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Comparative Study Of Indian And Western Philosophy

  • Philosophy is the root of all knowledge. It is considered as mother of all sciences. Philosophy has interpreted man and his various activities in a comprehensive manner. It helps to coordinate the various activities of the individuals and the Society.
  • It helps us to understand the significance of all human experience.
  • “It explores the basic source and aims of life. It asks and tries to answer the deepest questions to life. It clarifies life and the basic values of life. This clarity is very essential because it provides us with the wisdom to face the challenges of life.
  • Wisdom is the supreme instrument in the hands of man in the struggle for his successful existence.


  • In the early phases of human life on this planet when man was struck with wonder or the natural phenomena or when he found complex ad conflicting phenomena in life and was filled with discontentment at the existing order of things, it was the beginning of philosophy.

The Vedas

  • The origin of Indian philosophy may be easily traced in the Vedas. The Vedas are the earliest available records of Indian Literature.
  • The Upanishads are the foundation of Indian philosophy, which teach spiritual monism and mysticism.
  • The systems of Indian philosophy are systematic speculations on the nature of the Realty in harmony with the teachings of Upanishads, which contain various aspects of the truth. They aim at the knowledge of the Reality with a view to transforming and spiritualizing human life.
  • Philosophical knowledge does not aim at merely satisfying our theoretical and speculative interest, but also at realizing the highest truth in life

Dars’ana or vision of truth

  • Indian philosophy is intensely spiritual and emphasizes the need of practical realization of truth. As philosophy aims at knowledge of truth, it is termed in Indian literature, ‘the vision of truth’ (dars’ana).
  • The word ‘dars’ana’ means ‘vision’ and also the ‘instrument of vision’. It stands for the direct, immediate and intuitive vision of Reality, the actual perception of Truth , and also includes the means which lead to this realization.
  • ‘See the Self’ is the keynote of all schools of Indian Philosophy. And this is the reason why most of the schools of Indian Philosophy are intimately associated with religious sects.

The schools of Indian philosophy

The following are the major philosophical schools or systems (dars’anas).

  1. The Nyaya system of Aksapada Gautama
  2. The Vaise esika system of Maharshi kanada
  3. The Samkhya system of Kapila muni
  4. The Yoga/”>Yoga system of Ptanjali
  5. The Mimamsa system of Jaimini
  6. The Vedanta system of Badarayana Vyas
  7. TheBauddha system of Guatama Buddha
  8. The Jaina system of Mahavira
  9. The Carvaka system of Carvaka

Classfication of the Indian Philosophical Schools:

Orthodox and Heterodox

  • The schools or systems of Indian philosophy are divided into two broad classes, namely, orthodox (astika, Vedic) and heterodox (nastika, Non-Vedic).
  • To the first group belong the six chief philosophical systems (popularly known as sad-darsana), namely, Mimamsa, Vedanta, Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya and Vaisesika.
  • These are regarded as orthodox (astika), not because they believe in God, but because they accept the authority of the Vedas.
  • The Mimamsa and the Sankhya do not believe in God as the creator of the world, yet they are called orthodox (astika), because they believe in the authoritativeness of the Vedas.
  • Under the other class of Heterodox systems, the chief three are the schools of the Materialists like the Carvakas, the Bauddhas and the Jains. They are called heterodox because they do not believe in the authority of the Vedas.

Empiricism, Rationalism and Authoritarianism

The nine major systems of Indian Philosophy may be classified on the basis of sources of knowledge  ie. epistemology into three major groups- Empiricism, Rationalism and Authoritarianisn.

  1. Empiricism:
  • Those who hold that perception is the only source of knowledge are forced to deny the existence of God , soul, rebirth, hell and heaven.
  • This view is called Empiricism- Sense experience is the only source of knowledge. Charvaka holds this view.
  1. Rationalism:
  • Those who hold that we are entitled to believe in what is not directly perceived but which can be inferred from what is perceived.
  • This view is called, from the perception of smoke we are entitled to infere the existence of fire though we do not see fire, on the ground that wherever there is smoke there is fire.
  • The Nyaya-Vaisheshika, The Samkhya-yoga andBuddhism are rationalist schools
  • They accept perception and inference as the valid pramanas and regard inference as primary and sense perception as subordinate
  1. Authoritarianism
  • Perception and Inference based upon perception may be adequate to give us knowledge about the empirical world , but what about transcendent realities like souls, God, past birth, karma hell and heaven.
  • These objects are not knowable by these two pramanas. But they can be known through supra-sensuous experience to the mystics, prophets, saints, sees directly and to us through scriptures which are the records of such experience or revelations This is called Authoritarianism.
  • Of course, they accept other pramanas also. The remaining three schools of purva Mimamsa, Vedanta and Jainism belong to this category.

