North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP): Transforming Lives in Northeast India

The North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP), a World Bank-supported initiative, aims to improve the livelihoods of rural communities in the northeastern states of India. With a focus on empowering the poor and vulnerable, especially women, NERLP employs a community-driven approach to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Objectives of NERLP

  • Sustainable Livelihoods: Support diversification and enhancement of incomes through farm and non-farm livelihoods.
  • Community Empowerment: Strengthen self-help groups (SHGs), community organizations, and federations as catalysts for development.
  • Women’s Economic Inclusion: Focus on developing economic opportunities for women and fostering women-led enterprises.
  • Market Access and Linkages: Help rural producers and entrepreneurs connect with markets for fair returns.
  • Access to Financial Services: Promote linkages between community institutions and formal financial service providers.

Geographical Coverage

NERLP operates in the following Northeast Indian states:

  • Mizoram
  • Nagaland
  • Tripura
  • Sikkim

Components of NERLP

  • Community Mobilization: Formation and nurturing of self-help groups (SHGs) and their federations.
  • Livelihood Development: Support for various farm-based (agriculture, livestock) and non-farm livelihoods based on local potential.
  • Skill Building and Enterprise Development: Trainings and exposure visits to enhance skills and support for rural enterprises.
  • Financial Inclusion: Capacity building for SHGs and facilitating access to credit and other financial services.

Success Stories under NERLP

  • Empowering Women in Mizoram: Women-led SHGs have established microenterprises in food processing, weaving, and poultry farming.
  • Bamboo Value Addition in Tripura: NERLP supported groups in developing innovative bamboo products, enhancing market value.

FAQs about NERLP

  • Who is eligible to participate in NERLP? Vulnerable households, particularly women, within targeted communities in the project states.
  • How to access NERLP’s benefits? Individuals can join established SHGs or form their own SHGs to become eligible for various interventions.


  1. The primary goal of NERLP is to:
    • A. Build modern roads in the Northeast
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Promote export of agricultural goods
    • D. Construct modern tourist infrastructure
  2. Which of these is NOT a focus area of NERLP?
  • A. Skill development
  • B. Community empowerment
  • C. Access to financial services
  • D. Free distribution of smartphones

Answer Key: 1-B, 2-D


The North East Rural Livelihood Project (NERLP) acts as a crucial enabler for rural communities in Northeast India to break out of poverty and build self-reliant futures. By focusing on community ownership, capacity building, and market linkages, the project aims to create long-lasting economic and social impact in the region. As the NERLP expands its reach, fostering innovation, building stronger value chains, and addressing climate change risks will be key to maximizing its contribution towards a more prosperous and inclusive Northeast India.