National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA): Shielding India’s Farms from Climate Crisis

The National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), launched in 2011 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), is a pioneering research and development initiative aimed at shielding Indian agriculture from the increasing impacts of climate change. It recognizes that climate variability poses a significant threat to food security and farmers’ livelihoods and emphasizes proactive adaptation and resilience-building strategies.

Objectives of NICRA

  • Strategic Research: Conducting cutting-edge research to understand climate change impacts on specific crops, livestock systems, and fisheries in vulnerable districts.
  • Developing Adaptive Technologies: Develop and promote location-specific climate-resilient farming technologies, cropping systems, and resource conservation practices.
  • Demonstration and Capacity Building: Showcase climate-smart technologies in farm fields, and train farmers and stakeholders to adopt them.
  • Knowledge Sharing and Policy Inputs: Disseminating information and providing insights to policymakers to shape climate-resilient agricultural policies.

NICRA’s Focus Areas

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Analyzing climate risks and identifying hotspots for targeted interventions.
  • Stress-tolerant Crop Varieties: Developing crop varieties tolerant to drought, heat, salinity, and flooding.
  • Resource Conservation Techniques: Technologies for efficient water management, soil health improvement, and minimizing crop residue burning.
  • Livestock and Fisheries Adaptations: Adjusting feed systems, developing resilient breeds, and promoting climate-smart aquaculture practices.

Success Stories under NICRA

  • Climate-Resilient Villages: In select villages, NICRA has demonstrated integrated packages of climate-smart interventions, leading to improved crop yields, water conservation, and enhanced rural income.
  • Drought-tolerant Rice: NICRA-developed drought-tolerant rice varieties are helping farmers in rain-fed areas maintain productivity even in erratic rainfall conditions.


  • How are districts selected for NICRA projects? Districts are chosen based on their vulnerability to climate change and their agricultural significance.
  • How can farmers access NICRA’s benefits? Farmers can get information and participate in demonstrations through Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) or by contacting ICAR institutes.


The primary goal of NICRA is to:

A. Increase fertilizer subsidies for farmers

B. Promote export of agricultural goods

C. Enhance agriculture’s resilience to climate change

D. Construct modern farm equipment

Which of these is NOT a focus area of NICRA?

A. Livestock management adaptations

B. Stress-tolerant seed varieties

C. Water conservation technologies

D. Promoting agricultural tourism