Natural Vegetation of West Bengal

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal

Climate is a major determinant of forest types and on a broad sense; rainfall is major factor though temperature, Soil, topography etc., play a dominant role.Natural Vegetation of West Bengal

On the other hand, forests exert a great influence on the climate of a country by retaining moisture in the Atmosphere. They prevent rapid run-off, by promoting percolation of rainwater. Water that percolates into the soil helps to maintain the dry weather flow of rivers in regions of deficient rainfall and helps to conserve moisture in the soil.

In West Bengal, the total forested area is somewhat above 12,000 sq. kilometres which, is a little less than 14 percent of the total area of the State. Some of this forested area is intersected by broad rivers. So leaving the space occupied by rivers makes actual forest cover is only 11 percent. Again, this is not evenly distributed but concentrated in different areas, one in the Mountains and foothills of North Bengal, one in the plateau fringe and the third one in the southern part of the State i.e. in the Sundarbans. In the rest of the State, the natural vegetation has been completely destroyed or altered by human agency.

Four types of forests exist in the State, these are :

(i) Mountain temperate forest

These types of forests are mainly related to altitude and aspect and are concentrated in Darjiling and Jalpaiguri districts. Here between 1000 to 1500 metres, subtropical forests are found, while temperate forests occur between 1500 to 3000 metres which contain some verities of oaks and conifers. Above 3000 metres, silver fir is very common. Higher up are Alpine meadows, small bushes and flowering Plants. Thus it is noticed that the changes of vegetation that occur with increasing altitude in the Himalaya are similar to the changes that take place, as one travels from the tropics to the poles.

Again, the humid montane region of the northern slope of the Darjiling Himalaya is characterized by montane wet temperate forest and many other temperate Flora.

(ii) Tropical mixed evergreen forests of the foothills

Tropical moist evergreen forests occur in the terai regions of Darjiling, Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar. Sal (Shorea robusta) is the most common species grown here though other types of trees such as Champa (Michelia champaea), Chilauni (Schima wallichii), Khair (Acacia catechu), Gamar (Gmelina arborea) are less frequently found. Bamboo is also common here. Like any other tropical rain forest, it is also very dense and there is much undergrowth of shrubs and bushes. Some of the dense forests of West Bengal occur here.

(iii) The deciduous forests of the plateau fringe

The dry deciduous forests of the plateau fringe mainly occur in Medinipur, Bankura, Puruliya, Barddhaman and Birbhum districts. This forest mainly bears Sal which is different from the Sal bearing forest of the northern region in size, undergrowth and other aspects. Here the dry Sal forest have been mostly kept as coppiced fuel jungle in which other fire-resistant varieties such as Palash (Butea forndosa), Mahua (Bassia latifolia) etc. are also grown. There is also marked dominance of scrubs and thorny bushes. The tropical moist deciduous forest occurs in the western part of Medinipur, west of Subarnarekha River.

(iv) The tidal forests of Sundarbans

The tidal forests are localized in the Sundarbans. Here the forests consist of the trees of evergreen species of shrubs and plains. Tidal mangrove swamps of low height occur along the coast. The trees are peculiar to the tidal swamps and can thrive well in coastal saline soil. They are characterized by their peculiar root developments which can be seen above the soil when the tide water recedes.

Another type of feature in these plants is that some plants germinate from, their seeds while still in the tree. When the plant grows up, it develops a stab like root and when it falls on the ground, stabs attach in the ground. These type of plants are known as viviparous.

Among the trees grown here “Sundri” (Heritiera minor) is very common. It grows- best on the drier lands near the streams where the salinity is moderate. “Golpata” prefers low salinity and grows best on ever moist mud-banks. Other plants which are also found here are “gengwa” (Excecaria agollocha) “hital” (Phonix palmdosa), “baen” (Avicenuia officinalis), ’’bhora” (Rhizophora mueronata) and Kaora (Soumeratia apatata). Besides, there are various types of bushy plants and creepers which can tolerate a considerable degree of salinity.

Natural Vegetation of West Bengal,

The natural vegetation of West Bengal is a diverse and beautiful tapestry of forests, grasslands, deserts, and alpine meadows. The state’s location on the Indian subcontinent, its varied topography, and its climate have all contributed to the development of this unique ecosystem.

The tropical moist deciduous forests are found in the western and southern parts of the state. These forests are characterized by a dry season and a wet season. The trees in these forests shed their leaves during the dry season. The main trees found in these forests are sal, teak, and bamboo.

The tropical dry deciduous forests are found in the eastern and northern parts of the state. These forests are characterized by a long dry season and a short wet season. The trees in these forests do not shed their leaves during the dry season. The main trees found in these forests are khair, sisoo, and dhak.

The mangrove forests are found in the coastal areas of the state. These forests are characterized by saline water and tidal mudflats. The trees in these forests are adapted to live in these conditions. The main trees found in these forests are sundri, gewa, and keora.