The Common Ideas in the System of Indian Philosophy

    1. The Reality of the world: All schools of Indian philosophy recognize the reality of the world. Even the Advaita Vedanta of Samkara regards the world as a mere appearance from the standpoint of the absolute. But it recognizes the empirical reality of the world-appearance.
    2. The reality of the self: The reality of the permanent self is generally admitted. Among the Heterodox Schools the Carvaka and Buddhist deny the reality of the permanent self.
    3. The law of Karma : All schools of Indian philosophy except the Carvaka believe in the law of Karma. As we sow, so we reap. There is no escape from the consequences of actions . Their fruits must be reaped in this life or in future life
    4. Transmigration: The idea of transmigration is common to all systems of Indian philosophy except the Carvaka school.
    5. Initial Pessimism and Ultimate Optimism: Indian philosophy is branded as pessimistic. Life is full of sufferings. But all kinds of pain can be destroyed in the state of liberation. So, Indian philosophy is characterised by initial pessimism and ultimate optimism.
    6. Bondage: Another common view held by all Indian thinkers except Carvaka school, is that ignorance of reality is the cause of our bondage and sufferings, and liberation from these cannot be achieved without knowledge of reality.
    7. Liberation: The idea of liberation is common to all the systems of Indian philosophy except the Carvaka school.
    8. The means to liberation: The different systems of Indian philosophy lay down the means to the attaintment of liberation.
    9. Pramanas: Indian philosophy is not dogmatic and uncritical. Every system of philosophy is based on epistemology or theory of knowledge.


  • Wonder is said to be the origin of philosophy. In the early human life on this planet, when man was struck with wonder at the natural phenomena or when he found complex and conflicting phenomena in life and was filled with discontentment at the existing order of things, it was the beginning of philosophy.
  • While the philosophy of Vedas began in wonder, the philosophy of Gautam Buddha began in discontentment with the miserable world.
  • In the West, the early beginning of philosophy was in wonder, while the modern Western philosophy had its origin in doubt.
  • These are some of the many problems taken at random, which we find agitating the human mind in every land, from the very dawn of civilization.
  • Western philosophy has removed more or less true to the etymological meaning of ‘philosophy’ in being essentially an intellectual quest for truth

The Development of Western Philosophy:

  • In the history of Western philosophy we find that as human knowledge about each of the different problems mentioned above began to grow, it became impossible for the same man to study everything about every problem.
  • Division of labour or specialization became necessary and a group of man devoted themselves to a particular problem or a few connected problems. There came into existence in this way the different special sciences.
  • Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Anatomy, Geology and similar sciences took up each a part or aspect of the world of nature.
  • Physiology, Anatomy and the other medical sciences devoted themselves to the different problems of the human body. Psychology began to study the problems of the human mind.
  • The detailed study of many of particular problems with which philosophical speculation originally started became thus the subject matter of the special sciences.
  • Philosophy then began to depend on the reports of the investigation made by the different sciences, tried to understand their meanings and implications critically , and utilized these results for understanding the general nature of the universe- man, nature and God.

Divisions of Western Philosophy

  • Historians of philosophy have divided Western Philosophy according to their convenience. We shall divide the Western Philosophy into Greek, Medieval, Modern, PostKantian, Metaphysicians and the 20th Century philosophy.

I. Greek Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy

It covers a period between 600-400 A.D. This period has three sections.

