National Food Security Mission (NFSM): Safeguarding India’s Food Bowl

The National Food Security Mission (NFSM), launched in 2007, is a flagship initiative aimed at boosting the production of staple food grains in India. With a focus on rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals, and commercial crops like jute and sugarcane, the mission seeks to ensure food security for the nation’s growing population and reduce dependence on imports.

Key Components of the NFSM

  • Area Expansion: Bringing additional area under cultivation through the reclamation of fallow land, improved irrigation, and diversification of crops.
  • Productivity Enhancement Emphasizes the adoption of improved varieties, integrated nutrient and pest management, and resource conservation technologies.
  • Restoring Soil Health: Focus on soil testing, balanced fertilization, and promoting organic practices.
  • Farm-level Interventions: Support for farm machinery, efficient irrigation techniques, and post-harvest infrastructure.

Implementation Strategy

  • District-level Focus: NFSM operates in selected districts with low productivity and potential for improvement.
  • State-Led Plans: States are empowered to design and implement action plans based on their specific needs and resources.
  • Coordination & Convergence: Emphasis on bringing together various agricultural programs at the district level for maximum impact.

Impact of NFSM

  • Increased Production: NFSM has contributed significantly to record food grain production in India.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Reduced dependence on imports for pulses and certain key commodities.
  • Farmers’ Welfare: Focus on enhancing productivity and adopting improved practices has the potential to increase farm incomes.

Success Stories under NFSM

  • Punjab’s Rice Diversification: NFSM promoted maize cultivation as an alternative to rice in water-stressed areas of Punjab.
  • Pulses Revolution in Madhya Pradesh: Area expansion and productivity-based interventions under NFSM led to significant increase in pulses production.


  • Which crops are covered under NFSM? Rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals and nutri-cereals, jute, and sugarcane.
  • How are districts selected for NFSM? Based on potential for improvement, existing productivity levels, and importance of specific crops.


The primary objective of the National Food Security Mission is to:

A. Promote modern agricultural machinery use

B. Increase food grain production

C. Distribute free agricultural inputs

D. Construct irrigation canals

Which of these is NOT a direct focus area of NFSM?

A. Soil health management

B. Promoting organic farming

C. Farm mechanization

D. Efficient irrigation practices