Motion of Thanks

Motion of Thanks

A motion of thanks is a formal expression of gratitude to a person or group for their service or achievement. It is typically used in a parliamentary setting, such as a legislative body or a corporate board meeting.

The motion of thanks is usually proposed by a member of the body and seconded by another member. It is then debated by the members of the body, and a vote is taken. If the motion is passed, the person or group being thanked is typically given a standing ovation.

The motion of thanks is a way of showing appreciation for the work that someone has done. It can be used to thank a person for their service to the community, their contributions to a particular cause, or their achievements in a particular field.

The motion of thanks is a formal gesture, and it is important to follow the proper procedures when proposing and seconding the motion. The motion should be made in a clear and concise manner, and it should be specific about who is being thanked and for what.

The motion of thanks is a valuable tool for expressing gratitude and appreciation. It is a way of showing that we value the work that others do, and it can help to build relationships and foster a sense of community.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a motion of thanks?

A motion of thanks is a formal expression of gratitude to a person or group for their service or achievement. It is typically used in a parliamentary setting, such as a legislative body or a corporate board meeting.

  1. How is a motion of thanks proposed?

A motion of thanks is typically proposed by a member of the body and seconded by another member. It is then debated by the members of the body, and a vote is taken. If the motion is passed, the person or group being thanked is typically given a standing ovation.

  1. What is the purpose of a motion of thanks?

The motion of thanks is a way of showing appreciation for the work that someone has done. It can be used to thank a person for their service to the community, their contributions to a particular cause, or their achievements in a particular field.

  1. What are the benefits of a motion of thanks?

The motion of thanks is a formal gesture, and it is important to follow the proper procedures when proposing and seconding the motion. The motion should be made in a clear and concise manner, and it should be specific about who is being thanked and for what.

The motion of thanks is a valuable tool for expressing gratitude and appreciation. It is a way of showing that we value the work that others do, and it can help to build relationships and foster a sense of community.


  1. What is a motion of thanks?
    (A) A formal expression of gratitude to a person or group for their service or achievement.
    (B) A formal expression of disapproval to a person or group for their service or achievement.
    (C) A formal expression of neutrality to a person or group for their service or achievement.

  2. How is a motion of thanks proposed?
    (A) By a member of the body and seconded by another member.
    (B) By the presiding officer of the body.
    (C) By the majority of the members of the body.

  3. What is the purpose of a motion of thanks?
    (A) To show appreciation for the work that someone has done.
    (B) To express disapproval for the work that someone has done.
    (C) To remain neutral about the work that someone has done.

  4. What are the benefits of a motion of thanks?
    (A) It can help to build relationships and foster a sense of community.
    (B) It can help to resolve conflict and promote cooperation.
    (C) It can help to improve communication and understanding.
