National Pension Scheme (NPS): Building Your Retirement Fund

The National Pension Scheme (NPS) is a voluntary, market-linked pension scheme designed to promote retirement savings among Indian citizens. With increasing longevity and changing family structures, NPS aims to encourage long-term savings habits to secure financial freedom during one’s later years.

Objectives of NPS

  • Organized Pension System: Establish a structured pension system for all citizens, including those in the public, private, and unorganized sectors.
  • Long-term Savings Discipline: Promote regular savings for building a retirement corpus.
  • Market-linked Returns: Offer potential to generate returns linked to market performance.
  • Flexibility and Choice: Provide subscribers with choices in investment allocation and fund managers.

How NPS Works

  • Two-Tier Account Structure:
    • Tier-I: Mandatory contributions for building a non-withdrawable pension corpus.
    • Tier-II: Voluntary account for liquidity and additional savings.
  • Investments: Contributions are invested in various asset classes (equity, government securities, corporate bonds) as per subscriber choice.
  • Pension Fund Managers: Professional fund managers manage the investment portfolios.
  • Maturity and Withdrawals: Upon retirement, a portion of the accumulated corpus is paid as a lump sum while the remaining is used to purchase an annuity providing regular pension.

Key Features of NPS

  • Open to All Citizens: Available for Indian citizens between the ages of 18-70.
  • Flexibility in Contribution: Subscribers can adjust contribution amounts over time.
  • Tax Benefits: Offers tax deductions on contributions (subject to limits).
  • Portability: NPS account remains the same even if an individual changes jobs.

FAQs about NPS

  • Is NPS mandatory? NPS is mandatory for government employees (except armed forces), but voluntary for others.
  • Can I withdraw my money before retirement? Partial withdrawals are allowed under certain conditions.


  1. The primary focus of NPS is:
    • A. Promote export of agricultural products
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Promote retirement savings
    • D. Construct modern infrastructure
  2. Which of the following is NOT a feature of NPS?
  • A. Choice of investment funds
  • B. Tax benefits
  • C. Guaranteed high returns
  • D. Professional fund management

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-C


The National Pension Scheme (NPS) signifies a shift towards individual responsibility for retirement planning in India. With its market-linked returns, flexibility, and tax advantages, NPS offers a potentially attractive avenue for building a substantial retirement corpus. For the scheme to succeed, widespread awareness, continued financial education, easy enrolment, and subscriber-friendly processes will be crucial. NPS has the potential to redefine India’s retirement landscape and foster a culture of long-term financial planning.