  1. Section I. Pre-Socratic Philosophy
  2. Section II. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
  3. Section III. Greco-Roman Philosophy
  1. Medieval Philosophy 400-1500 A.D
  2. Modern Philosophy (Bacon to Kant) Post-Kantian Philosophy.
  3. 20th Century Philosophy

Methods of Philosophy

  • A method for any science is a necessity. Method in philosophy is a systematic and consistent way of attaining philosophical knowledge. What our method is going to be largely determined by our Attitude to philosophy.
  • Those who look upon philosophy as a universal science may think that a method of philosophy like a method of science is empirical.
  • Others looking upon philosophy as an intellectual pursuit may treat a method of reason as the method of philosophy.

The different methods of philosophy are as follows:


  • This method of thinking consists in assuming certain “fundamental principles as self-evident and axiomatic, without explanation or proof, and deducing conclusions from these unproved premises”.
  • It also carries on its investigations without a previous criticism of uses. In other words without criticizing the quality of knowledge and without determining how we know things, it at once hastens to interpret the objects of the world.
  • Hence in this method of thinking the mind is too busy with its objects to attend to itself.
  • Descartes, Spinoza and Leibnitz may be mentioned as belonging to this line of thinking.


  • According to Empiricism, all knowledge , whether scientific or philosophical, is entirely built up of sensations and materials derived from sensations.
  • It holds that the mind of every man at the time of birth is like a blank sheet of white paper (a tabula rasa) on which the impressions coming from the outside are imprinted in the form of experience.
  • Bacon, Hobbes, Locke, Hume,Mill and Bain may be mentioned as the advocates of this school of thought.


  • It results from carrying empiricism to its most extreme and consistent form.
  • Because, if we once admit that we can have no genuine knowledge beyond what can be compounded out of the materials of sensations and feelings, it follows that we cannot have not only any understanding realities outside of and apart from our own sensations and feelings, but also any certain knowledge that such things exist as all.
  • Hence, our idea of substances, mind, matter and God cannot be known for certain to correspond to realities, existing independently of our ideas.
  • Not only can we know nothing about the real nature of such meta-physical or transcendental realities, but also we cannot even know for certain that they have any existence.
  • Hume, Mill, Bain, and Spencer are the advocates of this doctrine.
  • In its extreme form, skepticism denies the certainty of all knowledge.


  • Criticism is the method which bases all philosophical speculation upon a critical inquiry into the nature, origin and limits of knowledge.
  • According to this doctrine, the true philosophical method must be critical.
  • Before we enter into philosophy, we must hold a thorough inquiry into the antecedent conditions of knowledge and the precise filed and range of its operations.
  •  By thus ascertaining the scope of knowledge, criticism helps us in determining the range of philosophical investigations. Kant is a great advocate of critical method.


  • It is a method which consist in showing that sensations and feelings can only give the materials of knowledge and that such materials do not constitute knowledge unless they are interpreted by reason.
  • Hence, according to this method of thinking, knowledge is a product, not of experience alone, but of reason interpreting experience.
  • Thus, this form of thinking gives a prominent place to reason, and a subordinate one to sensations and feelings in the structure of knowledge.
  • The Criticism of Kant, then, is a form of Rationalism. Likewise some of the dogmatic systems may be regarded as forms of Rationalism.

Dialectical Method

  • According to Hegel, the proper method for philosophy is dialectic. This is a natural method of philosophical thinking.
  • It is a commonplace experience that when we think over a problem we arrive at certain positive facts. This is thesis.
  • Now, after some time we come to know some facts which are contradictory to the thesis; this is antithesis.
  • Thesis and antithesis cannot live together for long hence they are synthesized into a synthesis. This synthesis arrived through antithesis is more comprehensive than the original thesis.
  • Thus, knowledge grows in a dialectical process through thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis.

Modern Methods

  • The Pragmatists adopt the pragmatic method. The New Realists adopt the method of intellectual analysis.
  • Bergson adopts the method of intuition in regard to life, and of intellect in regard to matter.
  • The Logical Positivists adopt the method of linguistic analysis and empirical verification.
  • The naturalists adopt the naturalistic methods of observation and experiment. Croce and Gentile adopt the historical method


Indian and Western philosophy have been developing independently for thousands of years, and as a result, they have developed very different ways of thinking about the world. One of the most striking differences is in their views on the nature of reality.

