Molecular Breeding And Marker Assisted Selection

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Molecular breeding and marker assisted selection

Molecular breeding

Molecular Breeding or Marker assisted breeding (MAB) is the process of using the results of DNA tests to assist in the selection of individuals to become the parents in the next generation of a genetic improvement program. The choice among various methods of MAB depends on the complexity of the trait and a prior knowledge on the gene (s) or segments of Chromosomes (known as quantitative trait loci (QTL). Molecular markers facilitate conventional breeding, improve selection efficiency, reduce cost for developing new varieties, and/or quality control (ensuring line purity and genetic identity).

Aspects of Molecular Breeding

Marker assisted breeding

Genotyping and creating molecular maps- genomics The commonly used markers include Simple sequence repeats (or microsatellites), single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP). The process of identification of plant genotypes is known as genotyping. Development of SNPs has revolutionized the molecular breeding process as it helps to create dense markers. Another area that is developing is genotyping by sequencing.

Phenotyping – phenomics

To identify genes associated with traits, it is important to measure the trait value – known as phenotype. “omics” for measurement of phenotypes is called phenomics. The phenotype can be indicative of the measurement of the trait itself or an indirectly related or correlated trait.

QTL mapping or association mapping

Genes (Quantitative trait loci (abbreviated as QTL) or quantitative trait genes or minor genes or major genes) involved in controlling trait of interest is identified. The process is known as mapping. Mapping of such genes can be done using molecular markers. QTL mapping can involve single large family, unrelated individuals or multiple families (see: Family based QTL mapping). The basic idea is to identify genes or markers associated with genes that correlate to a phenotypic measurement and that can be used in marker assisted breeding / selection.

Marker assisted selection or genetic selection

Once genes or markers are identified, they can be used for genotyping and selection decisions can be made.

Marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC)

Backcross is crossing F1 with its parents to transfer a limited number of loci (e.g. transgene, disease resistance loci, etc.) from one genetic background to another. Usually the recipient of such genes is good adapted cultivars otherwise except the gene that is to be transferred. So we want to keep genetic background of the recipient genotypes, which is done by 4-6 rounds of repeated backcrosses while selecting for the gene of interest. We can use markers from the whole genome to recover the genome quickly in 2-3 rounds of backcrossing might be good enough in such situation.

Marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS)

MARS include identification and selection of several genomic regions (up to 20 or even more) for complex traits within a single Population.

 Genomic selection

Genomic selection is novel approach to traditional marker-assisted selection where selection are made based on few markers.[5] Rather than seeking to identify individual loci significantly associated with a trait, genomics uses all marker data as predictors of performance and consequently delivers more accurate predictions. Selection can be based on genomic selection predictions, potentially leading to more rapid and lower cost gains from breeding. Genomic prediction combines marker data with phenotypic and pedigree data (when available) in an attempt to increase the accuracy of the prediction of breeding and genotypic values.


Marker-assisted selection

Marker assisted selection or marker aided selection (MAS) is an indirect selection process where a trait of interest is selected based on a marker (morphological, biochemical or DNA/RNA variation) linked to a trait of interest (e.g. productivity, disease resistance, abiotic Stress Tolerance, and quality), rather than on the trait itself.This process has been extensively researched and proposed for plant and animal breeding, nevertheless, as of 2013 “breeding programs based on DNA markers for improving quantitative traits in Plants are rare”.

For example, using MAS to select individuals with disease resistance involves identifying a marker allele that is linked with disease resistance rather than the level of disease resistance. The assumption is that the marker associates at high frequency with the gene or quantitative trait locus (QTL) of interest, due to genetic linkage (close proximity, on the chromosome, of the marker locus and the disease resistance-determining locus). MAS can be useful to select for traits that are difficult or expensive to measure, exhibit low heritability and/or are expressed late in development. At certain points in the breeding process the specimens are examined to ensure that they express the desired trait.

Positive and negative selectable markers

The following terms are generally less relevant to discussions of MAS in plant and animal breeding, but are highly relevant in molecular biology research:  

Positive selectable markers are selectable markers that confer selective advantage to the host organism. An example would be antibiotic resistance, which allows the host organism to survive antibiotic selection.

