National Ayush Mission (NAM)

The National Ayush Mission (NAM) is a central government scheme launched in 2014. It seeks to revitalize and mainstream India’s traditional systems of medicine—Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Sowa-Rigpa, and Homoeopathy (AYUSH). The mission aims to enhance access, quality, and research in AYUSH systems to promote holistic health and wellness.

Objectives of NAM

  • Expanded AYUSH Infrastructure: Increase the number of AYUSH hospitals, dispensaries, and upgrade existing facilities.
  • Quality Control and Standardization: Promote quality standards for AYUSH drugs and therapies to ensure safety and efficacy.
  • Cultivation of Medicinal Plants: Support the cultivation and sustainable sourcing of medicinal plants used in AYUSH formulations.
  • Education and Training: Strengthen AYUSH educational institutions and enhance the availability of skilled AYUSH practitioners.
  • Research and Development: Promote research in AYUSH systems to validate their effectiveness and integrate traditional knowledge with modern scientific advancements.

Components of NAM

  • AYUSH Services
  • AYUSH Education
  • Quality Control of AYUSH Drugs
  • Medicinal Plants

Impact of NAM

  • Increased Accessibility: The mission has resulted in an expanded network of AYUSH facilities, making these services more accessible.
  • Awareness and Acceptance: NAM has contributed to greater awareness and growing acceptance of AYUSH systems within the population.

Case Study: Integrating AYUSH in Rural Healthcare

A village health center now offers Ayurvedic consultations and treatments alongside allopathic medicine, providing a broader range of options for community members.

FAQs About NAM

  • How can I access AYUSH services? Visit government AYUSH hospitals, dispensaries, or recognized AYUSH practitioners.
  • Are AYUSH treatments safe? When practiced by qualified practitioners and with regulation of herbal formulations, AYUSH systems offer safe and effective treatment options.


  1. The primary focus of NAM is:
    • A. Promote export of agricultural products
    • B. Eradicate rural poverty
    • C. Revitalize and promote AYUSH systems
    • D. Construct modern infrastructure
  2. Which of these is NOT a traditional medicine system under AYUSH?
  • A. Ayurveda
  • B. Yoga
  • C. Unani
  • D. Acupuncture

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-D

Swasthya Raksha Programme

The Swasthya Raksha Programme, under the umbrella of NAM, focuses specifically on Ayurveda and Yoga. It aims to promote preventive healthcare practices rooted in these traditional systems for a healthier population.

Objectives of Swasthya Raksha Programme

  • Prevention and Health Promotion: Empower individuals to adopt healthy lifestyle practices based on Ayurvedic principles and Yoga.
  • Community Outreach: Conduct awareness campaigns, health camps, and school-based programs to educate people about preventive health through Ayurveda and Yoga.
  • Integration with Primary Healthcare: Strengthen public health centers by incorporating yoga and basic Ayurvedic principles in preventive care services.

Key Components:

  • Yoga wellness centers: Training and support for offering preventive Yoga sessions.
  • Home-based care through Ayurveda: Promoting self-care practices and Ayurvedic remedies for common ailments.
  • Awareness campaigns and health camps:

FAQs About the Swasthya Raksha Programme

  • Who can benefit from the programme? People of all age groups seeking to maintain health and prevent disease.
  • How to participate in the programme? Contact your local Ayush facility, community center, or participate in organized camps.


  1. The Swasthya Raksha Programme primarily focuses on:
    • A. Yoga and Ayurveda
    • B. Eradicating rural poverty
    • C. Promotion of export of agricultural goods
    • D. Construction of modern infrastructure
  2. Which of these is NOT a component of the programme?
  • A. Promoting self-care with Ayurvedic remedies
  • B. Yoga wellness centers
  • C. Surgical training for AYUSH practitioners
  • D. Health awareness campaigns and camps

Answer Key: 1-A, 2-C


The National Ayush Mission (NAM) and its program Swasthya Raksha represent India’s focus on integrating traditional knowledge with India’s healthcare landscape. The success of these initiatives hinges on quality control, rigorous research, public awareness, and collaboration between AYUSH systems and modern medicine.