Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti: Bolstering India’s Intellectual Property Regime in Defense

Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti (MRGS), launched in 2018, is a dedicated initiative of the Ministry of Defence that aims to strengthen India’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) culture within the defense sector. The mission recognizes the value of innovation and seeks to nurture an ecosystem that encourages and protects the IP generated by India’s defense establishments, industries, and academia.

Objectives of MRGS

  • Boosting Innovation: Create a climate that encourages research and development efforts by ensuring IP protection and fair rewards for innovators.
  • Promoting Self-Reliance: Reduce dependence on foreign technology imports by incentivizing the development of indigenous defense IP.
  • Technology Transfer: Facilitate smooth transfer of defense technologies developed within India to the industry for production and commercialization.
  • IP Awareness: Spread awareness about IPR throughout the defense research and manufacturing ecosystem.

Key Actions Under MRGS

  • IPR Cell: Establishment of a dedicated IPR cell within the Ministry of Defence to provide support, guidance, and facilitate IP filings.
  • IPR Training and Capacity Building: Training programs for scientists, researchers, and industry partners to strengthen their understanding of IPR.
  • Simplified Patent Filing: Streamlined processes within Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) and other defense organizations to fast-track patent applications.
  • Framework for IP Management: Creation of a comprehensive framework and policy for handling intellectual property within the defense sector.

Impact of MRGS

  • Increase in Patent Filings: The mission has spurred a significant rise in patent filings by defense public sector units (DPSUs), DRDO, and private industries.
  • Focus on Indigenous Technology: Encourages researchers and industries to develop proprietary technologies with the assurance of IP protection.

Success Stories under MRGS

  • Patented Technologies: MRGS has facilitated the successful patenting of diverse defense innovations, including materials, weapons systems, and software solutions.
  • Collaboration and Commercialization: The mission has aided in forging partnerships between research bodies and industry for the transfer of IP-protected technologies.


  • Who benefits from MRGS? DRDO, DPSUs, defense industries, and academic institutions engaged in defense-related R&D.
  • What kinds of intellectual property are covered? The mission covers patents, trademarks, designs, and other forms of IPR relevant to the defense sector.


The primary purpose of Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti is to:

A. Distribute free agricultural inputs

B. Eradicate rural poverty

C. Strengthen IPR in the Indian defense sector

D. Construct modern infrastructure

Which of these is NOT a direct focus area of MRGS?

A. Awareness about IPR

B. Patent filing support

C. Free healthcare for defense personnel

D. Technology transfer

Answer Key: 1-C, 2-C


Mission Raksha Gyan Shakti plays a crucial role in propelling India’s goal of defense indigenization. By fostering a culture of IP respect and streamlining IP processes, MRGS creates an environment where innovation can thrive. The mission’s success depends on sustained awareness efforts, continuous improvement in IP infrastructure, and a robust framework for rewarding innovators. MRGS has the potential to transform the Indian defense landscape by securing the intellectual capital behind India’s cutting-edge defense technologies.