Negative selectable markers are selectable markers that eliminate or inhibit Growth of the host organism upon selection. An example would be thymidine kinase, which makes the host sensitive to ganciclovir selection.


Gene vs marker

The gene of interest directly causes production of protein(s) or RNA that produce a desired trait or phenotype, whereas markers (a DNA sequence or the morphological or biochemical markers produced due to that DNA) are genetically linked to the gene of interest. The gene of interest and the marker tend to move together during segregation of gametes due to their proximity on the same chromosome and concomitant reduction in recombination (chromosome crossover events) between the marker and gene of interest. For some traits, the gene of interest has been discovered and the presence of desirable alleles can be directly assayed with a high level of confidence. However, if the gene of interest is not known, markers linked to the gene of interest can still be used to select for individuals with desirable alleles of the gene of interest. When markers are used there may be some inaccurate results due to inaccurate tests for the marker. There also can be false positive results when markers are used, due to recombination between the marker of interest and gene (or QTL). A perfect marker would elicit no false positive results. The term ‘perfect marker’ is sometimes used when tests are performed to detect a SNP or other DNA polymorphism in the gene of interest, if that SNP or other polymorphism is the direct cause of the trait of interest. The term ‘marker’ is still appropriate to use when directly assaying the gene of interest, because the test of genotype is an indirect test of the trait or phenotype of interest.

Selection for major genes linked to markers

‘Major genes’ that are responsible for economically important characteristics are frequent in the plant kingdom. Such characteristics include disease resistance, male sterility,[9] self-incompatibility, and others related to shape, color, and architecture of whole plants and are often of mono- or oligogenic in nature. The marker loci that are tightly linked to major genes can be used for selection and are sometimes more efficient than direct selection for the target gene. Such advantages in efficiency may be due for example, to higher expression of the marker mRNA in such cases that the marker is itself a gene. Alternatively, in such cases that the target gene of interest differs between two alleles by a difficult-to-detect single nucleotide polymorphism, an external marker (be it another gene or a polymorphism that is easier to detect, such as a short tandem repeat) may present as the most realistic option.


Molecular breeding is a plant breeding technique that uses molecular markers to identify and select for desirable traits. Molecular markers are DNA sequences that are associated with a particular trait. They can be used to track the inheritance of traits through generations of plants, and to identify plants that are homozygous for a desirable trait. This information can then be used to select the best plants for breeding, which can lead to the development of new varieties of crops with improved traits.

Molecular breeding has several advantages over traditional plant breeding methods. First, it is much faster. Traditional plant breeding can take many years to develop a new variety of crop, while molecular breeding can often be done in a fraction of the time. Second, molecular breeding is more precise. Traditional plant breeding can only select for traits that are visible to the eye, while molecular breeding can select for traits that are not visible, such as resistance to disease. Third, molecular breeding is more efficient. Traditional plant breeding requires a large number of plants to be grown and evaluated, while molecular breeding can be done with a much smaller number of plants.

Molecular breeding has been used to develop new varieties of crops with improved traits, such as resistance to disease, tolerance to drought, and increased yield. These new varieties of crops have the potential to improve Food Security and reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

However, molecular breeding also raises some concerns. One concern is that it could be used to create crops that are not safe to eat. Another concern is that it could be used to create crops that are resistant to herbicides, which could lead to the overuse of herbicides and the development of herbicide-resistant Weeds.

Despite these concerns, molecular breeding is a powerful tool that has the potential to improve agriculture. It is important to use this tool responsibly and to ensure that the benefits of molecular breeding outweigh the risks.

