National Bamboo Mission

The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is a government initiative to promote the cultivation and use of bamboo in India. The mission was launched in 2006 with the objective of increasing bamboo production and utilization, and to improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers.

The NBM has been implemented in three phases. The first phase (2006-2010) focused on research and development, capacity building, and awareness generation. The second phase (2011-2015) focused on promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization, and on developing value-added bamboo products. The third phase (2016-2020) is focused on scaling up bamboo cultivation and utilization, and on promoting bamboo-based enterprises.

The NBM has been successful in increasing bamboo production and utilization in India. The area under bamboo cultivation has increased from 1.2 million hectares in 2006 to 2.5 million hectares in 2016. The production of bamboo has also increased from 10 million tonnes in 2006 to 20 million tonnes in 2016.

The NBM has also been successful in improving the livelihoods of bamboo farmers. The income of bamboo farmers has increased by 20% since the launch of the mission. The NBM has also created employment opportunities for over 1 million people in the bamboo sector.

The NBM has been a success story in promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization in India. The mission has helped to increase bamboo production, improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers, and create employment opportunities in the bamboo sector.

The following are the sub topics of the National Bamboo Mission:

  • Bamboo cultivation
  • Bamboo utilization
  • Bamboo value addition
  • Bamboo-based enterprises
  • Bamboo research and development
  • Bamboo capacity building
  • Bamboo awareness generation
  • Bamboo marketing and promotion
  • Bamboo policy and legislation
  • Bamboo international cooperation
    The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is a government initiative to promote the cultivation and use of bamboo in India. The mission was launched in 2006 with the objective of increasing bamboo production and utilization, and to improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers.

The NBM has been implemented in three phases. The first phase (2006-2010) focused on research and development, capacity building, and awareness generation. The second phase (2011-2015) focused on promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization, and on developing value-added bamboo products. The third phase (2016-2020) is focused on scaling up bamboo cultivation and utilization, and on promoting bamboo-based enterprises.

The NBM has been successful in increasing bamboo production and utilization in India. The area under bamboo cultivation has increased from 1.2 million hectares in 2006 to 2.5 million hectares in 2016. The production of bamboo has also increased from 10 million tonnes in 2006 to 20 million tonnes in 2016.

The NBM has also been successful in improving the livelihoods of bamboo farmers. The income of bamboo farmers has increased by 20% since the launch of the mission. The NBM has also created employment opportunities for over 1 million people in the bamboo sector.

The NBM has been a success story in promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization in India. The mission has helped to increase bamboo production, improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers, and create employment opportunities in the bamboo sector.

The following are the sub topics of the National Bamboo Mission:

  • Bamboo cultivation: Bamboo cultivation is the process of growing bamboo. Bamboo can be cultivated on a variety of land types, including degraded land, wasteland, and marginal land. Bamboo can be cultivated by planting bamboo seeds or by planting bamboo culms.
  • Bamboo utilization: Bamboo utilization is the process of using bamboo for various purposes. Bamboo can be used for a variety of purposes, including construction, furniture, paper, and handicrafts. Bamboo is a versatile material that can be used to make a variety of products.
  • Bamboo value addition: Bamboo value addition is the process of adding value to bamboo products. Bamboo value addition can be done by processing bamboo into different products, such as bamboo furniture, bamboo paper, and bamboo handicrafts. Bamboo value addition can help to increase the demand for bamboo products and improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers.
  • Bamboo-based enterprises: Bamboo-based enterprises are enterprises that use bamboo as a raw material. Bamboo-based enterprises can be involved in a variety of activities, such as bamboo cultivation, bamboo processing, and bamboo product manufacturing. Bamboo-based enterprises can help to create employment opportunities and improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers.
  • Bamboo research and development: Bamboo research and development is the process of conducting research on bamboo. Bamboo research and development can help to improve the cultivation of bamboo, the utilization of bamboo, and the value addition of bamboo products. Bamboo research and development can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.
  • Bamboo capacity building: Bamboo capacity building is the process of building the capacity of bamboo farmers, bamboo processors, and bamboo product manufacturers. Bamboo capacity building can help to improve the skills of bamboo farmers, bamboo processors, and bamboo product manufacturers. Bamboo capacity building can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.
  • Bamboo awareness generation: Bamboo awareness generation is the process of raising awareness about bamboo. Bamboo awareness generation can help to increase the demand for bamboo products and improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers. Bamboo awareness generation can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.
  • Bamboo marketing and promotion: Bamboo marketing and promotion is the process of marketing and promoting bamboo products. Bamboo marketing and promotion can help to increase the demand for bamboo products and improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers. Bamboo marketing and promotion can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.
  • Bamboo policy and legislation: Bamboo policy and legislation is the process of developing policies and legislation that support the cultivation, utilization, and value addition of bamboo. Bamboo policy and legislation can help to create a favorable environment for the growth of the bamboo sector. Bamboo policy and legislation can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.
  • Bamboo international cooperation: Bamboo international cooperation is the process of cooperating with other countries on bamboo issues. Bamboo international cooperation can help to share knowledge and technology on bamboo cultivation, bamboo utilization, and bamboo value addition. Bamboo international cooperation can help to make bamboo a more sustainable and profitable crop.

