justice and 30 judges
    (b) one Chief Justice and 25 judges
    (c) one Chief Justice and 20 judges
    (d) one Chief Justice and 15 judges

  9. The Indian Parliament consists of:
    (a) the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha
    (b) the Lok Sabha and the Vidhan Sabha
    (c) the Rajya Sabha and the Vidhan Sabha
    (d) the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha, and the Vidhan Sabha

  10. The President of India can be removed from office by:
    (a) impeachment
    (b) resignation
    (c) death
    (d) all of the above

  11. The Prime Minister of India can be removed from office by:
    (a) impeachment
    (b) resignation
    (c) vote of no confidence
    (d) all of the above

  12. The Supreme Court of India has the power to:
    (a) strike down laws that it deems unconstitutional
    (b) interpret the Constitution
    (c) decide cases involving disputes between the Centre and the states
    (d) all of the above

  13. The Indian Parliament has the power to:
    (a) make laws
    (b) amend the Constitution
    (c) declare war
    (d) all of the above

  14. The Indian government is divided into:
    (a) three branches
    (b) four branches
    (c) five branches
    (d) six branches

  15. The three branches of the Indian government are:
    (a) the executive, the legislative, and the judiciary
    (b) the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and the media
    (c) the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and the Bureaucracy
    (d) the executive, the legislative, the judiciary, and the military

  16. The President of India is the head of the:
    (a) executive branch
    (b) legislative branch
    (c) judiciary branch
    (d) all of the branches

  17. The Prime Minister of India is the head of the:
    (a) executive branch
    (b) legislative branch
    (c) judiciary branch
    (d) all of the branches

  18. The Chief Justice of India is the head of the:
    (a) executive branch
    (b) legislative branch
    (c) judiciary branch
    (d) all of the branches

  19. The Lok Sabha is the lower house of the Indian Parliament. It has:
    (a) 545 members
    (b) 552 members
    (c) 554 members
    (d) 556 members

  20. The Rajya Sabha is the upper house of the Indian Parliament. It has:
    (a) 245 members
    (b) 250 members
    (c) 255 members
    (d) 260 members

  21. The Indian Parliament is elected for a term of: