Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the third Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. He ruled from 1325 to 1351. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was a complex and controversial figure. He was a brilliant military strategist and administrator, but he was also erratic and impulsive. He made some bold and innovative decisions, but many of them backfired.

  • Early Life and Ascension
  • Military Campaigns
  • Administrative Reforms
  • Economic Policies
  • Religious Policies
  • Controversial Projects
  •  Legacy

Muhammad bin Tughlaq: A Sultan of Vision and Controversy

Early Life and Ascension: Born Muhammad bin Tughluq, son of Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq, founder of the Tughlaq dynasty. Gained military experience under his father and successfully conquered Warangal. Ascended the throne in 1325.

Military Campaigns: Launched expeditions to consolidate control over southern India, facing resistance from the Deccan kingdoms. Campaigns met with mixed success, extending the sultanate’s reach but straining resources.

Administrative Reforms: Established a vast postal network, the Diwan-i-Barid, for communication and intelligence gathering. Introduced a system of provincial subdivisions for efficient administration. Attempted centralization of power, leading to resentment among local elites.

Economic Policies: Imposed a tax on agriculture to finance ambitious projects. This tax, measured in grain weight, proved impractical due to fluctuations in harvest and transportation difficulties. Instituted a token currency made of bronze and copper to replace silver coins. The experiment failed due to widespread forgery and lack of public trust.

Religious Policies: Known for religious tolerance, employing Hindus in his administration and respecting local customs. However, faced rebellions from some religious groups who opposed his taxation policies.

Controversial Projects:

  • Shifting the Capital: Ordered the relocation of the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad in a bid to centralize control and move closer to Deccan resources. The project caused hardship for the population and was ultimately abandoned after his death.
  • Doab Experiment: Attempted to shift agriculture from the fertile Doab region to the Deccan to improve tax collection. This led to a decline in agricultural output and a famine.

Legacy: A complex figure remembered for his ambitious plans and willingness to experiment. His innovative ideas often faltered due to logistical challenges and a lack of understanding of local conditions. The economic strain from his projects contributed to rebellions and the decline of the Tughlaq dynasty. However, his administrative reforms and patronage of scholars and artists left a lasting impact. Muhammad bin Tughlaq remains a subject of debate, viewed by some as a visionary reformer and by others as a reckless ruler whose policies caused chaos.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was born in 1290 in Delhi. He was the son of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the second Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty. Muhammad bin Tughlaq was educated in the traditional Islamic sciences, as well as in mathematics, astronomy, and history. He was also a skilled horseman and swordsman.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq came to power in 1325 after the death of his father. He quickly proved to be a capable ruler. He suppressed a rebellion in Bengal and extended the boundaries of the Delhi Sultanate. He also built a number of new cities, including Daulatabad and Firuzabad.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s most ambitious project was the transfer of the capital of the Delhi Sultanate from Delhi to Daulatabad. He believed that Daulatabad was a more defensible city, and he also wanted to bring the Deccan under closer control. The transfer of the capital was a disaster. The people of Delhi were forced to leave their homes and businesses, and many of them died along the way. The transfer also disrupted the economy of the Delhi Sultanate.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq also made a number of other controversial decisions. He debased the currency, which led to inflation. He also introduced a new tax system, which was unpopular with the people.

In 1351, Muhammad bin Tughlaq was overthrown by his son, Firuz Shah Tughlaq. He died in 1351 in Daulatabad.

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was a complex and controversial figure. He was a brilliant military strategist and administrator, but he was also erratic and impulsive. He made some bold and innovative decisions, but many of them backfired. Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s reign was a time of great upheaval and change, and he is still remembered as one of the most enigmatic figures in Indian history.


Who was Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the third Sultan of the Tughlaq dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate. He ruled from 1325 to 1351.

What were Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s achievements?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was a brilliant military strategist and administrator. He expanded the boundaries of the Delhi Sultanate and built a number of new cities.

What were Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s failures?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was also erratic and impulsive. He made some bold and innovative decisions, but many of them backfired. His most ambitious project was the transfer of the capital of the Delhi Sultanate from Delhi to Daulatabad. The transfer was a disaster and led to his downfall.

What was Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s legacy?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq is still remembered as one of the most enigmatic figures in Indian history. He was a brilliant military strategist and administrator, but he was also erratic and impulsive. His reign was a time of great upheaval and change.

Who was the ruler known for his ambitious yet controversial policies?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the ruler known for his ambitious yet controversial policies.

What era did Muhammad bin Tughlaq belong to?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq belonged to the medieval period in Indian history.

What were some of Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s notable actions during his reign?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq implemented various administrative reforms, introduced new currency, and experimented with innovative policies.

Which region did Muhammad bin Tughlaq rule over?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq ruled over the Delhi Sultanate in the Indian subcontinent.

What were some of the challenges faced by Muhammad bin Tughlaq during his rule?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq faced challenges such as rebellions, administrative issues, and external invasions.

How did Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s policies impact his subjects?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s policies had mixed impacts, with some initiatives benefiting the kingdom while others were met with resistance and criticism.

What was Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s approach to governance?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s approach to governance was characterized by a combination of innovation, centralization, and sometimes authoritarianism.

