National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan): Building a Healthy and Nourished India

The National Nutrition Mission, popularly known as POSHAN Abhiyaan (Prime Minister’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nutrition), is a flagship program launched in 2018 by the Government of India. It represents a concerted effort to tackle the multi-faceted problem of malnutrition in the country.

India’s Malnutrition Challenge

India faces a unique challenge referred to as the ‘triple burden of malnutrition’:

  • Undernutrition: Marked by stunting (low height-for-age), wasting (low weight-for-height), and underweight in children.
  • Micronutrient Deficiencies: Deficiencies of vital vitamins and minerals, impacting growth and development.
  • Overweight and Obesity: Rising concern of non-communicable diseases related to diet and lifestyle.

Goals of the National Nutrition Mission

  • Reduce Stunting: Significant reduction in stunting among children below the age of 6 years.
  • Prevent Anaemia: Address anaemia among women and children.
  • Reduce Low Birth Weight: Decrease incidences of low birth weight among newborns.
  • Holistic Approach: Emphasize a lifecycle approach to nutrition, focusing on pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children.

Key Strategies of POSHAN Abhiyan

  • Convergence and Collaboration: Bringing together various ministries and departments for coordinated action.
  • Technology-Driven Monitoring: Leveraging ICT (Information and Communication Technology) for real-time monitoring and data-driven interventions.
  • Capacity Building: Strengthening frontline workers like Anganwadi workers and ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists).
  • Jan Andolan (People’s Movement): Creating a mass movement for awareness about nutrition and healthy practices.

Components of the National Nutrition Mission

  • Anganwadi Services: Enhancing the quality and reach of Anganwadi services for supplementary nutrition and early childhood care.
  • Targeted Interventions: Addressing specific nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant women, and lactating mothers.
  • Behaviour Change Communication: Intensive campaigns to promote healthy dietary practices and combat misconceptions.

FAQs About POSHAN Abhiyan

  • What is the target timeline of POSHAN Abhiyaan?
    • The mission aims to achieve specific targets in reducing malnutrition by 2022.
  • How can individuals contribute?
    • Promoting breastfeeding, diverse diets, hygiene and sanitation, and by delaying early marriage of girls.


Which of these is NOT a target group of POSHAN Abhiyaan?

A. Pregnant women

B. Children under 6 years

C. Adolescent girls

D. Senior citizens

POSHAN Abhiyaan emphasises the importance of:

A. Convergence of different schemes

B. Use of technology

C. Community participation

D. All of the above

One of the focus areas of POSHAN Abhiyaan is:

A. Preventing anaemia

B. Promoting organic farming

C. Increasing food exports

D. Construction of roads and highways


The National Nutrition Mission (POSHAN Abhiyaan) embodies India’s commitment to combatting malnutrition and securing a healthy future for its citizens. By focusing on a holistic approach, leveraging technology, and building community awareness, the mission aims to create lasting change. As POSHAN Abhiyaan progresses, its success will be critical in shaping a generation of well-nourished Indians and unlocking the nation’s full potential.

Answers to MCQs

  1. D
  2. D
  3. A