NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination

The subtopics of the NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination are:

  • Data and Monitoring
  • Social Protection
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Education and Skill Development
  • Health and Nutrition
  • InfrastructureInfrastructure and Livelihoods
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Governance and Institutions
  • Research and Innovation
  • International Cooperation
    The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination was set up in 2017 to advise the government on how to achieve the goal of eliminating extreme poverty by 2022. The task force identified seven key areas that need to be addressed in order to achieve this goal: data and monitoring, social protection, agriculture and rural development, education and skill development, health and nutrition, infrastructure and livelihoods, financial inclusion, governance and institutions, research and innovation, and international cooperation.

In this article, I will discuss each of these areas in turn and provide some recommendations for how the government can address them.

Data and Monitoring

The first step in eliminating poverty is to accurately measure it. The government needs to have a good understanding of the extent of Poverty in India and the characteristics of the poor in order to develop effective policies to address it. The task force recommends that the government undertake a comprehensive household survey to collect data on poverty and other related indicators. This survey should be conducted on a regular basis so that the government can track progress towards the goal of eliminating poverty.

Social Protection

Social protection programs can help to reduce poverty by providing a safety net for the poor. These programs can include cash transfers, food subsidies, and employment programs. The task force recommends that the government expand and improve its social protection programs. It also recommends that the government make these programs more targeted to the poor.

Agriculture and Rural Development

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for a large proportion of the poor in India. The government needs to invest in agriculture and rural development in order to raise incomes and reduce poverty in rural areas. The task force recommends that the government increase InvestmentInvestment in agriculture, improve rural infrastructure, and promote agricultural diversification.

Education and Skill Development

Education and skill development are essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to invest in education and skill development in order to create jobs and improve the earning potential of the poor. The task force recommends that the government increase investment in education, improve the quality of education, and promote vocational education and training.

Health and Nutrition

Good health and nutrition are essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to invest in health and nutrition in order to improve the health and well-being of the poor. The task force recommends that the government increase investment in health, improve access to healthcare, and promote nutrition.

Infrastructure and Livelihoods

Infrastructure and livelihoods are essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to invest in infrastructure and promote livelihoods in order to create jobs and improve the earning potential of the poor. The task force recommends that the government increase investment in infrastructure, improve access to markets, and promote small and medium enterprises.

Financial Inclusion

Financial inclusion is essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to expand access to financial services in order to help the poor save, invest, and manage their finances. The task force recommends that the government expand access to banking, microfinance, and insurance.

Governance and Institutions

Good Governance and institutions are essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to improve governance and strengthen institutions in order to create an EnvironmentEnvironment that is conducive to economic growth and poverty reduction. The task force recommends that the government improve Transparency and Accountability, strengthen the Rule of Law, and promote good governance.

Research and Innovation

Research and innovation are essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to invest in research and innovation in order to develop new technologies and solutions to address the challenges of poverty. The task force recommends that the government increase investment in research and development, promote innovation, and support the development of new technologies.

International Cooperation

International cooperation is essential for reducing poverty. The government needs to work with other countries and international organizations to address the challenges of poverty. The task force recommends that the government strengthen its engagement with other countries and international organizations, promote South-South cooperation, and support the development of global partnerships for poverty reduction.

The task force’s recommendations provide a comprehensive roadmap for the government to follow in order to eliminate poverty in India. The government needs to take these recommendations seriously and implement them in order to achieve this goal.
Data and Monitoring

  • What is the role of data and monitoring in poverty elimination?

Data and monitoring are essential for understanding the extent of poverty and tracking progress towards its elimination. They can also be used to identify the most effective interventions and to evaluate their impact.

  • What are some of the challenges in collecting and using data on poverty?

One challenge is that poverty is a complex phenomenon that can be measured in different ways. Another challenge is that data on poverty is often incomplete or inaccurate.

  • What are some of the ways that data and monitoring can be used to eliminate poverty?

Data and monitoring can be used to identify the poor, to track progress towards poverty reduction targets, to evaluate the impact of anti-poverty programs, and to inform policy decisions.

Social Protection

  • What is social protection?

Social protection is a broad term that refers to policies and programs that aim to reduce poverty and vulnerability. It can include cash transfers, food assistance, health insurance, and employment programs.

  • What is the role of social protection in poverty elimination?

Social protection can help to reduce poverty by providing income support to the poor, by protecting them from shocks, and by investing in their Human Capital.

  • What are some of the challenges in implementing social protection programs?

One challenge is that social protection programs can be expensive. Another challenge is that they can be difficult to target effectively.

  • What are some of the ways that social protection can be used to eliminate poverty?

