Nagaland Human Development Index

Nagaland Human Development Index

The first Human Development Report for the State of Nagaland was brought get in the year 2004. It provided a perceptive glimpse into the administrative and developmental attribute of the State in addition as a exposure of the human development indices for the districts and also the State as a full. A decade later, a requirement was felt to bring out this standing of social and Economic Development within the State in terms of the human development indices leading to the second Human Development Report for Nagaland.

The HDI may be an outline measure of the income, Education and Health achievements of the State. HDI (2011) of Nagaland was 0.63 as compared to 0.61 (2014) for the country as a full. The general performance, however, hides the very fact that there have been massive inter-district disparities in performance. at intervals Nagaland, the HDI was highest in Dimapur with zero.81, followed by Kohima and Wokha each with zero.66 and Mokokchung at 0.61. On the opposite hand, Mon district had all-time low HDI with 0.50. This bury district inequality appears to own modified very little since 2001 with districts like Tuensang and Mon still at the lowest in 2011 along side districts like Zunheboto and also the new district of Longleng. These eastern districts also are the worst playing in terms of indicators like unfold of rural roads, employee participation, instructional attainments, Urbanisation etc.Nagaland <a href=Human Development index” width=”300″ height=”300″ />

The HDI combines convenience of basic amenities like toilets and pucca homes, immunisation at birth, POVERTY levels with education facilities and illiteracy levels. The HDI for the State is at concerning 29 % that additionally shows a transparent improvement over the figure of forty % in 2001. Once again, the districts of Dimapur, Mokokchung and Kohima area unit clear leaders. additional crucial, the eastern districts of Tuensang and Mon continue at the lowest in terms of changes within the HPI index between 2001 and 2011.

Human Development Index (HDI) has 3 important dimensions —longevity, measured by life expectancy at birth; instructional attainment, measured by adult attainment rate and gross ingress ratio; and normal of living or command over Resources, measured by per capita GDP. A healthy life, free from unhealthiest, is important within the notion of well being. Education is very important for realising one’s highest potentials and enlarging the accessible set of opportunities and decisions. Adequate financial gain, for a good normal of living, is important for all dimensions of human development, as well as health and education. Financial gain may be a part of HDI as a proxy/surrogate for all dimensions of human development not mirrored in an exceedingly long and healthy life and in information.

The HDI (2001) of Nagaland was 0.62, as compared to 0.472 (2001) for India. The State’s sensible performance and ranking are often best understood by staring at the constituents of the indices and also the factors that influence them, as well as attainment, health standing and income levels. The per capita financial gain of Nagaland throughout 2000–2001 is nearly up to the national Average. The 2001 State attainment rate is 67 % as against the national average of 65.2 percent. The social framework of Nagaland has placed education as a valued quality since its introduction nearly 130 years alongside the entry of Christianity. The distinctive framework of care and provision of Naga Society finds expression within the higher performance of the State, as against the national average, in terms of longevity/mortality standing.

Within Nagaland, the HDI was highest in Dimapur (0.73), followed by Mokokchung (0.71). Mon district had all-time low HDI (0.45). However, only 1 district, Mon, had HDI but 0.47, the national HDI. The ranking of districts is directly associated with the position of the districts with DDP, and with the academic attainments. this means a positive relationship between the income levels, the academic attainments and human development within the State. Tuensang and Mon are consistent underachievers altogether the symptoms of the HDI, except within the case of infant mortality rate (IMR) in Mon , reinforcing the necessity for special focus and policy intervention in these remote districts.

The first Nagaland State Human Development Report (NSHDR) was brought get in 2004, and afterwards the government signed a multilateral agreement with the govt. of India and also the global organization Development Programme (UNDP) to undertake the project to strengthen state plans for human development, that the DHDR may be a section. The DHDR project is being handled by the state department of coming up with and Coordination.

Nagaland has created a distinction within the country by turning into the primary state to bring out the sub-national HDR, the 2004 NSHDR and consequently the sub-sub-national HDRs for the districts of Mon, Kohima and Phek in 2011, additionally another 1st within the country. He expressed enthusiasm that if all went well, Nagaland is about to become the primary state to bring out the HDR of all its districts once the reports for Peren and Zunheboto, that area unit probably to be out at intervals a month’s time, area unit released. He expressed that the previous reports were well received by the UNDP and also the Planning Commission.

