Narasimham Committee -I

The Narasimham Committee was set up in 1985 by the Government of India to review the working of the Indian financial system. The committee submitted its report in 1985, and its recommendations were implemented over the next few years.

The sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee were:

  • The structure of the financial system
  • The role of the Reserve Bank of India
  • The regulation of banks and financial institutions
  • The development of the Capital Market
  • The management of Public Debt
  • The role of the government in the financial system

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the LiberalizationLiberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market.
The Narasimham Committee was set up in 1985 by the Government of India to review the working of the Indian financial system. The committee submitted its report in 1985, and its recommendations were implemented over the next few years.

The sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee were:

  • The structure of the financial system
  • The role of the Reserve Bank of India
  • The regulation of banks and financial institutions
  • The development of the capital market
  • The management of public debt
  • The role of the government in the financial system

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the liberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market.

The Narasimham Committee recommended that the Indian financial system be made more market-oriented. This meant that the government should reduce its role in the financial sector and allow market forces to play a greater role. The committee also recommended that the Reserve Bank of India be given more independence and that the regulatory framework for banks and financial institutions be strengthened.

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations were implemented over the next few years. The government reduced its role in the financial sector, and the Reserve Bank of India was given more independence. The regulatory framework for banks and financial institutions was also strengthened. These reforms led to the liberalization of the financial sector and the development of the capital market.

The liberalization of the financial sector led to increased competition among banks and financial institutions. This led to lower interest rates and better services for consumers. The development of the capital market provided a new source of funding for businesses. This helped to boost economic growth.

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the liberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market. These reforms helped to make the Indian financial system more efficient and more competitive.

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations were not without their critics. Some critics argued that the reforms went too far and that they led to increased inequality. Others argued that the reforms did not go far enough and that they did not do enough to address the problems of the Indian financial system.

Despite these criticisms, the Narasimham Committee’s recommendations were generally seen as a success. They helped to make the Indian financial system more efficient and more competitive. This helped to boost economic growth and improve the lives of millions of Indians.
What is the Narasimham Committee?

The Narasimham Committee was a committee set up in 1985 by the Government of India to review the working of the Indian financial system. The committee submitted its report in 1985, and its recommendations were implemented over the next few years.

What were the sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee?

The sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee were:

  • The structure of the financial system
  • The role of the Reserve Bank of India
  • The regulation of banks and financial institutions
  • The development of the capital market
  • The management of public debt
  • The role of the government in the financial system

What was the impact of the Narasimham Committee’s recommendations?

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the liberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market.

What are some of the key recommendations of the Narasimham Committee?

Some of the key recommendations of the Narasimham Committee include:

  • Liberalization of the financial sector
  • Strengthening of the regulatory framework
  • Development of the capital market
  • Management of public debt
  • Role of the government in the financial system

What were the challenges faced by the Narasimham Committee?

The Narasimham Committee faced a number of challenges, including:

  • The lack of data and information on the Indian financial system
  • The lack of consensus among stakeholders on the way forward
  • The political and economic EnvironmentEnvironment in India at the time

What were the successes of the Narasimham Committee?

The Narasimham Committee was successful in achieving a number of its objectives, including:

  • Liberalizing the financial sector
  • Strengthening the regulatory framework
  • Developing the capital market
  • Managing public debt
  • Defining the role of the government in the financial system

What were the failures of the Narasimham Committee?

The Narasimham Committee was not successful in achieving all of its objectives. Some of the failures of the committee include:

  • The failure to address the issue of non-performing assets
  • The failure to address the issue of Financial Inclusion
  • The failure to address the issue of corruption in the financial sector

What are the lessons learned from the Narasimham Committee?

The Narasimham Committee provides a number of lessons for policymakers, including:

  • The importance of data and information
  • The importance of consensus building
  • The importance of taking into account the political and economic environment
  • The importance of addressing the issue of non-performing assets
  • The importance of addressing the issue of financial inclusion
  • The importance of addressing the issue of corruption in the financial sector
    The Narasimham Committee was set up in 1985 by the Government of India to review the working of the Indian financial system. The committee submitted its report in 1985, and its recommendations were implemented over the next few years.

The sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee were:

  • The structure of the financial system
  • The role of the Reserve Bank of India
  • The regulation of banks and financial institutions
  • The development of the capital market
  • The management of public debt
  • The role of the government in the financial system

The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the liberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market.

Here are some MCQs based on the Narasimham Committee report:

  1. The Narasimham Committee was set up in 1985 by the Government of India to review the working of the Indian financial system. True or False?
  2. The Narasimham Committee submitted its report in 1985. True or False?
  3. The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations were implemented over the next few years. True or False?
  4. The sub-topics covered by the Narasimham Committee were:
    • The structure of the financial system
    • The role of the Reserve Bank of India
    • The regulation of banks and financial institutions
    • The development of the capital market
    • The management of public debt
    • The role of the government in the financial system
    • All of the above
  5. The Narasimham Committee’s recommendations had a significant impact on the Indian financial system. They led to the liberalization of the financial sector, the strengthening of the regulatory framework, and the development of the capital market. True or False?

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. All of the above
5. True