Natural hazards and other related aspects of Telangana

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Telangana

  • The natural disasters directly impact economies, agriculture, Food Security, water, sanitation, the Environment and Health each year.
  • Therefore it is one of the single largest concerns for most of the developing nations.
  • Different natural hazards because varying levels of physical damage to Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE and agriculture with implications for their indirect and secondary impacts.
  • Drought causes heavy Crop and Livestock losses over wide areas of land but typically leave infrastructure and productive capacity largely unaffected.
  • Floods and Cyclones-2/”>Cyclones cause extensive whereas damage to both infrastructure and agriculture, depending on their timing relative to the agricultural cycle.
  • While Earthquakes have little impact on standing crops excluding localized losses but can cause wide spread devastation of infrastructure and other productive capacity over relatively large areas.
  • The precise cost of the disaster in terms of loss of lives, property, loss of development opportunities, etc. cannot be clearly assessed, counted or scaled.
  • The costs of disaster are clearly inequitable, falling heavily only on the few. Disasters result not only in loss of shelter but also create hardships, lack of food availability, and temporary loss of livelihood and disrupt socio-economic activities.
  • Some of the losses may be redeemable and compensated for through disaster relief and insurance.
  • However, apart from economic dimension, such disturbances have their psychological and social dimensions as well, which need to be studied, and documented besides developing.

Types of Disasters

  • Due to the increasing frequency of natural and man-made disasters and their severe impact on the individuals, Society, economy, natural Resources and environment, Government of India constituted a High Powered Committee (HPC) on Disaster Management in August 1999 to prepare comprehensive plans for National, State and District levels.
  • The HPC has rightly stressed on the need for a comprehensive and holistic approach towards dealing with all kinds of disasters.
  • From a compartmentalized response oriented approach, a coordinated, holistic and participatory approach has been recommended.
  • HPC identified thirty one disasters in the country.
  • These disasters have been categorized into following five sub-groups depending on generic (origin) considerations and various departments/ ministries dealing with various aspects:
  1. Water and Climate Related Disasters
  2. Floods and Drainage Management,
  3. Cyclones,
  4. Tornadoes and Hurricanes,
  5. Hailstorm,
  6. Cloud Burst,
  7. Heat Wave and Cold Wave,
  8. Snow Avalanches,
  9. Droughts,
  10. Sea Erosion
  11. Thunder and Lightning.
  12. Geology Related Disasters
  13. Landslides and Mudflows,
  14. Earthquakes,
  15. Dam Failures/ Dam Bursts
  16. Mine Fires
  17. Chemical , Industrial & Nuclear related disasters
  18. Chemical and industrial
  19. Nuclear disasters
  20. Accident related disasters
  21. Forest Fires,
  22. Urban Fires,
  23. Mines Flooding Oil Spill,
  24. Major Building Collapse
  25. Serial Bomb Blasts
  26. Festival related disasters
  27. Electrical disasters and Fires
  28. Air, Road and Rail Accidents
  29. Boat Capsizing
  30. Village Fire
  31. Biologically Related disasters
  32. Epidemics
  33. Pest Attacks
  34. Cattle epidemics
  35. Food poisoning

Major Disaster Aspects in Telangana

Drought, Flood and Forest Fires are the Major Disaster related aspect of Telangana.


  • We have a largely monsoon dependant Irrigation Network.
  • An erratic pattern, both low (less than 750 mm) and medium (750 – 1125 mm) makes 68 percent of the total sown area vulnerable to periodic droughts.
  • Severe and rare droughts occur in arid and semi-arid zones once in almost every 8-9 years.
  • Drought is a perennial feature in some states of India like Telangana.
  • 16 percent of the country’s total area is drought prone and approximately 50 million people are annually affected by droughts.
  • In fact, persistent drought with less than Average rainfall over a long period of time gives rise to serious environmental problems.
  • Drought Prone Districts: Chittoor, Kadapa, Anantapur & Kurnool, Mahabubnagar, Medak, Rnagareddy and Nalgonda
  • 20 times drought in 40 years,
  • 10 times drought in 20 years.
  • 5 times drought in 10 years,
  • 3 times drought in last 5 years
  • Major Drought Years (1997, 2001, 2002 & 2004) 2002-03 has been the worst year of drought
  • State GDP severely affected due to recurring drought