The NBM has been a success story in promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization in India. The mission has helped to increase bamboo production, improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers, and create employment opportunities in the bamboo sector. The NBM has also helped to raise awareness about bamboo and to promote bamboo products. The NBM has been a valuable initiative in the development of the bamboo sector
What is the National Bamboo Mission?

The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) is a government initiative to promote the cultivation and use of bamboo in India. The mission was launched in 2006 with the objective of increasing bamboo production and utilization, and to improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers.

What are the sub topics of the National Bamboo Mission?

The sub topics of the National Bamboo Mission are:

  • Bamboo cultivation
  • Bamboo utilization
  • Bamboo value addition
  • Bamboo-based enterprises
  • Bamboo research and development
  • Bamboo capacity building
  • Bamboo awareness generation
  • Bamboo marketing and promotion
  • Bamboo policy and legislation
  • Bamboo international cooperation

What are the objectives of the National Bamboo Mission?

The objectives of the National Bamboo Mission are to:

  • Increase bamboo production and utilization
  • Improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers
  • Create employment opportunities in the bamboo sector
  • Promote bamboo-based enterprises
  • Develop value-added bamboo products
  • Conduct research and development on bamboo
  • Build capacity in the bamboo sector
  • Generate awareness about bamboo
  • Promote bamboo marketing and promotion
  • Develop bamboo policy and legislation
  • Promote bamboo international cooperation

What has been the impact of the National Bamboo Mission?

The National Bamboo Mission has been successful in increasing bamboo production and utilization in India. The area under bamboo cultivation has increased from 1.2 million hectares in 2006 to 2.5 million hectares in 2016. The production of bamboo has also increased from 10 million tonnes in 2006 to 20 million tonnes in 2016.

The NBM has also been successful in improving the livelihoods of bamboo farmers. The income of bamboo farmers has increased by 20% since the launch of the mission. The NBM has also created employment opportunities for over 1 million people in the bamboo sector.

What are the challenges faced by the National Bamboo Mission?

The challenges faced by the National Bamboo Mission are:

  • Lack of awareness about bamboo
  • Lack of infrastructure for bamboo cultivation and utilization
  • Lack of market for bamboo products
  • Lack of policy support for the bamboo sector
  • Lack of research and development on bamboo
  • Lack of capacity building in the bamboo sector

What are the future plans for the National Bamboo Mission?

The future plans for the National Bamboo Mission are to:

  • Increase awareness about bamboo
  • Develop infrastructure for bamboo cultivation and utilization
  • Create market for bamboo products
  • Develop policy support for the bamboo sector
  • Conduct research and development on bamboo
  • Build capacity in the bamboo sector
  • Promote bamboo international cooperation
    Question 1

The National Bamboo Mission (NBM) was launched in:

(a) 2006
(b) 2011
(c) 2016
(d) 2020


Question 2

The objective of the NBM is to:

(a) Increase bamboo production and utilization
(b) Improve the livelihoods of bamboo farmers
(c) Create employment opportunities in the bamboo sector
(d) All of the above


Question 3

The NBM has been implemented in:

(a) 3 phases
(b) 4 phases
(c) 5 phases
(d) 6 phases


Question 4

The first phase of the NBM focused on:

(a) Research and development
(b) Capacity building
(c) Awareness generation
(d) All of the above


Question 5

The second phase of the NBM focused on:

(a) Promoting bamboo cultivation and utilization
(b) Developing value-added bamboo products
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Question 6

The third phase of the NBM is focused on:

(a) Scaling up bamboo cultivation and utilization
(b) Promoting bamboo-based enterprises
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above


Question 7

The NBM has been successful in:

(a) Increasing bamboo production and utilization
(b) Improving the livelihoods of bamboo farmers
(c) Creating employment opportunities in the bamboo sector
(d) All of the above


Question 8

The area under bamboo cultivation has increased from:

(a) 1.2 million hectares in 2006 to 2.5 million hectares in 2016
(b) 2.5 million hectares in 2006 to 5 million hectares in 2016
(c) 5 million hectares in 2006 to 10 million hectares in 2016
(d) 10 million hectares in 2006 to 20 million hectares in 2016


Question 9

The production of bamboo has also increased from:

(a) 10 million tonnes in 2006 to 20 million tonnes in 2016
(b) 20 million tonnes in 2006 to 40 million tonnes in 2016
(c) 40 million tonnes in 2006 to 80 million tonnes in 2016
(d) 80 million tonnes in 2006 to 160 million tonnes in 2016


Question 10

The income of bamboo farmers has increased by:

(a) 20% since the launch of the mission
(b) 40% since the launch of the mission
(c) 60% since the launch of the mission
(d) 80% since the launch of the mission
