National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

National Food Security Mission (NFSM)

The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India in 2007 with the objective of increasing production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse CerealsCereals. The mission aims to achieve this objective by providing financial assistance to farmers, improving irrigation facilities, and promoting the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds.

The NFSM has been successful in increasing production of food grains. In the first five years of the mission, production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse Cereals increased by 20%, 25%, 20%, and 15%, respectively. The mission has also helped to improve the incomes of farmers and reduce poverty.

  • Wheat
  • Pulses
  • Coarse Cereals (from 2014-15)


Wheat is another crucial cereal crop in the Indian diet. The mission aims to boost wheat production by encouraging farmers to adopt improved cultivation practices, such as zero-TillageTillage farming and efficient water management techniques. Additionally, the NFSM facilitates access to certified wheat seeds and promotes research on developing disease-resistant varieties.


Pulses, a rich source of protein and dietary fiber, are often referred to as “dal” in India. Historically, pulse production has lagged behind rice and wheat. The NFSM places significant emphasis on increasing pulse production to bridge this gap and address protein deficiencies in the Indian diet. Initiatives include promoting the cultivation of short-duration pulse varieties, providing financial assistance to farmers for pulse production, and establishing price support mechanisms to ensure fair returns.

Coarse Cereals (from 2014-15):

Coarse cereals, including sorghum, MilletsMillets, and barley, are gaining importance due to their nutritional value and resilience in harsh environments. Recognizing their potential, the NFSM included coarse cereals within its purview from 2014-15. The mission supports the cultivation of these cereals by promoting drought-resistant varieties, creating market linkages for producers, and raising awareness about the health benefits of consuming coarse cereals.

However, the NFSM has also faced some challenges. One challenge is that the mission has not been able to reach all farmers. Another challenge is that the mission has not been able to improve the quality of food grains.

Despite these challenges, the NFSM has been a success in increasing production of food grains and improving the incomes of farmers. The mission has also helped to reduce poverty. The NFSM is a valuable tool for achieving food security in India.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the National Food Security Mission (NFSM)?

The National Food Security Mission (NFSM) is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India in 2007 with the objective of increasing production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse cereals.

  1. What are the objectives of the NFSM?

The objectives of the NFSM are to:

  • Increase production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse cereals.
  • Improve irrigation facilities.
  • Promote the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds.
  • Increase the incomes of farmers.
  • Reduce poverty.
  1. What are the achievements of the NFSM?

The NFSM has been successful in increasing production of food grains. In the first five years of the mission, production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse cereals increased by 20%, 25%, 20%, and 15%, respectively. The mission has also helped to improve the incomes of farmers and reduce poverty.

  1. What are the challenges faced by the NFSM?

One challenge is that the mission has not been able to reach all farmers. Another challenge is that the mission has not been able to improve the quality of food grains.

  1. What is the future of the NFSM?

The NFSM is a valuable tool for achieving food security in India. The mission is likely to continue in the future with some modifications to address the challenges it has faced.

What government initiatives are there to increase rice production?

Programs exist that promote high-yielding rice varieties, improve irrigation systems, and offer subsidized fertilizers and pesticides to farmers.

How can farmers improve their wheat yields?

Programs encourage practices like zero-Tillage farming and efficient water management. Additionally, support is available for obtaining certified wheat seeds and developing disease-resistant varieties.

Why is there a focus on increasing pulse production?

Pulses are a rich source of protein and address deficiencies in the diet. Programs aim to bridge the gap between pulse and other grain production.

What are some coarse cereals, and why are they becoming more important?

Coarse cereals like sorghum, Millets, and barley are gaining recognition for their high nutrition and ability to thrive in difficult conditions. Programs promote drought-resistant varieties, create markets for producers, and raise awareness of their health benefits.

How do these programs benefit farmers?

These programs offer various benefits, including access to improved seeds, technical knowledge, financial assistance, and fairer market prices for their produce.

What is the primary aim of the NFSM?