Flood in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh

  • Inadequate capacity of the rivers to contain within their banks the high flows brought down from the upper catchment areas, following heavy rainfall, leads to flooding.
  • Central and coastal Andhra Pradesh spans mainly major river basins of Godavari, Krishna and minor river basins of Nagavali and Vamsadhara on the north and Pennar in the south.
  • The Passage of storms/ cyclones in quick SUCCESSION over a river basin invariably leads to severe floods.Natural hazards and other related aspects of Telangana
  • The problem is exacerbated by factors such as silting of the riverbeds, reduction of the carrying capacity of river channels, beds and banks leading to changes in river courses, obstructions to flow due to landslides, synchronization of floods in the main and tributary rivers and retardation due to tidal effects.
  • The flood problems of deltaic regions are attributed to various causes like flatter slope of drains and back flow due to tides.
  • On Sep 14 2017, A flood situation prevailed in parts of Hyderabad, following record heavy rains overnight. Daily life was affected badly as many areas of the city were hit by the heavy rains. Keesara in Ranga Reddy district recorded the highest rainfall of 17cm, followed by 11cm in Uppal, 10cm in Malkajgiri and Balapur and 6cm in Medchal.
  • On Sep 25 2016, The Indian Air Force (IAF) rescued 24 construction workers who were stranded by floods in Telangana’s Medak district.
  • On Sept 28 2016, At least 11 people have died after several days of flooding in the Indian state of Telangana.

Manmade Disasters

  • The fast pace of Growth and expansion in the name of Development without comprehensive understanding or preparedness has brought forth a range of issues that seek urgent attention at all levels.
  • In the absence of such measures growing numbers in our Population are at a risk of prospective hazards such as air accidents, boat capsizing, building collapse, electric fires, festival related disasters, forest fires, mine flooding, oil spills, rail accidents, road accidents, serial bomb blasts, and fires.
  • The safeguards within existing systems are limited and the risks involved high.
  • Nuclear, Chemical and Biological threats are apparent in the present scenario.
  • Deliberate International Terrorism or accidental secondary fallout can be fatal.
  • Creation of specific infrastructure is imperative to avoid a catastrophe in the future.
  • However, rapid and effective response needs intensive research and laboratory support.

Forest Fires

  • Forests face many hazards but the most common hazard is fire.
  • Forests fires are as old as the forests themselves.
  • They pose a threat not only to the forest wealth but also to the entire regime of Fauna and Flora seriously disturbing the bio-diversity and the ECOLOGY and environment of a region.
  • Forest fires are usually seasonal.
  • They usually start in the dry season and can be prevented by adequate precautions.
  • State Governments are aware of the severe damage caused by fires not only trees but also to forests and ecology of the area.
  • Successive Five Year Plans have provided funds for forest fire fighting.
  • According to NDMA districts like in Warangal 73 Serious, 169 Medium and 287 small forest fires occurred during 1999-2000.

Telangana State Disaster Response and Fire Service Department


  • Prompt response to fire calls and other emergencies like floods, earth quakes etc.
  • To issue No Objection Certificate for fire hazardous places.
  • Basic Fire Prevention training to security personnel at Fire Hazardous places.
  • Creation of public awareness on fire prevention for various sections of society.
  • Assistance and advice on conducting Fire Drills.
  • To provide awareness in public about the Fire Safety measures.
  • To provide standby fire-safety arrangements at large gatherings by charging a nominal amount.
  • To provide the ambulance service for rushing the sick and the injured to hospitals at a nominal charge.
  • To educate and train people in fire prevention and fire fighting.
  • Rescue persons involved in the emergency.
  • Improvement of Fire and Rescue Services.
  • Strive to save life and property by going promptly to the spot of fire.
  • Promote interactions within the department to achieve high Degree of Professional excellence




  • Heat Wave Plan is a Plan intended to protect the population from heat related harm to health.
  • It aims to prepare for, alert people to, and prevent, the major avoidable effects on health during periods of severe heat, while the days are sunny in summer, it should not be forgotten that the temperature can get too high, that it can become uncomfortably hot, and for some, it can become dangerously hot putting their life at risk.

