National Bamboo Mission (NBM): Promoting the ‘Green Gold’ of India

Bamboo, often referred to as “green gold,” is a versatile and fast-growing grass with immense economic and ecological potential. The National Bamboo Mission (NBM), launched in 2006-07 and restructured in 2018, is a flagship initiative aimed at developing a comprehensive and sustainable bamboo sector in India.

Key Objectives of the NBM

  • Increasing Bamboo Production: Expand the area under bamboo cultivation, especially outside of traditional forest areas, to meet rising demand.
  • Post-Harvest Management: Establish modern processing units for value addition, reduce wastage, and enhance market value.
  • Entrepreneurship and Skill Development: Promote bamboo-based industries, provide training and skill development for stakeholders, and create employment opportunities.
  • Research and Technology: Support research on new bamboo varieties, improved cultivation techniques, and innovative product development.
  • Market Linkages: Develop robust domestic and international market linkages for bamboo and its value-added products.

Impact of the NBM

  • Green Cover Boost: NBM has contributed to an increase in bamboo-forest cover alongside traditional forest areas.
  • Livelihood Generation: Boosts income generation for farmers, tribal communities, and artisans involved in the bamboo sector.
  • Import Substitution: Reduces the reliance on wood and wood-based products, decreasing pressure on forests.
  • Eco-friendly Products: Promotes bamboo as a sustainable and alternative material for construction, furniture, handicrafts, and more.

Success Stories under NBM

  • Rural Entrepreneurs in Tripura: Tribal communities in Tripura have been trained and supported in setting up bamboo processing units, creating value-added products and sustainable livelihoods.
  • Bamboo Housing Projects in disaster-prone areas demonstrate the viability of bamboo as a strong, affordable, and eco-friendly construction material.

FAQs About the NBM

  • Who can benefit from the NBM? Farmers, entrepreneurs, artisans, tribal communities, forest dwellers, and others across the bamboo value chain.
  • How to get involved in NBM programs? Information and support are available through NBM state agencies, Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), and relevant government departments.


  1. The primary focus of the National Bamboo Mission is the development of:
    • A. The timber industry
    • B. Textile industry
    • C. The bamboo sector
    • D. Wildlife conservation
  2. Which of these is NOT a direct benefit of bamboo cultivation?
  • A. Soil and water conservation
  • B. Reduced flooding
  • C. Mitigating climate change
  • D. Increased air pollution