In forty years of statehood, Nagaland has created important progress. The executive reach has extended to the way corners of the State that is a way of addressing the matter of ‘remoteness’. Necessary Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE has been arranged and property at intervals the State has improved. Nagaland has conjointly created tremendous progress altogether major sectors of human development. Its attainment rate has reached 67.11 % from a mere 20.40 % in 1961. Its sex quantitative relation, CBR, CDR, IMR and MMR rates area unit higher than the national average. Life is seventy three.4 years. The per capita income has conjointly climbed higher than the national average as per 2001. However, the foremost challenges that confronted the State within the starting still stay. Attributable to this, in most cases, the figures and statistics, although spectacular, don’t reveal the whole image. For example, whereas the attainment rate is encouraging, the standard of education has suffered and therefore the state rates, particularly of educated youth, area unit a true cause for concern. Issues associated with infrastructure stay. There’s conjointly the question of mobilisation of internal resources, particularly through exploitation of the State’s Natural Resources. Strategic coming up with and intelligent investments are as necessary as finding sources of funding.

The State is at an important stage in its trajectory of Growth. The wealthy social capital of Kamarupan communities, the final resilience of the society, the numerous and wealthy environmental capital and therefore the mineral wealth area unit the inherent strengths to create upon for a quicker and property progress. Through numerous innovative policy interventions, the regime is creating efforts to faucet into this wealthy social capital and to bring the folks back to the centre of decision-making. One among them is that the Nagaland Communitisation of Public establishments and Services Act, 2002, wherever management of state assets is being turned over to the village communities. The folks have responded favourably though the initiative continues to be in its infancy. As Nagaland appearance forward, the subsequent areas need to be addressed:

  • Conditions to beat the immediate impacts of violence.
  • Development initiatives to enhance infrastructure, living and dealing conditions.
  • Special attention for the youth of Nagaland within the fields of technical education, recreation and paid EMPLOYMENT.
  • New ways for a ‘Developed Nagaland’.
  • A purposeful model of interaction between the people, administrators and political Leadership should accomplish this vision of a ‘Developed Nagaland’.

Human development and economic process area unit interlinked. By focusing on economic process, Nagaland will expect to reap edges through increased levels of financial gain, employment generation and reduction in economic disparities at intervals the various regions of the State and therefore the people. The requirement to create on the out there resources and opportunities has been emphatic throughout this chapter. Harnessing of the resources and potentials—mineral, forest, agriculture, land, trade —and the opportunities in trade, the new sectors of IT or Biotechnology need not solely investments however conjointly policy interventions to encourage such investments. Government’s role in creating the investments can not be unpretentious however the restricted handiness of economic resources with the govt necessitates that personal Investment, each from at intervals and out of doors the State, area unit inspired. The caution to be exercised whereas embarking on the trail of economic development is to confirm that the resources available are used with efficiency and in a very property and planned manner for equitable economic process at intervals an affordable timeframe.


Nagaland’s Human Development Indices In line with the country’s National Human Development Report, 2001 the subsequent 3 indices are made for Nagaland:

  • Human Development Index (HDI)
  • Gender-related Development Index (GDI)
  • Human poorness Index (HPI) one among the foremost issues within the estimation of those indices was the non-availability of information on district domestic product (DDP).

Therefore, a sample survey was conducted to assemble the required data at the district level.

The HDI (2001) of Nagaland was 0.62, as compared to 0.472 (2001) for India. The State’s sensible performance and ranking are often best understood by staring at the constituents of the indices and therefore the factors that influence them, as well as attainment, health standing and financial gain levels. The per capita financial gain of Nagaland throughout 2000–2001 is sort of capable the national average. The 2001 State attainment rate is 67 % as against the national average of 65.2 percent. The social framework of Nagaland has placed education as a valued plus since its introduction nearly 130 years along side the launching of Christianity.

GDI for the State is 0.42 as against an HDI of 0.62. Adjusted for gender difference, Kohima’s performance is healthier than all different districts in human development indicators, followed by Dimapur, Mokokchung and Phek districts. The primary 3 districts even have higher HDI than the opposite districts of the State. Zunheboto, Tuensang and Mon kind the lower finish of the spectrum. These districts have had lower financial gain levels, attainment rates and entrance than the remainder of the State. The health infrastructure in these districts is additionally inadequate, impacting the health standing and longevity of the people.

The HPI for the State is 35.58 percent. The index has return down from 42.07 % in 1991 and 49.37 % in 1981, as calculable for the State within the National Human Development Report, 2001. The worth of HPI is lowest in Mokokchung, indicating lowest level of deprivation standing among all the districts, followed by Zunheboto, Wokha. The bigger, a lot of cosmopolitan, regions of Dimapur and Kohima area unit hierarchical fourth and fifth severally, indicating that a lot of poor persons reside in these ‘better’ districts of the State. This is often indicative of the pull and push factors of urbanisation, inability of the urban infrastructure to supply the essential wants and demand of specific poor-oriented ways in these districts.,

Nagaland is a state in north-eastern India. It is the 12th largest state in India by area and the 19th most populous state. The capital of Nagaland is Kohima.

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. The HDI was developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and is published annually in the Human Development Report.