HEAT waves

  • Spells of abnormally high temperatures that occur in different parts of the country during April to June are referred to as heat waves.
  • The term heat wave is a description of prevailing temperature conditions relative to daily normal value.
  • The IMD (India Meteorological Department) has laid down the following criteria for describing a heat wave or a severe heat Wave or a Warm Night.
  • Heat wave is considered only after the maximum temperature of a station reaches atleast 40ºC for plains and atleast 30ºC for hilly regions.
  • When actual maximum temperature of a station is more than or equal to 40ºC.
  • Heat wave- Departure from normal temperature is 5ºC – 6ºC
  • Severe Heat wave – Departure from normal temperature is 7ºC or more
  • When actual maximum temperature is 45ºC or more, irrespective of normal maximum temperature, heat wave is declared.
  • When actual maximum temperature is 47ºC or more, irrespective of normal maximum temperature, Severe Heat Wave is declared.
  • Warm Night is declared if actual maximum temperature of a station is more than or equal to 40ºC and minimum temperature departure is more than or equal to 5ºC.
  • Very Warm Night is declared if actual maximum temperature of a station is more than or equal to 40ºC and minimum temperature departure is more than or equal to 7ºC.
  • Coordinated action is needed among government agencies at the State level to reduce the devastating health effects of heat Stress on local residents.
  • A practical plan of targeted interventions can increase information-sharing, Communication, preparedness, and response coordination to improve the most vulnerable populations’ resilience to rising temperatures and consequently minimize heat wave fatalities.

Heat Wave Action Plan

  • The Telangana Heat Wave Action Plan aims to provide guidelines on the steps to be taken by the administration for minimising the impact of Heat Waves.
  • The Plan’s primary objective is to help the population most at risk of Heat related illness to avoid the effects of the heat waves.

Extreme heat planning includes:

  • Identifying vulnerable populations and the health risks specific to each group;
  • Developing effective strategies, agency coordination, and response planning to shape a Heat wave Action Plan that addresses heat-health risks;
  • Implementing the Heat Action Plan and activating heat alerts; and
  • Evaluating and updating the Heat Action Plan regularly.
  • Successful implementation of the Heat Action Plan in Telangana requires co-ordination between Government Departments; health care professionals including emergency medical personnel, health center staff, and hospital staff; and community groups.


Telangana is a state in India that is prone to a variety of natural hazards. These hazards can have a devastating impact on the state’s economy, infrastructure, and people. It is important to understand the risks posed by these hazards and to take steps to mitigate their effects.

Some of the most common natural hazards in Telangana include earthquakes, floods, droughts, heat waves, cold waves, landslides, forest fires, cyclones, and Tsunamis. Earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface. They can cause significant damage to buildings and infrastructure, and can also trigger landslides and other secondary hazards. Floods are caused by heavy rains or melting snow. They can inundate homes and businesses, damage crops, and disrupt transportation. Droughts are caused by a lack of rainfall. They can lead to crop failures, water shortages, and famine. Heat waves are periods of prolonged high temperatures. They can cause heatstroke, dehydration, and death. Cold waves are periods of prolonged low temperatures. They can cause hypothermia, frostbite, and death. Landslides are caused by the movement of Soil and rock down a slope. They can damage or destroy buildings and infrastructure, and can also block roads and railways. Forest fires are caused by lightning strikes, human carelessness, or arson. They can destroy forests, homes, and businesses, and can also cause Air Pollution. Cyclones are tropical storms that form over warm waters. They can cause high winds, heavy rains, and storm surges. Tsunamis are large waves that are caused by earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. They can cause extensive damage to coastal areas.

The government of Telangana has taken steps to mitigate the effects of natural hazards. These steps include:

  • Building Dams and reservoirs to control flooding.
  • Planting trees to prevent landslides.
  • Educating the public about the risks of natural hazards.
  • Developing early warning systems.
  • Maintaining emergency response plans.

Despite these efforts, natural hazards continue to pose a significant threat to Telangana. It is important for residents to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves and their families.

Here are some tips for staying safe during a NATURAL HAZARD:

  • Have a plan in place. Know what you will do if a natural hazard strikes.
  • Make sure you have a survival kit that includes food, water, first-aid supplies, and other essentials.
  • Stay informed about the latest weather forecasts and warnings.
  • If you are told to evacuate, do so immediately.
  • If you are caught in a natural hazard, stay calm and follow the instructions of emergency personnel.