How is Muhammad bin Tughlaq remembered in history?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq is remembered as a complex figure whose reign was marked by both achievements and controversies, leaving a lasting impact on Indian history.

What were some of the major achievements of Muhammad bin Tughlaq?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s major achievements include his efforts to strengthen the administration, promote agriculture, and encourage trade and commerce.

How did Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s reign influence subsequent rulers?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq’s reign influenced subsequent rulers by serving as a cautionary tale about the dangers of ambitious and poorly implemented policies.

Who was the ruler known for his controversial policies and decisions in medieval India?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which ruler’s reign saw the introduction of token currency and shifting of the capital city?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which medieval Indian ruler faced challenges due to his ambitious but often impractical administrative reforms?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Who implemented policies that led to widespread discontent among his subjects?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which ruler’s reign is often cited as a period of administrative experimentation in Indian history?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Who attempted to centralize the administration but faced resistance from various quarters?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which ruler’s reign is characterized by both innovation and mismanagement?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Who succeeded Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq and ruled the Delhi Sultanate during the 14th century?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which Sultan of Delhi faced challenges such as rebellions and revolts during his rule?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Who implemented agrarian reforms that had significant economic consequences?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq


Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the third Sultan of which dynasty?

  • (A) The Delhi Sultanate
  • (B) The Mughal Empire
  • (C) The Khilji dynasty
  • (D) The Mamluk dynasty

Muhammad bin Tughlaq ruled from which years?

  • (A) 1325 to 1351
  • (B) 1351 to 1388
  • (C) 1388 to 1413
  • (D) 1413 to 1414

Who was the ruler known for his ambitious yet controversial policies?

  • A) Akbar
  • B) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
  • C) Ashoka
  • D) Chandragupta Maurya

During which historical period did this ruler belong?

  • A) Ancient Greece
  • B) Medieval India
  • C) Renaissance Europe
  • D) Industrial Revolution

What were some of the notable actions of this ruler during his reign?

  • A) Implementing administrative reforms
  • B) Introducing new currency
  • C) Experimenting with innovative policies
  • D) All of the above

Which region did this ruler govern?

  • A) Byzantine Empire
  • B) Delhi Sultanate
  • C) Ming Dynasty
  • D) Roman Empire

What were some challenges faced by this ruler during his rule?

  • A) Rebellions
  • B) Administrative issues
  • C) External invasions
  • D) All of the above

How did this ruler’s policies impact his subjects?

  • A) Beneficially
  • B) Negatively
  • C) Both A and B
  • D) None of the above

What was this ruler’s approach to governance?

  • A) Centralization
  • B) Decentralization
  • C) Autocracy
  • D) Democracy

How is this ruler remembered in history?

  • A) As a visionary leader
  • B) As a tyrant
  • C) Both A and B
  • D) None of the above

What were some major achievements of this ruler?

  • A) Strengthening administration
  • B) Promoting agriculture
  • C) Encouraging trade and commerce
  • D) All of the above

How did this ruler’s reign influence subsequent rulers?

  • A) By serving as a cautionary tale
  • B) By setting a positive example
  • C) By fostering stability
  • D) None of the above

Who was the ruler known for his ambitious administrative reforms during the medieval period in India?

  • a) Alauddin Khilji
  • b) Akbar the Great
  • c) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
  • d) Sher Shah Suri

Which Sultan of Delhi experimented with the introduction of token currency?

  • a) Iltutmish
  • b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
  • c) Sikandar Lodi
  • d) Ibrahim Lodi

Who faced widespread discontent due to the shifting of the capital city during his reign?

  • a) Balban
  • b) Ala-ud-din Khalji
  • c) Jalaluddin Khalji
  • d) Sikandar Lodi

Which ruler’s reign saw significant revolts and rebellions primarily due to his policies?

  • a) Babur
  • b) Humayun
  • c) Sher Shah Suri
  • d) Aurangzeb

Who implemented agrarian reforms that had long-lasting economic implications?

  • a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
  • b) Alauddin Khilji
  • c) Jahangir
  • d) Shah Jahan

Which Sultan is often remembered for his administrative experimentation, although it led to instability?

  • a) Mahmud of Ghazni
  • b) Qutbuddin Aibak
  • c) Sikandar Lodi
  • d) Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Whose reign witnessed the introduction of various administrative measures such as the measurement of land and taxation reforms?

  • a) Iltutmish
  • b) Balban
  • c) Sher Shah Suri
  • d) Babur

Who faced challenges in maintaining control over his vast empire due to administrative inefficiencies?

  • a) Akbar the Great
  • b) Aurangzeb
  • c) Shah Jahan
  • d) Muhammad Shah Rangeela

Who attempted to centralize the administration but faced resistance from regional powers?

  • a) Babur
  • b) Humayun
  • c) Sher Shah Suri
  • d) Akbar the Great

Whose rule saw significant expansion of the Delhi Sultanate’s territory but also witnessed financial strains due to administrative experiments?

  • a) Balban
  • b) Alauddin Khalji
  • c) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
  • d) Sikandar Lodi