Social protection can be used to provide income support to the poor, to protect them from shocks, and to invest in their human capital.

Agriculture and Rural Development

  • What is the role of agriculture and rural development in poverty elimination?

Agriculture and rural development are important for poverty elimination because they can help to increase incomes, create jobs, and improve access to basic services in rural areas.

  • What are some of the challenges in agriculture and rural development?

One challenge is that agriculture is a low-productivity sector in many developing countries. Another challenge is that rural areas are often neglected by governments.

  • What are some of the ways that agriculture and rural development can be used to eliminate poverty?

Agriculture and rural development can be used to increase incomes, create jobs, and improve access to basic services in rural areas.

Education and Skill Development

  • What is the role of education and skill development in poverty elimination?

Education and skill development are important for poverty elimination because they can help people to get better jobs, earn higher incomes, and improve their lives.

  • What are some of the challenges in education and skill development?

One challenge is that education is often not accessible to the poor. Another challenge is that the quality of education can be poor.

  • What are some of the ways that education and skill development can be used to eliminate poverty?

Education and skill development can be used to help people get better jobs, earn higher incomes, and improve their lives.

Health and Nutrition

  • What is the role of health and nutrition in poverty elimination?

Health and nutrition are important for poverty elimination because they can help people to live longer, healthier lives, and to be more productive.

  • What are some of the challenges in health and nutrition?

One challenge is that access to healthcare is often not available to the poor. Another challenge is that malnutrition is a widespread problem in many developing countries.

  • What are some of the ways that health and nutrition can be used to eliminate poverty?

Health and nutrition can be used to help people live longer, healthier lives, and to be more productive.

Infrastructure and Livelihoods

  • What is the role of infrastructure and livelihoods in poverty elimination?

Infrastructure and livelihoods are important for poverty elimination because they can help people to access basic services, earn incomes, and improve their lives.

  • What are some of the challenges in infrastructure and livelihoods?

One challenge is that infrastructure is often not available in rural areas. Another challenge is that livelihoods can be fragile and vulnerable to shocks.

  • What are some of the ways that infrastructure and livelihoods can be used to eliminate poverty?

Infrastructure and livelihoods can be used to help people access basic services, earn incomes, and improve their lives.

Financial Inclusion

  • What is the role of financial inclusion in poverty elimination?

Financial inclusion is important for poverty elimination because it can help people to save MoneyMoney, access credit, and invest in their businesses.

  • What are some of the challenges in financial inclusion?

One challenge is that access to financial services is often not available to the poor. Another challenge is that financial products and services can be expensive.

  • What are some of the ways that financial inclusion can be used to eliminate poverty?
    Question 1

Which of the following is not a subtopic of the NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination?

(A) Data and Monitoring
(B) Social Protection
(CC) Agriculture and Rural Development
(D) Education and Skill Development
(E) Health and Nutrition
(F) Infrastructure and Livelihoods
(G) Financial Inclusion
(H) Governance and Institutions
(I) Research and Innovation
(J) International Cooperation


The correct answer is (E). Health and Nutrition is not a subtopic of the NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination. The correct subtopics are:

  • Data and Monitoring
  • Social Protection
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Education and Skill Development
  • Infrastructure and Livelihoods
  • Financial Inclusion
  • Governance and Institutions
  • Research and Innovation
  • International Cooperation

Question 2

The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination was formed in:

(A) 2014
(B) 2015
(C) 2016
(D) 2017
(E) 2018


The correct answer is (A). The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination was formed in 2014.

Question 3

The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination is chaired by:

(A) Amitabh Kant
(B) Arvind Panagariya
(C) Bibek Debroy
(D) Raghuram Rajan
(E) Urjit Patel


The correct answer is (A). The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination is chaired by Amitabh Kant.

Question 4

The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination has the following objectives:

(A) To reduce poverty in India by 50% by 2022
(B) To eliminate extreme poverty in India by 2022
(C) To ensure that no Indian lives below the Poverty Line by 2022
(D) To make India a poverty-free country by 2022
(E) To eradicate poverty from India by 2022


The correct answer is (D). The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination has the objective of ensuring that no Indian lives below the poverty line by 2022.

Question 5

The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination has the following strategies:

(A) To increase the income of the poor
(B) To provide employment opportunities to the poor
(C) To improve the access of the poor to education, health, and other basic services
(D) To provide social protection to the poor
(E) All of the above


The correct answer is (E). The NITI Aayog task force on Poverty Elimination has the following strategies:

  • To increase the income of the poor
  • To provide employment opportunities to the poor
  • To improve the access of the poor to education, health, and other basic services
  • To provide social protection to the poor