The HDI for Nagaland in 2020 was 0.639, which is below the average HDI for India of 0.645. Nagaland’s HDI rank in 2020 was 136 out of 189 countries. Nagaland is classified as a medium human development country.

The HDI is calculated using the following formula:

HDI = (longevity + education + income) / 3


  • longevity = life expectancy at birth
  • education = mean years of schooling
  • income = gross NATIONAL INCOME per capita

The HDI for Nagaland has been increasing steadily over the past few decades. In 1990, the HDI for Nagaland was 0.433. This increased to 0.532 in 2000, 0.579 in 2010, and 0.639 in 2020.

The main factors that have contributed to the improvement in Nagaland’s HDI are the increase in life expectancy, the increase in mean years of schooling, and the increase in gross national income per capita.

Life expectancy at birth in Nagaland has increased from 52.6 years in 1990 to 67.2 years in 2020. This increase is due to a number of factors, including improvements in healthcare, Nutrition, and sanitation.

Mean years of schooling in Nagaland have increased from 3.8 years in 1990 to 8.1 years in 2020. This increase is due to the expansion of education facilities and the increase in enrollment rates.

Gross national income per capita in Nagaland has increased from $270 in 1990 to $1,500 in 2020. This increase is due to the growth of the economy and the increase in exports.

Despite the progress that has been made, there are still a number of challenges that need to be addressed in Nagaland. These challenges include poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic services.

Poverty is a major problem in Nagaland. According to the 2011 census, 29.8% of the Population-of-nagaland/”>Population of Nagaland lived below the Poverty Line. The main Causes of Poverty in Nagaland are lack of education, lack of employment opportunities, and natural disasters.

Inequality is another major problem in Nagaland. The Gini coefficient for Nagaland is 34.4, which is higher than the national average of 32.5. This means that the distribution of income in Nagaland is more unequal than the distribution of income in India as a whole.

Lack of access to basic services is another challenge that needs to be addressed in Nagaland. According to the 2011 census, 40.6% of the population of Nagaland did not have access to improved sanitation facilities. The main causes of lack of access to basic services in Nagaland are poverty, lack of infrastructure, and remoteness.

Despite the challenges that need to be addressed, Nagaland has made significant progress in recent years. The HDI for Nagaland has increased steadily over the past few decades, and the state is now classified as a medium human development country. The government of Nagaland is committed to improving the lives of its citizens, and it is working to address the challenges of poverty, inequality, and lack of access to basic services.

What is the Human Development Index (HDI)?

The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita income indicators, which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development. A country’s HDI value is a summary measure of its achievements in key areas of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable, and having a decent standard of living. The HDI is used to rank countries and track their progress over time.

What are the components of the HDI?

The HDI is calculated using three indicators: life expectancy at birth, mean years of schooling, and expected years of schooling, and per capita income.

How is the HDI calculated?

The HDI is calculated using the following formula:

HDI = (longevity × education × income)/3


  • l = life expectancy at birth
  • e = mean years of schooling
  • y = expected years of schooling
  • i = per capita income

What are the limitations of the HDI?

The HDI has been criticized for a number of reasons, including the following:

  • It is a composite index, which means that it does not capture all aspects of human development.
  • It is based on Averages, which means that it can mask significant inequalities within countries.
  • It is based on data that is not always reliable.

What are some alternative measures of human development?

There are a number of alternative measures of human development, including the following:

What is the future of the HDI?

The HDI is a valuable tool for measuring human development, but it is important to be aware of its limitations. The HDI is likely to continue to be used as a measure of human development, but it is likely to be supplemented by other measures that capture a wider range of aspects of human development.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Nagaland Human Development Index:

  1. Which of the following is not a component of the Human Development Index (HDI)?
    (A) Life expectancy at birth
    (B) Education
    (C) Income
    (D) Equality/”>Gender Equality

  2. The HDI is a composite index of three dimensions:
    (A) Life expectancy, education, and income
    (B) Health, education, and income
    (C) Life expectancy, education, and gender equality
    (D) Health, education, and gender equality

  3. The HDI was developed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
    (A) True
    (B) False

  4. The HDI is a measure of the average achievement in a country in three basic dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, knowledge, and a decent standard of living.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  5. The HDI is a valuable tool for assessing the progress of countries towards achieving human development goals.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  6. The HDI is not without its critics. Some argue that it is too simplistic and does not take into account important factors such as inequality and environmental sustainability.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  7. The HDI has been criticized for being too focused on economic development and for not taking into account social and cultural factors.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  8. The HDI has been praised for its ability to capture the complex nature of human development and for its ability to track progress over time.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  9. The HDI has been used to rank countries according to their level of human development.
    (A) True
    (B) False

  10. The HDI has been used to identify countries that are lagging behind in human development.
    (A) True
    (B) False