Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North East Region (MOVCD-NER): Nurturing the Organic Paradise

The Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North East Region (MOVCD-NER) is a central government initiative under the National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). This comprehensive scheme aims to harness the immense potential of the North-eastern states for organic farming, transforming the region into an organic hub and empowering its farmers.

Why the Focus on North East India?

  • Traditional Practices: Many North-eastern communities traditionally use low-chemical or organic farming methods, providing a solid foundation for expansion.
  • Agro-climatic Advantage: Diverse agro-climatic zones of the region are ideal for cultivating a wide range of organic crops.
  • Untapped Potential: Despite being inherently organic, the region lacks infrastructure and market support for large-scale production and certification.

Key Components of MOVCD-NER

  • Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs): Creation and strengthening of FPOs for collective production, processing, and marketing.
  • Organic Clusters: Development of large contiguous organic production clusters in a focused manner.
  • Capacity Building: Training farmers in organic practices, certification, and post-harvest handling.
  • Processing and Certification: Support for processing units, testing labs, and certification, ensuring quality standards.
  • Market Development: Promoting value-added organic products, establishing market linkages, and branding of North East organic produce.

Success Stories under MOVCD-NER

  • Sikkim’s Organic Success: The state of Sikkim transitioned to a fully organic state, showcasing the potential of organic transformation.
  • Ginger from Meghalaya: Farmers in Meghalaya are producing high-quality organic ginger with high export demand.


  • Who is eligible for the scheme’s benefits? Farmers, FPOs, and entrepreneurs in the North East who are involved in the organic value chain.
  • How to access MOVCD-NER support? Interested beneficiaries can contact State Horticulture Missions or agriculture departments in their respective states.


The primary purpose of MOVCD-NER is to promote:

A. Wildlife conservation

B. Organic farming in the North East

C. Modern agricultural machinery

D. Textile production

Which of these is NOT a component of MOVCD-NER?

A. Farmer training

B. Organic input subsidies

C. Support for certification

D. Value addition and market linkage