The swamp forests are found in the riverine areas of the state. These forests are characterized by waterlogged soils. The trees in these forests are adapted to live in these conditions. The main trees found in these forests are bhelwa, saal, and gamhar.

The grasslands are found in the drier parts of the state. These grasslands are characterized by a long dry season and a short wet season. The main Grasses found in these grasslands are khar, san, and durba.

The deserts are found in the western parts of the state. These deserts are characterized by hot and dry conditions. The main plants found in these deserts are cacti and succulents.

The alpine vegetation is found in the high mountains of the state. These mountains are characterized by cold and wet conditions. The main plants found in these mountains are rhododendrons, junipers, and firs.

The natural vegetation of West Bengal is home to a wide variety of wildlife. The forests are home to tigers, leopards, elephants, deer, and monkeys. The grasslands are home to antelopes, gazelles, and wild boars. The deserts are home to camels, snakes, and lizards. The alpine meadows are home to yaks, snow leopards, and ibex.

The natural vegetation of West Bengal is an important part of the state’s ecosystem. The forests provide habitat for wildlife, the grasslands provide grazing for Livestock, the deserts provide a home for desert-adapted plants and animals, and the alpine meadows provide a home for high-altitude plants and animals. The natural vegetation of West Bengal is also a popular tourist destination. People come from all over the world to see the state’s beautiful forests, grasslands, deserts, and alpine meadows.

However, the natural vegetation of West Bengal is under threat from a number of factors. Deforestation is a major problem in the state. Trees are being cut down for timber, fuel, and agriculture. This is causing the forests to disappear and the wildlife to lose their habitat. Pollution is also a problem in West Bengal. Factories and vehicles are releasing pollutants into the air and water. This is causing the air and water to become dirty and unhealthy. Climate Change is also a threat to the natural vegetation of West Bengal. Climate change is causing the temperatures to rise and the rainfall patterns to change. This is causing the forests to become drier and the grasslands to become wetter.

It is important to protect the natural vegetation of West Bengal. We need to stop deforestation, reduce pollution, and adapt to climate change. We need to do this for the sake of the wildlife, the Environment, and the people of West Bengal.

What is natural vegetation?

Natural vegetation is the plant life that occurs in an area without human intervention. It is the result of the interaction of climate, soil, and other environmental factors.

What are the different types of natural vegetation?

There are many different types of natural vegetation, depending on the climate and other environmental factors. Some common types of natural vegetation include forests, grasslands, deserts, and Tundra.

What are the benefits of natural vegetation?

Natural vegetation provides many benefits, including:

  • Oxygen production: Plants produce oxygen, which is essential for human and animal life.
  • Water filtration: Plants help to filter water and prevent pollution.
  • Soil erosion control: Plants help to hold soil in place and prevent erosion.
  • Climate regulation: Plants help to regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.
  • Habitat for wildlife: Natural vegetation provides habitat for a variety of wildlife species.

What are the threats to natural vegetation?

Natural vegetation is threatened by a number of factors, including:

  • Deforestation: Deforestation is the clearing of forests for other uses, such as agriculture or development.
  • Pollution: Pollution from air, water, and land can damage plants and animals.
  • Climate change: Climate change is causing changes in temperature and Precipitation patterns, which can disrupt plant and animal life.

What can be done to protect natural vegetation?

There are a number of things that can be done to protect natural vegetation, including:

  • Reforestation: Reforestation is the planting of trees to replace those that have been lost.
  • Conservation: Conservation is the protection of natural Resources, including plants and animals.
  • Education: Education about the importance of natural vegetation can help people to understand the need to protect it.

What is the future of natural vegetation?

The future of natural vegetation is uncertain. The threats to natural vegetation are increasing, and it is important to take steps to protect it. If we do not take action, natural vegetation could be lost forever.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of natural vegetation in West Bengal?
    (A) Tropical evergreen forest
    (B) Tropical deciduous forest
    (C) Mangrove forest
    (D) Alpine forest

  2. The Sundarbans is a mangrove forest located in which of the following states?
    (A) West Bengal
    (B) Odisha
    (C) Andhra Pradesh
    (D) Tamil Nadu

  3. The Sundarbans is the largest mangrove forest in the world. True or False?

  4. The Sundarbans is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. True or False?

  5. The Sundarbans is home to a variety of wildlife, including tigers, crocodiles, and monkeys. True or False?

  6. The Sundarbans is a popular tourist destination. True or False?

  7. The Sundarbans is facing a number of threats, including deforestation, pollution, and climate change. True or False?

  8. The Sundarbans is an important ecosystem that provides a number of benefits to humans, including flood control, water purification, and Carbon Sequestration. True or False?

  9. The Sundarbans is a unique and fragile ecosystem that needs to be protected. True or False?

  10. What can you do to help protect the Sundarbans?
    (A) Reduce your carbon footprint
    (B) Support organizations that are working to protect the Sundarbans
    (C) Visit the Sundarbans and learn about its importance
    (D) All of the above