Indian philosophy tends to be more holistic and interconnected, while Western philosophy is more analytical and individualistic. In Indian philosophy, reality is seen as a complex web of relationships, with everything being interconnected with everything else. This is in contrast to Western philosophy, which tends to see reality as a collection of discrete objects, with each object having its own independent existence.

This difference in perspective can be seen in the way that Indian and Western philosophers have approached the question of the self. In Indian philosophy, the self is seen as an illusion, or atman, while in Western philosophy, the self is seen as a real and independent entity. This difference in perspective has led to very different understandings of the nature of reality and the human condition.

Another key difference between Indian and Western philosophy is their views on the nature of knowledge. Indian philosophy tends to be more experiential and intuitive, while Western philosophy is more rational and analytical. In Indian philosophy, knowledge is seen as something that is gained through direct experience, while in Western philosophy, knowledge is seen as something that is gained through reason and logic.

This difference in perspective can be seen in the way that Indian and Western philosophers have approached the question of truth. In Indian philosophy, truth is seen as something that is subjective and relative, while in Western philosophy, truth is seen as something that is objective and absolute. This difference in perspective has led to very different understandings of the nature of knowledge and the role of reason in human life.

Despite these differences, there are also some important similarities between Indian and Western philosophy. Both traditions have a long history of inquiry into the nature of reality, the human condition, and the good life. Both traditions also have a rich body of literature that explores these questions in depth.

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the comparative study of Indian and Western philosophy. This is due in part to the increasing Globalization/”>Globalization-3/”>Globalization of the world, which has brought people from different cultures into closer contact with each other. It is also due in part to the growing recognition that the different traditions of philosophy have much to offer each other.

The comparative study of Indian and Western philosophy can be a valuable tool for understanding the world and our place in it. It can help us to see the world from different perspectives and to appreciate the richness and diversity of human thought. It can also help us to develop a more nuanced understanding of the nature of reality, the human condition, and the good life.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about Indian philosophy:

  1. What is Indian philosophy?

Indian philosophy is a diverse body of thought that has developed over thousands of years. It includes a wide range of schools and traditions, each with its own unique perspective on the nature of reality, the human condition, and the path to liberation.

  1. What are the main schools of Indian philosophy?

The six main schools of Indian philosophy are:

  • Nyaya: This school focuses on logic and epistemology.
  • Vaisheshika: This school focuses on metaphysics.
  • Samkhya: This school focuses on the nature of reality.
  • Yoga: This school focuses on the practice of yoga.
  • Mimamsa: This school focuses on the interpretation of Vedic texts.
  • Vedanta: This school focuses on the nature of Brahman, the ultimate reality.

  • What are some of the key concepts in Indian philosophy?

Some of the key concepts in Indian philosophy include:

  • Atman: The individual soul or self.
  • Brahman: The ultimate reality.
  • Maya: The illusion of reality.
  • Karma: The law of cause and effect.
  • Moksha: Liberation from the cycle of rebirth.

  • What are some of the major contributions of Indian philosophy?

Indian philosophy has made major contributions to a wide range of fields, including:

  • Logic and epistemology
  • Metaphysics
  • Ethics
  • Psychology
  • Yoga
  • Religion

  • What are some of the criticisms of Indian philosophy?

Some of the criticisms of Indian philosophy include:

  • It is too abstract and theoretical.
  • It is too focused on the individual and neglects the social and political dimensions of life.
  • It is too pessimistic and fatalistic.
  • It is too otherworldly and neglects the importance of living in the present moment.

  • What is the future of Indian philosophy?

Indian philosophy is a living tradition that continues to be practiced and developed today. It is likely to continue to play an important role in Indian culture and society for many years to come.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about Western philosophy:

  1. What is Western philosophy?

Western philosophy is a tradition of thought that has developed in Europe and the Middle East over the past 2,500 years. It includes a wide range of schools and traditions, each with its own unique perspective on the nature of reality, the human condition, and the good life.

  1. What are the main schools of Western philosophy?

The main schools of Western philosophy include:

  • Socratic philosophy: This school focuses on the importance of critical thinking and questioning.
  • Platonism: This school focuses on the nature of reality and the Forms.
  • Aristotelianism: This school focuses on logic, metaphysics, and ethics.
  • Stoicism: This school focuses on the importance of virtue and living in accordance with nature.
  • Epicureanism: This school focuses on the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
  • Skepticism: This school focuses on the importance of doubt and suspension of judgment.
  • Cynicism: This school focuses on the importance of living a simple and natural life.
  • Existentialism: This school focuses on the individual and the meaning of life.
  • Pragmatism: This school focuses on the importance of action and consequences.