Natural hazards can be devastating, but they can also be survivable. By being prepared and taking the necessary precautions, you can increase your chances of staying safe.

What is Telangana?
Telangana is a state in India. It was formed on 2 June 2014, by splitting from the state of Andhra Pradesh. The capital of Telangana is Hyderabad.

What are the natural hazards in Telangana?
Telangana is prone to a number of natural hazards, including floods, droughts, earthquakes, and landslides.

What are the effects of natural hazards in Telangana?
The effects of natural hazards in Telangana can be devastating. Floods can cause widespread damage to property and infrastructure, and can also lead to loss of life. Droughts can lead to crop failures and famine, and can also make it difficult for people to access water. Earthquakes can cause buildings to collapse, and can also lead to loss of life. Landslides can block roads and railways, and can also lead to loss of life.

What are the government’s efforts to mitigate the effects of natural hazards in Telangana?
The government of Telangana has taken a number of steps to mitigate the effects of natural hazards. These include:

  • Building dams and reservoirs to control floods.
  • Developing early warning systems for floods, droughts, and earthquakes.
  • Providing financial assistance to people who have been affected by natural disasters.
  • Planting trees to prevent landslides.

What are the people of Telangana doing to cope with natural hazards?
The people of Telangana have developed a number of coping mechanisms to deal with natural hazards. These include:

  • Building houses on higher ground to avoid flooding.
  • Planting drought-resistant crops.
  • Building earthquake-resistant houses.
  • Creating community disaster preparedness plans.

What can I do to help?
There are a number of things you can do to help the people of Telangana who have been affected by natural disasters. These include:

  • Donating to relief organizations.
  • Volunteering your time to help with relief efforts.
  • Raising awareness about natural hazards and how to prepare for them.
  1. Telangana is a state in India. It was formed on 2 June 2014, by splitting the northern part of the state of Andhra Pradesh. The capital of Telangana is Hyderabad.
  2. Telangana is a landlocked state, with a total area of 112,077 square kilometers. It is bordered by the states of Maharashtra to the north, Karnataka to the west, Andhra Pradesh to the south, and Chhattisgarh to the east.
  3. The Climate of Telangana is tropical, with hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in Hyderabad ranges from 20 degrees Celsius in January to 40 degrees Celsius in May.
  4. The Population of Telangana is over 35 million. The majority of the population is Hindu, followed by Muslims and Christians.
  5. The Official Language of Telangana is Telugu.
  6. Telangana is a major producer of rice, Cotton, and tobacco. It is also home to the Hyderabadi biryani, a popular dish made with rice, meat, and spices.
  7. Telangana is a beautiful state with a rich history and culture. It is a popular tourist destination, with attractions such as the Charminar, the Golconda Fort, and the Qutb Shahi Tombs.

Here are some MCQs about Telangana:

  1. Which of the following is not a neighboring state of Telangana?
    (A) Maharashtra
    (B) Karnataka
    (C) Andhra Pradesh
    (D) Chhattisgarh

  2. What is the capital of Telangana?
    (A) Hyderabad
    (B) Vijayawada
    (C) Amaravati
    (D) Kurnool

  3. What is the official language of Telangana?
    (A) Telugu
    (B) Hindi
    (C) English
    (D) Urdu

  4. What is the population of Telangana?
    (A) Over 35 million
    (B) Over 25 million
    (C) Over 15 million
    (D) Over 10 million

  5. What is the climate of Telangana?
    (A) Tropical
    (B) Temperate
    (C) Alpine
    (D) Arctic

  6. What is the main religion of Telangana?
    (A) Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  7. What is the main crop of Telangana?
    (A) Rice
    (B) Cotton
    (C) Tobacco
    (D) Tea

  8. What is the most popular dish of Telangana?
    (A) Hyderabadi biryani
    (B) Dosa
    (C) Idli
    (D) Sambar

  9. What is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Telangana?
    (A) The Charminar
    (B) The Golconda Fort
    (C) The Qutb Shahi Tombs
    (D) All of the above

  10. What is one of the most famous historical figures from Telangana?
    (A) Nizam-ul-Mulk
    (B) K. Chandrashekar Rao
    (C) P. V. Narasimha Rao
    (D) All of the above