Here are some additional details on the subtopics listed above:

  • Molecular markers: Molecular markers are DNA sequences that are associated with a particular trait. They can be used to track the inheritance of traits through generations of plants, and to identify plants that are homozygous for a desirable trait.
  • Genetic linkage maps: Genetic linkage maps are maps that show the location of genes on chromosomes. They are used to track the inheritance of traits and to identify genes that are associated with particular traits.
  • Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping: QTL mapping is a technique that is used to identify genes that are associated with quantitative traits. Quantitative traits are traits that vary continuously, such as height or weight.
  • Marker-assisted selection (MAS): MAS is a technique that is used to select for desirable traits using molecular markers. MAS is much faster and more precise than traditional plant breeding methods.
  • Genome-wide association studies (GWAS): GWAS are studies that are used to identify genes that are associated with complex diseases. Complex diseases are diseases that are caused by the interaction of multiple genes.
  • Transcriptomics: Transcriptomics is the study of RNA transcripts. RNA transcripts are the intermediate products that are produced when DNA is transcribed into RNA.
  • Proteomics: Proteomics is the study of proteins. Proteins are the Molecules that carry out the functions of cells.
  • Metabolomics: Metabolomics is the study of metabolites. Metabolites are the small molecules that are produced by cells.
  • Bioinformatics: Bioinformatics is the field of science that deals with the collection, storage, analysis, and dissemination of biological data.
  • Systems biology: Systems biology is the field of science that deals with the study of biological systems as a whole. Systems biology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on concepts from mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science.
  • Precision breeding: Precision breeding is a plant breeding technique that uses molecular markers to identify and select for desirable traits. Precision breeding is much faster and more precise than traditional plant breeding methods.
  • Gene editing: Gene editing is a technique that is used to modify the DNA of an organism. Gene editing can be used to introduce new genes into an organism, to delete genes from an organism, or to modify the sequence of a gene.
  • Gene drive: Gene drive is a technique that is used to spread a gene through a population of organisms. Gene drive is much more efficient than traditional methods of gene transfer.
  • Synthetic biology: Synthetic biology is the field of science that deals with the design and construction of new biological systems. Synthetic biology is an interdisciplinary field that draws on concepts from engineering, computer science, and biology.
  • Biosafety: Biosafety is the field of science that deals with the safe handling and use of biological materials. Biosafety is important to prevent the accidental release of harmful biological materials.
  • Ethics: Ethics is the field of philosophy that deals with the study of morality. Ethics is important to ensure that the use of molecular breeding is ethical.

What is molecular breeding?

Molecular breeding is a type of plant breeding that uses molecular markers to identify and select for desirable traits. Molecular markers are pieces of DNA that are associated with a particular trait. By identifying and selecting for plants that have the desired molecular markers, breeders can select for the trait itself.

What are the advantages of molecular breeding?

Molecular breeding has several advantages over traditional plant breeding. First, it is much faster. Traditional plant breeding can take many years to develop a new variety, while molecular breeding can take only a few years. Second, molecular breeding is more precise. Traditional plant breeding can only select for traits that are visible, while molecular breeding can select for traits that are not visible, such as resistance to disease. Third, molecular breeding is more efficient. Traditional plant breeding requires a large number of plants to be grown and evaluated, while molecular breeding can be done with a much smaller number of plants.

What are the disadvantages of molecular breeding?

Molecular breeding also has some disadvantages. First, it can be expensive. The cost of developing and using molecular markers can be high. Second, molecular breeding can be technically complex. It requires a good understanding of genetics and molecular biology. Third, molecular breeding can be controversial. Some people are concerned about the use of Genetic engineering in food production.

What is marker assisted selection?

Marker assisted selection (MAS) is a technique used in plant breeding to select for desirable traits. MAS is based on the use of molecular markers, which are pieces of DNA that are associated with a particular trait. By identifying and selecting for plants that have the desired molecular markers, breeders can select for the trait itself.

What are the advantages of MAS?

MAS has several advantages over traditional plant breeding. First, it is much faster. Traditional plant breeding can take many years to develop a new variety, while MAS can take only a few years. Second, MAS is more precise. Traditional plant breeding can only select for traits that are visible, while MAS can select for traits that are not visible, such as resistance to disease. Third, MAS is more efficient. Traditional plant breeding requires a large number of plants to be grown and evaluated, while MAS can be done with a much smaller number of plants.

What are the disadvantages of MAS?