The primary aim of the NFSM is to increase food production and ensure food security in India.

What are the key components of the NFSM?

The key components of the NFSM include the promotion of improved agricultural technologies, enhanced productivity, and the development of InfrastructureInfrastructure related to food security.

How does the NFSM contribute to agricultural development?

The NFSM contributes to agricultural development by providing support to farmers in terms of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and other inputs, as well as through training and extension activities.

Which crops are covered under the NFSM?

The NFSM covers various crops including rice, wheat, pulses, oilseeds, and coarse cereals.

How does the NFSM address the issue of food security?

The NFSM addresses the issue of food security by increasing the production of food grains and ensuring their availability to all sections of society at affordable prices.

What is the role of the NFSM in promoting Sustainable Agriculture?

The NFSM promotes sustainable agriculture practices by encouraging the adoption of modern technologies, promoting SoilSoil health management, and enhancing water use efficiency.

How is the NFSM implemented at the ground level?

The NFSM is implemented through various schemes and programs at the state, district, and village levels, with the active participation of farmers, agricultural extension workers, and other stakeholders.


  1. What is the objective of the National Food Security Mission (NFSM)?

(a) To increase production of rice, wheat, pulses, and coarse cereals.
(b) To improve irrigation facilities.
(CC) To promote the use of high-yielding varieties of seeds.
(d) All of the above.

  1. Which of the following is not an achievement of the NFSM?

(a) Increased production of food grains.
(b) Improved incomes of farmers.
(C) Reduced poverty.
(d) Improved quality of food grains.

  1. What is the future of the NFSM?

(a) The mission is likely to continue in the future with some modifications.
(b) The mission is likely to be discontinued.
(c) The mission is likely to be merged with another scheme.
(d) The mission is likely to be expanded.

  1. Which of the following is a challenge faced by the NFSM?

(a) The mission has not been able to reach all farmers.
(b) The mission has not been able to improve the quality of food grains.
(c) Both (a) and (b).
(d) None of the above.

  1. Which of the following is not a benefit of the NFSM?

(a) Increased production of food grains.
(b) Improved incomes of farmers.
(c) Reduced poverty.
(d) Improved quality of food grains.

  1. Which of the following is a major rice-producing state in India?
    • a) Punjab
    • b) West Bengal
    • c) Rajasthan
    • d) Gujarat


  1. Zero-tillage farming is beneficial for wheat cultivation because it:
    • a) Reduces Soil erosion
    • b) Conserves soil moisture
    • c) Requires less labor
    • d) All of the above


  1. Which of these is NOT a pulse crop?
    • a) Chickpea (gram)
    • b) Lentil (masoor)
    • c) Green bean (moong)
    • d) Mustard

Coarse Cereals

  1. Coarse cereals are considered climate-resilient crops because:
    • a) They require less water than other grains
    • b) They can tolerate higher temperatures
    • c) They are resistant to many pests and diseases
    • d) All of the above


  1. Which of the following is a key objective of food grain production programs?
    • a) Ensuring food availability at affordable prices
    • b) Improving farmers’ incomes
    • c) Reducing dependence on food imports
    • d) All of the above

Which national program aims to enhance food production and ensure food security in India?





Which of the following crops is covered under a national mission aimed at improving agricultural productivity?

a) CottonCotton

b) Jute

c) Pulses

d) Tea

Which government initiative focuses on promoting sustainable agriculture practices?




d) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

What is the primary objective of the national program that supports the adoption of modern technologies and practices in agriculture?

a) Poverty Alleviation

b) Environmental conservation

c) Doubling farmers’ income

d) Enhancing food security

Which initiative aims to increase the production of food grains and ensure their availability at affordable prices?





Which crops are primarily targeted under a national mission for enhancing agricultural productivity?

a) Sugarcane and maize

b) Wheat and barley

c) Rice and pulses

d) Mustard and groundnut

Which national program focuses on improving soil health management and water use efficiency?




