National Urban Health Mission (NUHM): Addressing Urban Health Challenges

The National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) is a sub-mission under the overarching National Health Mission (NHM) launched in 2013. Recognizing the unique health challenges and disparities within India’s rapidly growing urban areas, the NUHM seeks to provide equitable and quality healthcare, particularly for the urban poor and marginalized populations.

Objectives of NUHM

  • Addressing Urban Healthcare Disparities: Tackle the health inequities faced by the urban poor, slum dwellers, and other vulnerable groups.
  • Strengthening Primary Healthcare: Revitalize the existing network of Urban Primary Health Centers (UPHCs) to offer comprehensive primary healthcare services.
  • Preventive and Promotive Focus: Promote preventive healthcare, health awareness campaigns, and community-level interventions for addressing the rising burden of non-communicable diseases.
  • Outreach Services: Ensure healthcare access in underserved areas, including slums, through mobile clinics and outreach camps.
  • Partnerships and Convergence: Facilitate collaboration between various stakeholders, including local governments, private healthcare providers, NGOs, and community groups.

Key Interventions under NUHM

  • Urban Primary Health Centers (UPHCs): Establishment and revitalization of UPHCs to serve as the first point of contact for healthcare services.
  • ASHA Workers: Training and deployment of Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) in urban areas to connect communities with healthcare services.
  • Mahila Arogya Samitis (MAS): Community-level women’s health groups promoting awareness, facilitating access to healthcare, and addressing social determinants of health.
  • Public Health Campaigns: Awareness campaigns on healthy lifestyles, communicable diseases, maternal and child health, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • Partnerships with Private Sector: Encouraging collaboration with private healthcare providers to expand healthcare access for the urban poor.

Impact of NUHM

  • Increased Access: NUHM has contributed to expanded coverage of primary healthcare services in urban areas.
  • Community Mobilization: ASHAs and Mahila Arogya Samitis play a crucial role in health awareness and facilitating access to services, particularly for women and children.

Case Study: Slum Health Clinic in Mumbai

A NUHM-supported clinic provides essential healthcare services to slum dwellers, reducing their reliance on costly private healthcare or distant public hospitals.


  • Who is the target population of NUHM? Primarily the urban poor, slum dwellers, migrant workers, and other vulnerable groups.
  • How is NUHM different from the NRHM? NUHM focuses on the unique healthcare challenges faced by populations in urban areas.


  1. The primary focus of the NUHM is to:
    • A. Provide healthcare to urban populations
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Promote export of agricultural products
    • D. Construct modern tourist attractions
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct intervention under NUHM?
  • A. Urban Primary Health Centers (UPHCs)
  • B. Mahila Arogya Samitis
  • C. Public Health Campaigns
  • D. Free distribution of laptops

Answer Key: 1-A, 2-D


The National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) plays a critical role in addressing the complex healthcare needs of India’s growing urban population. By focusing on strengthening primary care, community mobilization, and addressing social determinants of health, the NUHM seeks to create more equitable and healthier cities. The success of the NUHM depends on bridging healthcare access gaps, forging effective partnerships, and adapting to the specific needs of diverse urban communities.