MAS also has some disadvantages. First, it can be expensive. The cost of developing and using molecular markers can be high. Second, MAS can be technically complex. It requires a good understanding of genetics and molecular biology. Third, MAS can be controversial. Some people are concerned about the use of genetic engineering in food production.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of molecular breeding?
    (A) Marker-assisted selection
    (B) Gene editing
    (C) Transgenic breeding
    (D) Mutation breeding

  2. Which of the following is not a marker used in marker-assisted selection?
    (A) RFLP
    (B) AFLP
    (C) SSR
    (D) SNP

  3. Which of the following is not a gene editing technique?
    (A) CRISPR/Cas9
    (B) TALEN
    (C) ZFN
    (D) Gene gun

  4. Which of the following is not a transgenic crop?
    (A) Bt corn
    (B) Roundup Ready soybeans
    (C) Golden rice
    (D) Flavr Savr tomatoes

  5. Which of the following is not a mutation breeding technique?
    (A) Induced mutagenesis
    (B) EMS mutagenesis
    (C) X-ray mutagenesis
    (D) Gamma ray mutagenesis

  6. Which of the following is not a benefit of molecular breeding?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved crop quality
    (C) Increased resistance to pests and diseases
    (D) Reduced reliance on pesticides

  7. Which of the following is not a risk of molecular breeding?
    (A) The development of new pests and diseases
    (B) The transfer of genes to non-target organisms
    (C) The creation of new allergens
    (D) The loss of Genetic diversity

  8. Which of the following is not a benefit of gene editing?
    (A) The precise modification of genes
    (B) The ability to introduce new genes into organisms
    (C) The ability to correct genetic defects
    (D) The ability to create new varieties of organisms

  9. Which of the following is not a risk of gene editing?
    (A) The creation of new pests and diseases
    (B) The transfer of genes to non-target organisms
    (C) The creation of new allergens
    (D) The loss of genetic diversity

  10. Which of the following is not a benefit of transgenic crops?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved crop quality
    (C) Increased resistance to pests and diseases
    (D) Reduced reliance on pesticides

  11. Which of the following is not a risk of transgenic crops?
    (A) The development of new pests and diseases
    (B) The transfer of genes to non-target organisms
    (C) The creation of new allergens
    (D) The loss of genetic diversity

  12. Which of the following is not a benefit of mutation breeding?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved crop quality
    (C) Increased resistance to pests and diseases
    (D) Reduced reliance on pesticides

  13. Which of the following is not a risk of mutation breeding?
    (A) The development of new pests and diseases
    (B) The transfer of genes to non-target organisms
    (C) The creation of new allergens
    (D) The loss of genetic diversity

  14. Which of the following is not a type of molecular marker?
    (A) RFLP
    (B) AFLP
    (C) SSR
    (D) SNP

  15. Which of the following is not a type of gene editing technique?
    (A) CRISPR/Cas9
    (B) TALEN
    (C) ZFN
    (D) Gene gun

  16. Which of the following is not a type of transgenic crop?
    (A) Bt corn
    (B) Roundup Ready soybeans
    (C) Golden rice
    (D) Flavr Savr tomatoes

  17. Which of the following is not a type of mutation breeding technique?
    (A) Induced mutagenesis
    (B) EMS mutagenesis
    (C) X-ray mutagenesis
    (D) Gamma ray mutagenesis

  18. Which of the following is not a benefit of molecular breeding?
    (A) Increased crop yields
    (B) Improved crop quality
    (C) Increased resistance to pests and diseases
    (D) Reduced reliance on pesticides

  19. Which of the following is not a risk of molecular breeding?
    (A) The development of new pests and diseases
    (B) The transfer of genes to non-target organisms
    (C) The creation of new allergens
    (D) The loss of genetic diversity

  20. Which of the following is not a benefit of gene editing?
    (A) The precise modification of genes
    (B) The ability to introduce new genes into organisms
    (C) The ability to correct genetic defects
    (D) The ability to create new varieties of organisms

  21. Which of the following is not a risk of gene editing?
    (A) The creation of new pests and diseases