National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009

The National Policy on Disaster Management (NPDM), 2009, marks a significant milestone in India’s approach to disaster management. It provides a comprehensive framework, emphasizing the need for a proactive, preventive, and mitigation-driven approach rather than a reactive and relief-centric model. This article delves into the NPDM, 2009, outlining its objectives, strategies, and key components, supported by examples, case studies, and relevant statistics.

Table of Contents
Objectives of the National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009
Key Components of the Policy
Strategic Priorities
Implementation Mechanisms
Case Studies and Impact
Challenges and Solutions
Frequently Asked Questions
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)


The National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009, was adopted by the Government of India to establish a safe and disaster-resilient society through a holistic, integrated, and proactive approach to disaster management. It acknowledges the fact that disasters challenge the development process and, hence, aims to minimize the loss of life, livelihood, and property by building a culture of prevention, preparedness, and resilience at all levels.

Objectives of the National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009

  • Promote a culture of prevention, preparedness, and resilience at all levels through knowledge, innovation, and education.
  • Encourage mitigation measures based on technology, traditional wisdom, and environmental sustainability.
  • Mainstream disaster management into the developmental planning process.
  • Establish institutional and techno-legal frameworks to create an enabling regulatory environment and a compliance regime.
  • Ensure efficient response and recovery mechanisms that reduce disaster risk in the long term.

Key Components of the Policy

  • Institutional and Legal Frameworks: Establishment of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs), and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs).
  • Capacity Development: Focus on training, research, and knowledge management to build a professional cadre of disaster managers.
  • Community-Based Disaster Management: Involving communities at the grassroots level in disaster management processes.
  • Public Awareness and Media Role: Enhancing disaster awareness through media, educational programs, and public campaigns.

Strategic Priorities

  • Integration of disaster management plans into developmental plans.
  • Development and promotion of disaster-resilient technologies and environmentally sustainable practices.
  • Strengthening early warning systems and response mechanisms.

Implementation Mechanisms

The policy outlines a multi-tiered approach for its implementation, involving central, state, and local government bodies. It emphasizes the role of NDMA for policy formulation and laying down guidelines, which are then implemented by SDMAs and DDMAs at the state and district levels, respectively.

Case Studies and Impact

Several initiatives and programs have been launched under the NPDM, 2009, which have significantly contributed to disaster risk reduction in India. Examples include the Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project, Urban Flood Management Projects, and the School Safety Project.

Challenges and Solutions

While the NPDM, 2009, has laid a solid foundation for disaster management in India, challenges such as funding, coordination among various stakeholders, and public awareness remain. Strengthening institutional capacities, enhancing community participation, and securing sustainable funding mechanisms are crucial for overcoming these challenges.


The National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009, represents a paradigm shift in India’s approach to disasters, focusing on prevention, mitigation, and preparedness. The policy’s comprehensive framework, coupled with its emphasis on community involvement and sustainable development, sets a path toward a safer and more resilient society.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the main focus of the National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009?
  • How does the NPDM, 2009, propose to integrate disaster management with developmental planning?
  • What are the key challenges in the implementation of the NPDM, 2009?

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

  • What is the primary objective of the National Policy on Disaster Management, 2009?