  • What are some of the key concepts in Western philosophy?

Some of the key concepts in Western philosophy include:

  • The Good: The highest good or goal of human life.
  • Justice: The virtue of giving each person their due.
  • Virtue: The excellence of character.
  • Reason: The faculty of thinking and understanding.
  • Freedom: The ability to act according to one’s own will.
  • Truth: The correspondence of thought to reality.
  • Beauty: The quality that gives pleasure to the senses or the mind.

  • What are some of the major contributions of Western philosophy?

Western philosophy has made major contributions to a wide range of fields, including:

  • Logic and epistemology
  • Metaphysics
  • Ethics
  • Politics
  • Aesthetics
  • Religion

  • What are some of the criticisms of Western philosophy?

Some of the criticisms of Western philosophy include:

  • It is too abstract and theoretical.
  • It is too focused on the individual and neglects the social and political dimensions of life.
  • It is too optimistic and ignores the reality of evil and suffering.
  • It is too rationalistic and neglects the importance of emotion and intuition.

  • What is the future of Western philosophy?

Western philosophy is a living tradition that continues to be practiced and developed today. It is likely to continue to play an important role in Western culture and

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of Indian and Western philosophy:

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Indian philosophy?
    (A) It is based on the Vedas.
    (B) It is concerned with the nature of reality.
    (C) It is focused on the individual’s search for liberation.
    (D) It is atheistic.

  2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Western philosophy?
    (A) It is based on reason.
    (B) It is concerned with the nature of knowledge.
    (C) It is focused on the individual’s search for happiness.
    (D) It is theistic.

  3. Which of the following is a similarity between Indian and Western philosophy?
    (A) Both traditions are concerned with the nature of reality.
    (B) Both traditions are focused on the individual’s search for liberation.
    (C) Both traditions have a long history and have produced many great thinkers.
    (D) All of the above.

  4. Which of the following is a difference between Indian and Western philosophy?
    (A) Indian philosophy is based on the Vedas, while Western philosophy is based on reason.
    (B) Indian philosophy is concerned with the nature of reality, while Western philosophy is concerned with the nature of knowledge.
    (C) Indian philosophy is focused on the individual’s search for liberation, while Western philosophy is focused on the individual’s search for happiness.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. Which of the following is a contribution of Indian philosophy to the world?
    (A) The concept of karma.
    (B) The concept of dharma.
    (C) The concept of nirvana.
    (D) All of the above.

  6. Which of the following is a contribution of Western philosophy to the world?
    (A) The concept of Democracy.
    (B) The concept of Human Rights.
    (C) The concept of the scientific method.
    (D) All of the above.

  7. Which of the following is a criticism of Indian philosophy?
    (A) It is too focused on the individual’s search for liberation and not enough on the world around us.
    (B) It is too based on tradition and not enough on reason.
    (C) It is too mystical and not enough grounded in reality.
    (D) All of the above.

  8. Which of the following is a criticism of Western philosophy?
    (A) It is too focused on the individual’s search for happiness and not enough on the world around us.
    (B) It is too based on reason and not enough on tradition.
    (C) It is too materialistic and not enough concerned with the spiritual.
    (D) All of the above.

  9. Which of the following is a way in which Indian and Western philosophy can be complementary?
    (A) Indian philosophy can provide a more holistic view of reality, while Western philosophy can provide a more analytical view.
    (B) Indian philosophy can provide a more spiritual view of life, while Western philosophy can provide a more material view.
    (C) Indian philosophy can provide a more feminine view of the world, while Western philosophy can provide a more masculine view.
    (D) All of the above.

  10. Which of the following is a way in which Indian and Western philosophy can be reconciled?
    (A) They can be seen as two different paths to the same goal.
    (B) They can be seen as two different ways of looking at the same reality.
    (C) They can be seen as two different expressions of the same human spirit.
    (D) All of the above.